No Meaning

walking through the path onto a generously sized village with a little more than basic. Standing there nobody knew who stull alone my presence attracted glares. Scoffing people and their scorning opinions walking in. Not much difference between me and a stray dog. Find any reason for hating an outsider.

Eventually following the path led me to a Tavern prior to even getting within arms length. A girl steps in my path. Shorter than me, not very imposing this girl was pretty but not alluring to me in the slightest. She was well figured, developed in more appealing areas. faded red hair a tad brownish and scar on her lip and between the nicely placed hair part was very spoiled looking face pointing at me.

'You must be that fucking phantom boy!, Explain your relation to Arthur.' Angrily shouting

'I know of Arthur but what would a Deadman do you good?'

throwing her hands down and throwing a small fit puffing up her cheeks.

'what do you mean dead? and you've still to answer my question boy!'

Taking a heavily agressive stance very much ready to fight.


An unexplained slap in the moment I realized this girl was faster than me and wanting to fight. Taking a leaping step back getting into my guard looking at her center. Taking on a pose meant for kicks holding her hands closer to her face with an angry expression.

'Some fancy kicks you may have, yet still don't have that noble attitude only the whining part down.'

I say smirking lightly.

'funny, yet to see a damned thing but in spite of that very confident asshole.' she remarks

Pushing off my back leg for a jab. lifting her leg up for a kick to stop me. In a flash of comes and stop me. here at the palm of another girl. This time dirty blonde, green eyes and freckles a more abundant deal than her fiery comrade.

"I'm Pax,  here is Frieda"

Pax explains calmly with a tranquility about her certain and caring.

"My friend here Frieda is really hung up about her 'father', That beast handled that lady with no more appreciation than live stock!".

Pax said firmly explaining to me.

"Well good thing he's dead now, do you understand Frieda?"

"Yes, boy my fault I was ready to attack you"

I rebuttal. Pax smiling and Frieda calming then.

"well pax let's find the leader of Orchard's Town and stop him if that ghost boy killed Arthur!"

"yeah let's do that, and no need to be so rude with everyone you suspect."

letting me pass to my destination of the bar and walking off most likely home as the sun glimmers in the west starting to drop and the stars rising.

Entering a dimly lit and rougher environment very messy and disgusting.

As the denizen's cheer on boxing matches and men drink till they fall. Me on my way to sit down towards a unique figure with a sword on his back and a sent that firmly gives off the smell of iron with clothes that state "I'm a hunter".  Only then I realized people were piercing his armor with their visual scorn for the man.

then 'Oh, it's nice to meet you sir.'

looking at him in more detail a brown haired man with a horizontal scar going across his eye's still though no grazing his eye balls. with short tied up hair in a pony tail. pale skin slightly tanned.

he puts his hand out to shake, I shake his hand and say.

"ditto sir, rare to see a hunter in small towns".

The only response I could muster to such an intimidating figure.

'Well yes it's very rare aswell you're 'Awakened', I'll give you an offer to follow my 'The path'." how about it?'

we let go mutually and continue.

he says smiling genuinely, closing his eyes safely vulnerable not out of superiority, but a familiar sense of understanding. Thought however confusing his words are they didn't matter this is what I'm meant for surely.

Attempting to ask this man but a whimper came out.

'yh.. yes sir!'

intern his response was

'oh, seems like you're indecisive. looks out of character but I'll be here tomorrow finish up any lose ends.'

I stand and nod my head, as he nods back and I turn to leave I suddenly realize the dread that I now have no purpose and nowhere to go. Do I choose this "path"? what is an "awakened" and utmost importantly what do I do now I've got no meaning that I've slayed Arthur.