The Seperation

No matter how fucking hard I look at it, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. A man's mind can do so much good yet it's filled with great evil which can destroy the world but also forgetting that this can lead to the hot bed of his death. While we sat and watch Riley van holfein have a nice chat with his friend we had to make a very tough decision and one was to chase after our lead Zuri siyabonga. He joined us later with Miremba and I having one thought in our mind Lenora had another with her also and that was to follow the new tight end in the investigation Abdul-Karin Nasir Mohammed. Riley was done with his pal getting back to us we spoke about various things together before departing for our various missions and ours was the most important. We knew Zuri's men would be on to us but at this point and time, I really wish they do because it would make things easier and I don't have to do the searching.

After some time searching and stalking all their spots, Zuri slipped as we followed him back home, Abdul-Karim Nasir Mohammed and Nikolai were both there waiting for him. It was a secretive since Al amid yakub can't move in broad day light being a wanted man, they continued with their meeting. Thanks to a bug I planted in his living we were able to eavesdrop on their conversation and it wasn't what we both expected to hear at all. It seems that we have jumped into something a lot bigger than we think, this is even more bigger than our former intel which would require the notification of Lina to make a major move of operation next. After they all separated, we thought about handing the audio recording to the authorities for them to use as evidence then we both thought about it again, just a single recording won't lock them up for life but make them act more wisely with future interactions. We went back home then spoke with Lina with Lenora joining us later halfway into the convo, she also brought saddening news that broke our hearts. She was able to find out that something which we must not allow to happen here in Africa as now it's become a big problem in Europe most especially Netherlands, Germany and New Zealand. She said to us most people refuse to talk about it but it's a saddening reality that keeps going on everyday and keeps getting larger. She said to us both that before she came to us she did some digging and searching and found something very strange happening, this countries have all legalized prostitution but it also kept those who have been taken illegally trapped there for life without a way out from it. Many people have resulted to suicide to free themselves from this madness and disgusting lifestyle but something I can't seem to fathom is Australia. I said to her what about Australia, Lina answered the question for me as she said I and the others have also been looking into it for a while and I knew it's just a matter of time before you stumble upon it. Miremba said to her can you please stop putting us in the dark, we have done quite a lot for this operation here. Lina told us that afternoon that long before it was allowed to breath fresh air, a lot of atrocities have been going on leading to calls for its legalization due to the disgusting bunch who fund a lot of money into it.

Prostitution was decriminalized in Sydney Australia but I believe that to be their biggest mistake of a life time. Before you can make something legal you must first look into it if this is a business or a body that can exit within the law and this one is not one that led to a proper development but empowered human parasites who profited off the sexual exploitation of men, women and children. My big fear now is the child pornography market and the child sex trade market, even the Australian media and other important sources reported that Sydney now has an illegal sex industry that equally exits alongside the legal industry but it's four to five times larger. This was a huge stage backward for them and right now we are the only source of their exposure so that the world can wake up and see what is lurking behind their doorstep every time they send their children to school or their children goes out to play or hang out with their pals with a possibility of a pedophile watching them moving freely amongst the people. Child prostitution exploded in a very horrible way leading to the Sydney authorities loosing control of the sex trade market to powerful crime lords who now dominate the entire area of market. Just like I said before, people who are trapped in prostitution rarely benefits from legalization or decriminalization as they will forever have their voices stolen forever. It was a very good info as I am concerned and I needed it very much to break down all that was unclear to me. Lenora said to us things are not looking fun with an increase in Thai girls found in brothels here in South Africa, Mozambican girls also which has become a big issue now for we knew not that they have spread their disgusting wings of parasitic entity to the country. She said to us even before coming here she went to burst an establishment with van holfein and found something very strange that we are not going to believe. They found Ukrainian girls working in some brothels, that can be understandable but what now baffles her is the presence of Chinese girls here also in South Africa and that means she was right about the report she brought back to the base two years ago, that a big bad wolf from the Chinese triads is involved with them. It has to be them supplying Asians girls to Al amid, there can't be anyone else, Lina asked for our next move and I told her the best option on ground and now they have to listen to what we found out too which might involve one of us having to leave the country. I told them we want to kill Zuri, here and now is the chance and one more thing it involves someone going to Russia. At first they laughed at me but after strong discussions and arguments they realized that there was nobody else better for the fucking job. Lenora has too much enemies in Russia after going on a killing spree a year ago killing top KGB agents, Miremba was also a bad choice for the job as she once appeared as a diplomat to sort out some issues affecting the nation so definitely a bad choice as I have always remained a ghost no matter what mission I have been sent on.

They came to an agreement and allowed me to leave the country leaving Miremba and Lenora alone to face the impossible task of following Abdul-Karim all around until he lead them to finding his master Al amid Yakub. My flight was to take place in few hours close to midnight with Lina making all the calls out there as I will be needing weapons, lots of weapons to finish the job I have been trained to do. Everyone has their strong suits and mine was assassination, I was not the best fighter nor was I the brightest or smartest, but I was the best killer, acting alone all in darkness and I loved every single minute of it. There was something about doing that job that I love so much and it was the killing aspect, it brought so much joy to me like a rush driving me to insanity, a feeling that reminds me that I am still alive every time a take a life. Isn't killing fun, it's such a sweet fun game and I wouldn't change my profession for anything in the fucking world. My teacher said to me once when I asked her then after we were rescued from those mad fucks twenty years ago, someone has to take the burden upon themselves and rid the world of these evil men and women. Take yourself to be an angel of God amongst men she said doing the work of the most high, this way a lot of people can sleep peacefully at night and wake up joyfully in the morning not knowing what great danger they were saved from. I on the other hand didn't think myself that way, angel of God, no I am more like the angel of death, doing the biddings of death himself.

Lenora left later promising to come pick Miremba up later as it would be safer for her to come stay with van holfein, she respectfully declined saying she would be good on her own. It was not a choice I was ready to make either believing it might jeopardize our mission here in Johannesburg I begged her to go along and this time since they both will have each other to go around with they can pretend to be on a vacation. Leaving to Russian at a time and point where discrimination and racism as become a natural to everyone is going to be a tough thing to deal with but at the same time might also be what I need to get to where I need to be faster. I know a few ducking Russians that has been on my watch list for a while now and going into their fucking country will mean doing most of the saint hearted civilians justice from the hands of their oppressors. President Putin wasn't hammering enough at the rate at which mostly women and children were getting sexually exploited by not only crime lords but even people in position of power. My last trip to Russia was a very short one and I was praying and hoping this one would be a nice long one. I have been digging into Russian gangs and mafias for a long time checking which was strong enough to have a wide control over so many people. The Odessa mafia came to my mind first thinking about so many factors of how they have remained influential in the crime ring and organized crime world for a very long time since the early nineties. The Kazan mafia has also been a very problematic group which with the empowerment of youth with weapons took over the organized crime scene which led to a massively increase in the killings of people within the age range of fifteen to thirty. Simeon mogilevich has been a name on everyone's lips even the United States haven't found a way to keep the bastard in prison for ever because of his major power and influence. He has so many political figures in his payroll all across the world making him invisible. Other names I kept searching into but got just little information on were Ingush mafias, the Azerbaijani mafia, the Ukrainian mafia and the Armenian mafia. They all Aden involved in this dirty trade and getting involve with them might mean death for me but if I'm going to die, then I will make sure I take down someone with me, a very powerful figure head that every last one of them run to when things become impossible Ivan safaryan milikov. I have been looking for that son of a bitch for years and the bastard is known for having a very disgusting hobby, fucking little underage girls. He made a video years ago with him having sexual intercourse with a sixteen year girl which went viral opening their underworld market to anyone who could afford their asking price to sexually abuse children. Since then he made another video of him in a teddy bear of a nine year old girl favorite teddy with the girl giving him oral sex, it broke my heart as since then I have been praying to God our paths cross quick and soon, this mission to Russia might be my last hope of killing him.