Nouveau Castle

Opening my eyes from complete black, dawning upon my eyes the glaring sun from my window.

'Damn, this is why I sleep in.'

Sitting up from my bed, pulling down the covers from the shoulder to my waist. Barley cracking my eyes open to see the same wooden house and straw roof.

'Looks as though you've woken~'

'Ready for the-'

Horns blaring as we both move to look outside. Pax dressed well in her black robes for the choosing ceremony. To become a nun under the Strangaz's Castle.

As a pair walking out her first and me second. Then in shiny armor dismounting and walking forward.

'Today is the half a decade ceremony to aquire a nun from ever town outside of the capital. Now! we shall review every villian and see if they are worthy.'

He continues as every woman in black robes of this humble village steps out of their house to get a chance.

next is up with his helmet off while his assistant holds it.

Fully pronouncing his R's and soft vowels. in a shiny siler esc metallic armor. Blonde hair, blue eyes, prominent cheek bones finally to his perfectly sculpted jawline from god.

observing and breaking down pax before he even gets there. Pax standing right here dirty blonde, freckles and plant like green eyes. chin up in her black robe looking very strong, unbreakable damn.

'Yes, without a doubt her appearance is perfection. very clean confident, though that is only half of the question is she pure?'

looks down on pay skeptical.

Clearing her throat strongly, and looking up with fortitude against his gaze.

'I've never dated a man, for my body, mind lastly spirit is a instrument for God.'

Relaxing his skeptical face, easing his position to not hover.

'Well then She is the best from here. Make sure to pay her parents the standard 100 silver coins.'

One of the three Knights goes into the purse put on their saddle, marching into the house and handing them 100 silver coins. More than a year's worth a black smith makes.

'Our ceremony is finished. Head to the castle.'

Pax waving to everyone as they show their effection and she is treated like a princess.

Going back into the house I gear up, saddle up the old ass horse. While my guardians gloat about their 100 silver.

After a long travel the sun nearly coming to the middle of the sky reaching the peak for the afternoon. Drinking from my canteen and hoping back in my horse following the long and winding path. Until I come across groups of mountains by lush green and the smell of sweet grapes, as peasants if their estate pick the grapes.

Even further ahead I come up the hill I was previously behind and to my right a giant lake, a crystal clear lake to the left reflecting the beauty that is Nouveau Franks. A beautifully colorful pile of houses with orange and red roof tops. With it ascending and having a lower area well structurally built so it can utilize space more efficiently being built stop a hill. Ascending to the heavens, noble homes, the church, court and most importantly Strangaz's Castle. to the right of the lake though a little more farther a massive mountain towering the castle completely dwarfing it in height. Beyond that flora beyond my eyes and water in the air making it a blue tint.

'Damn looks beautiful for my first time '

An old voice and kind one at that.

'Yes it always is young lady.'

While this old peasant belonging to an estate while her grapes for the day were picked in her bag.

'Be on your marry way, you only live once and make a team before you never get the chance again.'

As I get my horse going he dashes and I can barley let out a question.

'Wh- What do you mean fuckin' hag?!'

The ground shaking up and my house losing balance falling and moving to not take any ground burns from the steep slope as my horse slowly dies and grinds into the ground.

'To enter is a minimum of 5 silver, since you're horse has died I will say 2 silver lady.!

As he puts his lance on the ground aggressively, then I go to search the saddle but the purse was on the other side.

'I'm sorry I can't pay currently maybe later?'

'No! the only way is though money young lady.'

Thinking as I should kill him, I see the phantom I'm black robes and he walks to the gate. Pushing it open quickly taking these guards by surprise and giving them silver.

'Here the roll for her to enter.'

'Thank you.'

After I enter and they stop him from entering.

'That's not fair damn it let him through!'

In a deep tone he threatens

'Missy I heard this was the big causing trouble around Orchard's town. You're aware not even a peasant can't even kill a fallen knight right punk!'

'What exactly is the point of that law? For it's only purpose is to bring a false sense of heroism while leaving an excuses for the people to be oppressed.'

'You smart mouthed bastard!'

'Vete Faire Foutre'

As the guard on the right thrust his spear at the boy. He become a blur and the steel plates armor has an audible bend on the best plate. Near the heart area stopping him falling forward . After he gracefully dodges and bends the halberd. Yanking it then tossing it like paper after he dashes and slams the knights head on the ground instantly knocking him out.

'We must flee!'

As he grabs my hand while running as fast as we can from the scene people gather and he runs to the church to get answers.

'So, well how the hell are you so fast and capable?'

'I could say the same for when we first met.'

We both exlaim after the harsh running we had to endure.

'Well I need robes from this church to sneak in for my assassination plan versus Strangaz, you should back me up.'

'So you assume I'm also killing Strangaz? fine that's sense able enough.'

Opening the giant double doors of the white Church completely clean and wooden floor with seating.

Nobody's was inside, besides the vampires of a priest. He was wearing evident white robes and wrinkly skin, smelled putrid like a corpse, long nails, Greg hair long as nearly his back, long old teeth with no gums.

Everything there besides the discolored flesh .

I nearly threw up while taking a few steps in.

'Oh are you here for the ceremony?'

'Y-ye-yes, I'm a little late this is my - friend here to help from my town.'

Rushing down the alley making a power line towards the elderly priest. Grabbing his elbow and breaking it with a wrestling move. He surprisingly nothing left his voice.

'I'm well aware you work for Strangaz.'

'Clearly not like he's gods will incarnate on earth why would I as the Priest-'

He goes to break his wrist and the rest of his fingers at it. For after that response his aura got thicker and more violent even creating a pressure that made it harder to move, breathe and even think, next he picks the man up with one arm.

'Enough wasting words and time, where is he?'

The old man doesn't respond in words but laughing maniacally and moving his body akin to how a child shakes a rag doll. Phantom throws the man in the ground and stomps on him.

As he does my spell of paralysis releases, and I move to him reduced mentally by his 'immense presence'.

'I'll get my robes, you and me will get pax my friend.'

As he looks up and turns around uncovering from his robes his weaponry.

'Well then before we go what is your personal arms?'

He shows a bloody rapier like sword and a bomb.

I tell him my arsenal while walking to the nuns dorms.

While walking back the old mans body was nowhere to be found. Walking outside as we go stead fast towards the castle he stops right before we see the castle gates and tells me a few things.

'Frieda, to the side for a moment. I'm out to take out Strangaz, nothing more or less your friend is the cherry on top.'

I look upon him with disdainful eyes glaring at him with disgust.

'Hmph, I encourage you carry this on you'

He pulls a vile of a minty around with a more weird pinkish mush.

'Disgusting, what would I ever do with this?'

I give a response to his mysterious vile of a substance.

'It's a Regenerative elixir only used by those with a knowledge of alchemy.'

'How come you haven't told me this before?, an exactly who gave you a ride?.'

Moving on he walks directly out from this alley between houses. Onward to the main castle.

While they walk the ground quakes under them as if something is shaking the land.


Before he could utter a word we started our plan.

We slaughtered then. I threw my throwing knives under my dress on my upper though directly between the gaps of their armor. While Phantom dodged like he was never there and hit like nothing from this world.

'A Short while ago...'

I was through everything out of the forest as I could clearly see through this egg like chariot, with purple padding and structured of gold with a wooden interior.

looking up at the front , off the window from the side.

I ask

'How far is it sir?'

He looks back and transforms his angry and roughed face into a smile.

'We's only a second away.'

'g-good. Yes'

After a second, my egg is opened and the curtains are brought aside to unveil the light of the day and how it was so bold against the white paint. Adjusting for some time I was able to see other maidens such as myself in black for the Nun ceremony.

Unlike me they weren't out to kill Strangaz.

After a while we've been told and instructed by the very old and wrinkly Bishop, nearly a corpse wearing all white . With a grand golden staff taller than his hunched back, used for walking?

with a crystal in the middle that looked mystical and almost moving within itself.

A girl steps out and talks pointing her finger at this elderly zombie.

'What is next?, let us through '

The old man's rebuttal

'Fine then, let's go inside the holy ones castle.'

Pointing his staff towards the grand entrance and door needing the assistance of ten knights for these doors to open.

The astonishing building on the inside that would pierce the sky, it's sharp shielding holding on top a shining chandelier. Golden, silver and lighted by wax with a balcony surrounding it.

Straight ahead as we enter the "King" Strangaz. In gold armor, pelts of animals, dark long and thick hair , tanned with muscles from an Animal.

With a grin more sinister than I've ever laid eyes on.

'Ah, so you've finally brought me the girls. let's get directly to the ceremony.'

Being herded into a hallway leading to a fork, surrounded by guardsmen of the castle intimidating built men, scarred , roughed. Leading us Strangaz on the same plane as his right hand the zombie bishop.

Eventually we come towards that fork, Strangaz stops turns around with the walking corpse. Sticking to his right hand. The most odd thing was the hard scent of blood.

'Now you lovely maidens will choose, after my men open these doors.'

From his right and left two men split to unveil the room to his right women violated, pregnant and in ped sickly sounding awful in various states of undress.

The second door to his left, tubs of blood, women hung up like meat, killed, hung, mutilated and every stone on the wall blackened from blood. Vomit, waste not nearly as comparable measured to blood.

My fellow women, yelling screaming, some wanting to run away pushed back to the ground violently.

In the mits of this chaos I pull my blade, and rush him.

'hah' A dead response coming from his mouth.

He allows himself to be stabbed with his left hand completely. Grabbing his knife as his blood gushes out ripping it out of my hand as he moves his and takes his right hand, Slicing his neck and gouging his eyes.

Spiting his actions he was unharmed yet blood was clearly around his body.

'You can't kill me, I'm what every king strives for Immortal.'

Grabbing me by one hand and dragging me into his demented dungeon, throwing me in and locking me up.

As he kills the rest of them while Strangaz and 5 other men come to violate me. His Bishop watching in the background a corpse contorted to smile.

Climbing the stairs Pax and Æspoir, gaze at this sky piercing palace. At the grand doors to Strangaz's throne.

'So how do you figure we get this open?'

With a smug face she smiles.

'There is no "we" under this context only me girl.'

Rushing in a step to deliver a straight on kick busting open the door.

'The king himself Strangaz, and that old bishop you beat to a pulp, wait and is that!'

That blonde haired recruiter, with blue eyes and the silver shining armor different from the usual iron.

'Wow! it usually takes 10 of our knights or yourself my good King.'

As the Vampire himself walks with his boasting staff, an odd feeling it gives an odd aura just like when Siegfrurd gave me a ride in town.

'That gem stone, Frieda! he's using a form of magic to focus into his staff, stay on balance and keep eyes on him.'

'Yes, phantom.'

While the giant himself Strangaz, rises from his throne grabbing what looks like sword. No more like a thick sheet of metal built for a giant to slay nothing less than giants, almost phallic in nature.

'Like my sword? call 'em Prick, I always kill on the first insertion.'

As he's done saying in a country accent, deep and filled with nothing but hate with every word.

'Ve te faire foutre, like that matters to us! you'll die anyways!'

Moving towards us I move right and Frieda moves left, her throwing her knives at his legs and stomach, closing in and focusing on her. Using the advantage to toss a sparked bomb behind him.

Preoccupied, he swings his blade with the illusion he's close enough to cut down Frieda. He swings a Giant's Weapon. Destroying slabs on the ground and creating smoke from all the destroyed bricks.

'This is it say hello to the devil.'

As the fuse nearly goes off.

While the explosion happens I cover with my cloak and Frieda appearing into sight unharmed.

His armor is mostly gone fused into his flesh?

becoming part of him and his locks on fire while he speaks. No damage taken, shaking his hair. Removing the gold from his body. Ripping it out with ease no problem. Tossing it aside.

'How comes he isn't awakened? Only pure talent and battle ability with magic?'

Looking at the bishop, and Silver Knight he seems to have all the injuries Strangaz would have. Slowly he is healed slowly.

'I knew it, the bishop is a mage healing them in transfer of his staff some how.'

Looking at a binding of the magic, it was again a similar belt on the Stangaz and his knight while the bishop points his staff at The Knight.

'Even when you know that child how do you expect to do with that?'

Frieda getting up and I and her focus our abilities in positioning ourselves back in a formation to where we're next to each other.

Giving the signal she throws her knives at The Knight's neck.

Rushing Strangaz at maximum speed, him in contrast swimming his sword horizontally. Jumping above his sword and cutting down his right sword welding arm.

I work my way up to gouge both eyes out.

There was a second I could get behind him and break his neck.

Unfortunately a short time after I cut half the time it would take me to cut it healed his wounds.

Able enough to get behind him and cut his legs from Under.

Him being a giant falling as he does so shakes the entire room coming to his knees.

Yet the top of my left hand is cut slightly above the knuckle for a counter attack for wrapping my arm around his chin to break his neck. Slamming down his head crushing bone cutting his shoulder complete off and chucking it aside to the wall.

Jumping back, Frieda throws knives at the Silver Knight's arms to prevent his sword from being drawn.

Taking my advance to going forward.

He sets up a barrier to protect himself and the knight further aside to regenerate.

I slashing through his weak defense's, and lopping off his head.

'Wa-wai, I was only doings my job ye have to understand madam and sir.'

Frieda , coming in second to prove the coward wrong.

'No, you're only a bastard begging for his life while people starve, get raped and killed under your damn rule. You thought your thriving was until the grave.'

Taking her dagger and gouging his eye out, cutting his right hand completely off.

'You do not deserve death for what you have done, you'll experience life while I rule this kingdom understand?'

'ye- yeah your majesty.'

I take no hesitation and rip off his belt and throw it aside.

Looking back Strangaz stands with his Giants Weapon in his left hand while his right arm that I tore off is gone.

'I don't need both arms for you Villians! I's capable of slaughtering any man coming my way, I am invincible!!!!'

In a blinding rage he rushes us and dodging respectively he sicks his sword in the wall, and removing if with more strength.

'I had to do everything, anything for survival you ungrateful bastards!!!, while you're in the same position to do anything!.'

Swinging his Giants blade at me. Doding every slashing any attempt to block or parry would severely injury me at this rate, Arthur's sword would be a log compared to a battle axe.

'hmph, you aren't wrong in that front we're out to kill you bastard. The only exception we're doing what's right'

Next Frieda throwing her knives at his chest, now only going deep as the muscles evidently our strategy has to adapt.

'So that's what you think? son of a whore. you're just like me!'

Throwing my sword at his leg, bursting with the last of his power of his left leg gunning straight for me I dodge and Frieda comes around from my right throwing stones at his head , stunning him and grabbing his neck snapping it.

Kicking his body down and dropping to her bum.

'Hah! fuck you bastard, now that I've usurped your spot it's time for pax to be found.'

Creeping out bathed in blood almost, falling to her knees tired, dead eye's cold with nothing left leaking tears and anger. Sword in hand barley alive and scars riddled in her body. As she walked and hacked at Strangaz's corpse.

'Why!!!!, Whyyy!!!!??? Whyyy!!!?'

spitting and falling down on he knees crawling towards Frieda.

'Why- Me!!!???'

Reaching towards Frieda, giving life back into her eyes balling up and hugging herself up.

'Damnit!!!, this is what happened to all the "Nun Ceremony". For what cost! I usurped the throne but couldn't even save my friend!.'

Shaking and on the verge of insanity.

Emerging from the shadows.

'So you kids finally know? this is what happens when you take on Royal matters nobody ever wins in this. Why I've taken a back seat to show you first hand.'

Frieda irrationally rushing and throwing knives slashing at him.


Crying and sulking unleashing her grief.

Siegfrurd Dodging, and catching her shirt sword.

'The world isn't perfect, selfish girl I have nothing to gain only to lose in this situation.'

punishing her to the side, then walking towards me with a slight grin focusing more towards the throne and windows behind them.

'I knew you would make it, though alone you would take more damage hell even sustain a mortal wound but even that you could survive.'

Reaching his hand out shutting his eyes,while the ground shakes.

'Now Æspoir will you join me and my line of work? slaying monsters of course.'

As the world is rattled and emerging from the Grand lake a Titian sized serpent comes out behind him while he out stretches his hand and the beast screeches hard enough to shatter the glass while he doesn't even flinch.

Author Note-

Support me on Patreon if you want to, next Chapter will be next week and there on weekly.