Midnight Butchery

It would be mad to say there are a lot of ways in which we are not only killing our society as humans and individuals but also destroying the future for those that are yet to come. I tied him to the chair for a while to go and meet Miremba who rushes into the bedroom after hearing all what he said. A multi billion dollar company it is indeed and made off the backs of little girls who should be thought how to build their lives and future in school. It was such a sad reality I refused to swallow and I knew it was going to take a hell of a work to put an end to this but once beaten, twice shy I will never let this go to waste. I knew in my mind it's impossible to stop them all but all I had to do is get just one person, just one big whale and the rest of the fishes will be scared to death out of the hiding place. I went to meet Miremba who was in tears and couldn't believe her ears, she said to me imagine the amount of boys and girls sold out to pedophiles daily, will they allow their own children to be done this way, sending them to Ivy League schools, find cars and cloths buying them all the best life has to offer but other peoples kids don't deserve the same but to used as sex toys. I knew at this point of my life the good man in me is dying slowly and soon there will be nothing left of me. I sat on the chair that day crying and begging God for forgiveness, I called to him like I have never done in my life asking why the world is like this, why is he not doing anything, why is he just watching. So many things I wish to understand that night but couldn't get the answers that I wanted and every time I look around me I see the people I don't ever want to see hurt again crying. The darkness was swallowing me up, I felt like the devil was calling me home, maybe there is no salvation for me I said to myself, maybe it's my destiny to get my hands dirty, maybe truly there is no way home back to heaven for me but hell. I began to look at Miremba in pain as I stood to the parlor closing the door and locking it shut, I dragged that son of a bitch to the bathroom, tapped his mouth shut then threw him in the bathtub. I know what you are all thinking, maybe I want to send him for a swim but that was just too easy if that's what your fucking memory can hold. I prefer a little butchery going on, that way we won't get fucking blood on the carpet, rug and everywhere. I went into the kitchen to look for the less sharp knife to reduce the quickness and increase the pain given, and at that moment I felt good inside of me. He struggled for a while but after I began with his toes first using the bread knife, that was fucking awesome. He cried like a little bitch and I took so much joy in it as I chopped away like a butcher. After about an hour plus, I was done with him and went to open the door for Miremba who couldn't wait to come out of her room as she called to me several times to open the door. She couldn't believe what she saw with a fucking apron and gloves on my hands, i Ledbetter her to the bathroom to see my work of art.

Fucking beautiful don't you think I said to her, she looked at me and saw how far I had gone mentally loosing my mind she said to me Luke we don't do this, you are no different from them if we treat people this way. I told her I wanted him to suffer before he dies as she rebukes me saying this is vile and be torture, I reminded her of what hell is going on out there. She asked me if I was going insane and loosing my mind but any fucking person could see tightness there that I already lost it. There was no good left in me anymore and I wanted the whole world to know that the devil himself cannot save them from me. She asked me how I plan to get rid of the evidence and I told her not to worry packing all the blood dripping carcass into a waste bag, I stuffed it into the back seat of the car making sure there was enough blood everywhere to make the crime scene more interesting, the gruesome the better. I asked Miremba to clean up the mess while I go for a quick drive, she told me not to stay too long and make sure i don't get caught in the act. Miremba was a sweet girl and I was tired of her getting hurt day in day out so I made it my mission to carry the burden of everyone on my back.

It was still midnight as I drove to one of their finest establishments close by, I made sure i broke both front and back lights to avoid detection while I drove burn that was when I got a far safe distance from the house and my area. Getting to the club house I packed nearby knowing by morning the blood dripping will attract the attention of people around the area. I had my hat on, gloves and a nice long coat looking like a criminal, one they will continue to look for going until I reached a safe location where I took them off and set it on fire before jogging straight back home. Met a rich fool on the way also jogging with his friends as I hotbed close to my neighborhood, I knew this can be a problem in a good way or a bad. My alibi was to say I was inside all night sleeping but now I need to make another one up just Incase they go questioning the whole area about us and this fucker spills the beans, then we are both doom. I thought about gunning them down on the spot then remembered that wouldn't help but add to the problem so I went along with it, put on a smile then acted like a rich fool too.

Getting home to Miremba was another thing with a good heart I knew she was going to give me a hard time. I opened the door and met her sitting waiting for me to return she said to me is everything properly taken care of, I said to her professionally. My response made her feel ok as she began to question me about other factors we needed to prepare against. I told her some people saw me but we were jogging together on my way back home, that was all and nothing else. She said to me easy cake rest your head little boy, I have that covered. It was a little past five in the morning and I knew that son of a bastard Zuri would want to come to our house so will Lenora and her little policeman lover boy. Miremba went to the kitchen to make me some breakfast as I went round the house to check if there are any blood stains or marks anywhere, I caught a glimpse of Miremba for the first time. I am not the one to appreciate beauty if it doesn't involve violence but today I got a full view of her sexiness. It would be nice to have a easy life, maybe in another lifetime where we can both be a family, a wife, kids and her husband with normal jobs living normal lives. She turned to look at me asking me what was so funny that made me laugh, it's not like this would be the first time she is making me breakfast. I smiled and told her she is very beautiful and sexually attractive which made her smile, she appreciated my compliments and that lit up her day making it brighter. She was able to forget the horrible things she heard earlier and I made up my mind that when Lenora and her pal arrives, will be the one sharing the graphic story.

Just like we calculated seven am in the morning Zuri was at our house as Lenora and husband partner van holfein drove in behind them. It was a loud bang at the door that woke us both up with Miremba tying a towel around herself before heading to the door with me coming behind her in my boxers, we opened the door and greeted everyone. Van holfein was pissed he rushed to our house without his permission as his superior officer and supervisor, but he was not ready to listen asking us where we both were last night as the officers stationed here on guard duty were found dead close to a brothel. I thought that was the least of our problems until Lenora saw Miremba in towel and me in my boxers, she became infuriated asking Miremba if we both fucked last night. Jealousy can be easily read and seen in a woman's eyes especially if she is in love and looking at a furious Lenora, that can be told. Zuri kept questioning with Riley telling him off as he was disrespecting his visitors, he told him to stay out of it as we were the last he saw them with. I followed Miremba's alibi and it worked perfectly with no flaws in it, he left with his tails between his leg. Lenora could tell by the calm look on my face that we definitely had something to do with waiting for everyone to depart, van holfein said to us shall we go out for a cup of tea.

We got dress then into his car as we all found ourselves a nice tea spot to have breakfast, it was that morning that I knew his full name Riley van holfein. He met an old friend of his trying to have breakfast with his family, talking and catching up on old times, we took the time to talk also keeping the murder scene away from Riley's ears. Lenora was not happy with the whole idea too but she was able to provide us some valuable information about our guy we have been looking for since Tripoli and now we finally have our lead. His name is Abdul-karim Nasir Mohammed, he is the right hand man to Al Amid Yakub, leader and the most powerful man in the underworld sex slavery business. He is known for the majority of kidnaps and killings going on in Africa and he is also the major distributor of underground illegal black market organ sales. He Ian very powerful and doesn't sleep at the same place twice because of his notoriety and his rank on the wanted list. The funny thing now is South African government are protecting him and somebody high in the police force, judges, politicians, they are all on his pay role making it impossible to catch and making him invisible to the eye of everyone. She said to us we can't bring Riley into this anymore, he is a good man and i don't want him to die for nothing, he has a lot to lose unlike us. I said to Lenora he does have a good eye for you and that alone is something to write home about, he is good looking, has a good job and on top of that you can also join the force to help out if you both want to be in the same line. She looked at me and said what about you, am I good enough for you, I laughs and respond to her I'm the worst choice for you.