First Lead

Twenty years later after all the ugly scenarios and painful days of constant tears and wishing we never came across those bastards, we landed ourselves our first mission with big sis Lina putting us on the fucking case. What an absolute fucking day it was, hot, sweaty and brutal that I went through two bottles of whiskeys with Lenora chewing on the ice to keep us from burning up inside, I was on a mission with the toughest and arguable the most ruthless and skilled of us all Lenora Celia. Very brave in battle and she could kick any bodies ass, we had Miremba Mukisa a fellow agent of ours working from afar on the telecoms and you know we also need to have an eye outside watching just Incase we needed a sniper to finish the job and get us out of there quick. We had been working on this lead for a while now and finally we are here setting up a meeting with this bunch of imbeciles which we also knew that it was a very risky thing in broad day light. We were not only giving away our identities but also our faces and that's a huge risk if we are to get in league and business with these sons of bitch. Prior to that day we heard over the news again that another abduction had been made by a very notorious terrorist group named the boko haram. Disgusting lot wanting nothing to do with religion but using it as a way for them to bring their foolish idiotic ideology to the whole nation. The controlled with fear and they knew once you go into an area kill a couple of people, then throw the entire mass into chaos, it's very easy to get the public and the entire countries attention by doing that. The government paid no attention to what they were doing and rumors had it that most of the politicians, businessmen and rich tycoons in the north were also in league with them using them to get whatever they wanted when the people don't bend their way or the government. Nigeria is a big country with vast cultural backgrounds, tribes and languages and the Islamic fanatics from the northern area believed that they were the rightful ruler of an entire nation of over two hundred million people. Their constant pestilence to people's homes, jobs and families without the interference of the government at first gave them a very easy access to grow. Yasmiin was from Somalia and she was also a victim of this bloody organization and she always said to me, Luke they are all the same wolf pretending to be a ship dog guarding the heard, the same bastards killing and raping people in Somalia all in the name of Allah are also the same bastards operating in Nigeria all in different names.

The information was passed to us through our earpiece as we converse with each other waiting for them to show up but we were yet to see anyone show up. After few hours of sitting and drinking our time away we were planning on leaving thinking maybe they were on to us already with Miremba saying to me it's been twenty years, there is no way they can still recognize us. Lenora said maybe they absconded the meeting due to another deal or offer better than ours but Miremba said to us again don't be naive, this fools will never turn down an opportunity to make more money. We stood up with Lenora leading the way, we pretended to be a couple as I held her by the waist on our way out, a lady in hijab bumped into us dropping a cellphone into Lenora's bag then walked off. Lenora picked it up but as we both were about to call her to hand it over to her, she was nowhere to be found. We knew they were watching us immediately and I drive to pick Miremba up will be an exposure of her location and no only that but also we going back to our hotel will be a big mistake also as they will have their men watch us. We stood for a while to talk about what we were going to do with Lenora bringing up a great idea, she was our field captain and I had no other choice but to listen to her. She said to me I will move closer to you and kiss you but while we do you take a look behind me and around to see if you can find anyone suspicious around and I will do the same. There has been a battle and war amidst our ladies with Miremba, Lenora and Yasmiin all already in love with me who has no interest of falling in love in husband heart, it was difficult to turn them away knowing they can all get hurt one way or the other. Miremba couldn't stomach it as she said to us both to do quick and get on with the work but as deeply in love with me as Lenora is, I could count on her to be more professional in her field of work more than Yasmiin who is very fragile and clearly obvious to everyone that she loves me, and Miremba who wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone that she finds having interest in me. A crazy fucking life I have isn't it, during our kiss, Lenora was able to stop someone suspicious sitting right behind us as we left the restaurant she said don't worry, I got a target, Miremba lock on to that idiotic spineless fool sitting directly at two o'clock of our current location right now. Got it Miremba said to us, the fool took the bait and he is coming along with you. We got into the car then began heading toward the market center, just north of Almusher market Tripoli. We stopped at a nice area to park with the man following us behind, Miremba was also coming too but we made sure she kept her distance. We pretended to be shopping with the man getting closer to us we grabbed him into a dark alley where we questioned him as he refused to give us the answers we needed I said to him wrong answer, with me you would have been able to get away with that by with her it's your doom. Lenora was heartless due to the things her eyes have seen and the suffer ness she went through as a child before she was saved by the rebels sis Lina worked for. She took her knife as she cuts into one of his tendons on his leg saying to him you are going to bleed to death right here, right now if you don't give me what I want. He tried screaming for help with Lenora putting the knife to his throat she said to him you can still save your life just tell me what I need to know. He began to fade away little by little as I tied up the wound I said to Lenora he isn't dying, I think he bled out too much. He was able to give us an address of where they operate from and if he doesn't return to them then they will know that we are morning whom we say ourselves to be. Lenora was smart and tactical, she said to him bur if you return back to them then so is our business here a failure. She slits his throat right on the spot then cleaned her knife with a piece of husband cloth before asking to leave the other way we came from.

We got out covering our faces with hijab walking towards our car with some fruits and vegetables, Miremba said to us do not get into that car and take a taxi immediately, I will have it disposed off immediately when you leave, there are others here in the market, I think he gave them a signal about where you were heading to. We got back to the hotel later preparing what to eat as we waited for the phone to ring, Miremba came back later to join us. We asked her how it was and she said had to set some explosives to the car, bur made sure those idiots got to it before it exploded. We switched on the tv and it was all over the news, what a stinking dirty world it is, gadaffi's death brought out the true nature and ugliness of Libyans that they have been hiding away all this while. It wasn't evening time when the phone rang and it was the voice of a female speaking to us about she accuses us of killing her men and by that we are in big trouble since this is her city. Lenora gave the phone to me to handle the negotiations since I was very good with words, I found a way to convince her that we had nothing to do with it as we were attacked by some people and had our bags and wallets stolen from us. The fucking bitch was able to buy into it and that bought us a sit down with the wench, she said to us we met at the restaurant earlier today when you came in, and no I wasn't the one who brought you the phone as she gave us the locate to meet later tonight by a night club then hung up the phone. Lenora said to me good job but tonight we are going fully prepared and ready for the job. Our mission from sis Lina was to get where they operated at Tripoli then execute all their operatives out there.

It was time for us to leave as we all got dressed for the occasion, Lenora never goes anywhere without her purse as she has all the tools needed for any mission in it. She designed the purse herself with space for knives, bullets, two pistols minus the two she has on her thighs, twenty four knives she has strapped to her thighs, four grenades in the purse, two smoke screens and a pick to break into any door she wants to. She was an absolute badass and we all knew it, Miremba was not to be overlooked also, she was a merciless murderer, a great sniper and wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone. We all got ready and dressed for the night club as we left Miremba came to me saying Lenora has one already, this goes into your suit, it cannot be dictated that easily, futuristic gadget courtesy of Fekir, so be safe out there as she gave me o deep French kiss, Lenora saw it but hid away her feelings to stay focused on the mission. Let me tell you about someone who has saved our lives countless of times before we became field agents, Kamal Fekir, an Algerian who was on holiday with his parents in Eritrea before they were kidnapped and killed now he is left with a life he wished not for. He is a brilliant computer expert, one of our finest scientists always creating new inventions, most of the gadgets we used are created by him and he rarely gets to work in the field since he prefers to stay out of the blood spilling and violent stuffs. We took separate car with Miremba leaving ahead of us to look for a nice spot to get with us on coms, I and Lenora took the car leaving for the night. Lenora made sure I took notice of how good she looked as she said to me I saw you both earlier but I won't tell you not to fool around as long as your remain honest with me. She knew I could be cold when I need to be and she made a mistake that night thinking I actually cared as all I carefully about was fulfilling my first mission and taking care of the enemy permanently even though another snake will rise to take the head, by then it will take them a long time to gather what we have destroyed and handed to the government.