
I woke in a pile of rubble with gunshots everywhere asking myself what hell have I landed myself into, all I remembered was my father and mother been killed right in front of me before we were all abducted my life a living breathing nightmare. I kept hearing different noises and people speaking Arabic which I couldn't understand has I was hulled out of the car by a huge man with a gun in one and he said to me in Arabic which I understood not at that time to wake up and get out of the car or he would shoot me. The area was predominantly Muslim and anyone not Muslim were killed immediately, it was a religious fascism with a neo-nazism brotherhood going on. I felt like my heart was about to pop out my chest with me breathing heavy I was dragged on the floor like a bloody sacrificial lamb. I heard people speaking Arabic begging for their lives even though they were Muslims, they were shot dead immediately with their leader saying to him we only need the kids, get the kids and all the females you could get your hands upon. We were all taken into a big van, after that was where the real nightmare begins. We all began to scream and shout for help hoping a miracle would happen and someone would save us but no one responded but the heartless kidnappers who came to us saying one more word from us and we will all be killed on the spot. We all kept quiet waiting for our hell to began with tears in all our eyes we couldn't hold it anymore has some of us saw our families and parents killed in front of us. Lucky for those who could speak Arabic they heard everything they were saying and told each other about everything that happened while some tried to make an escape but were shot dead immediately. Minutes later the gunshots went down and the van began to move at top speed going very fast we knew not where we were going neither could we see around us to even scream and shout for help. It was a long journey that kept us all awake and scared for we knew it was the end of our lives, our families we can't see anymore, our parents shot dead and now we head to the unknown, oh what a terrible nightmare we live now, I wish I was never born.

We got to a place and the van stopped has they came to the back to open the door, they screamed at us in Arabic that we should get down and follow each other in a straight line to the open room out there where the camera is and sit there quietly, we all remembered what happened to those who disobeyed them earlier has we killed them all so we should not provoke them any further or they will be forced to kill us yet again. We did has they were told and out of fear of death, we all walked in accordance moving quietly to the place they asked us to. The leader of the militant group came out has he stood in front of us all he asked them to turn on the camera and began to speak in Arabic telling the government that they should give him a total sum of twenty five million US dollars or he would kill us one by one until we are all dead. He finished with video and came around lookin at us all he said to the rest, I can see some nice potentials here that will be useful for us later on or can be sold into Libya for sex trade or what do you think, I know they can fetch us an handsome amount of money, in fact I have to say I am very happy and proud of you guys for the work you have done for these set of children you brought both boys and girls all good looking. Those who understood Arabic amidst us began to weep and cry thinking about what a horrible life and mess they found themselves in has some said to them they wish to see their parents. The leader began to laugh saying to them all your parents are long gone but don't worry you shall be sold into the hands of capable people who knows what to do with you best.

I couldn't sleep that night as I kept on being vigilant watching what was going to happen next till the next morning, I felt not asleep for a single minute with the guard on duty saying I think we have a really strong one there and he may be useful for us later if we teach him and train him well. Morning came and they turned on the tv for us has our video was trending all over the world from the local tv stations to asia to Europe to America, it was all over the tv and everywhere has they all began to jubilate in their stupid success and achievement. The government refused to comply to their agreement saying we don't negotiate with criminals things began to go from bad to worse for us and they became more and more impatient making more threats if their demands were not met in the next couple of days. They started packing us out one after the other has we were transported further north of the country into a forest to meet some strange people we know not off, we all began to pray we meet death along the way before we get into the hands of those who we were going to. It was hellacious, we were starved, they refused to give us water and some of us collapsed from the heat and temperature while some died during the travel. When we reached the place they were taking us to, we were all cried out has their bodies were taken and thrown away into the forest we all thought to ourselves one day that would be us.

They took us into a room and told us all to cooperate and be of good character that if we played it cool and well, then maybe they would give to us something in return, maybe something like food or water. A few minutes later we saw some foreign faces, Arabians, they looked so different to the cheap suit wearing fools that took us in the first place. They began to pick which they loved out of us all looking around from the show glass, we couldn't see their faces has they point to which they want and that's how we all became separated and headed towards different locations. Kidnapping, one of the most lucrative business in Africa has they don't only demand for money but also make money through other revenues such as organ selling and child prostitution. Some of us were taken thrown into a place where they conducted series of test all over us which unfortunately for me I was among while the girls who were pretty and little boys who were good looking were sold into child prostitution.

Days later we were taken one by one again but this time those who were taken were never returned to us and we knew not what they did with them. It was my turn has I was taken to the lab, I knew not what was going on has the man told me to stay in the room and I waited for a while but I wasn't able to stay long has I was so inquisitive to the chopping noise going on in the corner of the room. I stood up and kept looking, walking and creeping up slowly towards the area, I saw what became the biggest heartache and heartbreak of my life and that was one of us who was cut open like a ram and had the valuable organs needed in him taken and kept in a cold ice cooler to be taken and given to the donor who needed it. Tears began to drop from my eyes and I didn't know where I made a sound which caught their attention as I was trying to run away fall into the hands of one of the man inside. They said to each other what shall we do with him has a rich man came inside and said to them please don't worry with him just take him to and dump him with the others, when we are ready we will do away with him. I was scared and left in a hole with kids i knew not and those who were stuck there with me were the troublemakers bound to be sold away at some point.

Morning came as they all rushed inside with guns speaking Arabic they told us rob get up pushing us one after the other into a van they driving us to the unknown and that day was either the greatest day of my life or the most unfortunate day of my life. We encountered some trouble along the way which took some time but after a while of stopping and questioning, gunshots followed. He panicked at the back of the van, about forty of us, all jammed together with one of us telling us to just lay flat where we are to avoid the stray bullets hitting us but after it was all said and done, a few of us had died. Some bunch of people came opening the van they asked us to step out, make it snappy, don't look back just come with us they said, taking us into the forest where they asked us to run for our lives if we still want to survive. We ran for hours close to a day with the leader taking us by herself she said to us we are almost there, just a few miles away, we are almost there encouraging us. With some distance covered we heard gunshots as one of the ladies said to us they are close by, some of them needs to stay behind to face them and keep them away from us. I panicked for a while then a girl came to me saying don't be scared, don't worry we will be fine and that day was the day I first met an angel. We were able to get to the river and take a boat that day heading towards the unknown as she said to us we are all safe now, she told us to pick a number and say after the other one, two, and so on until we stop at twenty nine. It was a bitter sweet thing for her as the terrorist hotness to the river bank speaking to each other In Arabic, they are gone, we don't have a boat to catch up to them, inform the bus that we lost the cargo before we got to the drop off point. The leader of the mercenaries said to the other that was with her on the boat I have got their headquarters address, it's still the same as before, nothing ever changed but the name they hide under now. We all were scared for our safety but they made sure we were all comfortable and after about two days on water, we finally reached land where we boarded another big lorry going into a country we knew not of. They told us about who they were, his they ended up doing what they did, how they were once in our shoes and most importantly how they have been gunning to shut and destroy this organization for years with the government not doing anything about it, they grow in power expanding in black market organ selling and slavery. At that moment I knew it was a deep end for me, nothing will ever be the same and there is no coming back from this, the only way forward is survival or death.