
After a day of slaughter with a hint of sight into his possible futures. Æspoir walking into the dark approaching a bright Inn entering. Night stars shine whilst clouds of dusk obstructing the moon subsiding. Fully visable shining on Orchard's in likeness to the Sun.

'So wasn't that quite the day of planning wasn't it?'

Pax smiling along washing away the filth that has accumulated though the day. Frieda's look of her mundane face of washing herself unenthusiastically. Slumps further 'I need to slaughter that pig for what he did to my mother' immensely frustrated. Her atmosphere was clouded by pure blood seeking rage and her body language closed off while slowly washing herself. Out for nothing but to see Strangaz's blood.

'Now out of all times after seasons of planning I find out I have a brother and he kills Arthur before I get the Chance.' A tear slides down her face as her face tenses up from a lack of control. Shaking of desperation, arms grabbing each other her cloth squeezing the water out of it.

Swiftly a graceful hug embrace to the side coming from none other than pax.

'I understand Frieda, and I am here to help.'

coming back up from the neck up becoming more lucid in her surroundings.

'y-yes, I-I've lost my composure then I'm grateful to have you as a friend. What he did to your mother he deserves not equal to what he's done but far worst in comparison.'

After easing up and having an unclouded view emotionally. reciprocating pax's embrace she slowly for a brief moment. Slowly letting go saying.

'ugh, we haven't gotten around to whom can take over for Strangaz. Politics is an issue but we're currently the only direct individuals able to fulfill his throne being usurpers by default. Seconds are the noble families. Even then no of being omniscient to know whom is with us, against or too corrupt to care.

pax grabbing her bucket of water to douse herself in water taking off soap.

'Now that you mention it politics we'd have to be dutchess of the kingdom of Nouveau Franks. That being a great stress alone one would have to handle not only the state but church concerning it.'

preparing her bucket of water and ready to ditto.

'Well at the same time we wouldn't have to worry surrounding counties of the content will take power and use it as a strong resource.'

frieda grasping her chin and thinking while looking at pax. 'That leads to us being perceived as more valuable people and steering orchards town's new ruler correct?'

wrapping up into a towel and ready to leave.

'I suppose though at the other edge we could be seen as direct threats by other Kingdom's.'

'Well shit you've fuckin' got me there well it still has to be done. That's more than enough responsibility for the two of us. Even bringing up Nouveau Franks has been doing well he still has to pay for what he's done even if the rest have to suffer while holding us hypocritical title as the "saint".'

'Hell yeah, we've still got this down frieda. Now that you mention that morality is the least of our concerns when facing a Man Slayer turned king.'

pax says gracefully and abruptly while waiting for Frieda to put on her towel.

'Now that our plannings are done Pax why are your Tits so big we eat the same and train the same how come mines are so much more smaller?'

inquiring whilst grabbing at her left breast utilizing her right hand immediately letting go after the first squeeze.

'well one we're of different parents , two I'm older then you by years I'd say now that's pretty fair explanation right?'

They both share a laugh and prepare for bed in the morning.

The sun rising as the moon falls to the west the east shines bright. Horns are fucking annoying and blaring. Finally all saints day has come or in the more native tongue of the people Toussiant. It's About time to put everything into action Pax is ready and dressed and I'm perfectly prepped and ready.

(Authors note): I the creator am aware it's been a month no excuses from me every Sunday I will have an Update by 12 PM EST in the afternoon. I'm also here to thank you for all of my views and consistent views work on the next few chapters will be superb I guarantee with my should and this Volume will end within 2 Chapters so get ready for it actually to begin.