Solntsevo, Moscow, Russia

Did I mention to you once that I love working alone, it's just something about it, that feeling of being alone, left for dead with no one to care for me or love me, that feeling of having nothing to lose and having a whole lot to prove. It gives me so much joy, walking in that fucking darkness with my fucking gun in my hands or a knife in my pocket. I'm heading to the airport with a fake ID under the name Ivan Akinfeev, one of my most notorious ID's I carry around with me. There is also a secret about my ID's, the names and nationality in which I choose shows the seriousness of what I intend to do when I get there and what mind set I as carrying along with me. The worst of all will be the Nigerian passport, because anytime I pick that son of a bitch up that means whoever I am coming for is sure going to get hell. I spoke a few minutes later after I got to the airport with both Miremba and Lenora telling them that I have both Zuri and Nikolai right in front of me and our flight is just few minutes away from take off. They were inspiring but I needed that not, fuck the sentiments I said to myself, fuck the love, fuck the care. Just leave me the fuck alone for once and let me loose, let me run wild and free and these fucking sons of bitches and let them know that surely the devil himself cannot grant them redemption or save them from me.

The more I sat alone staring at my watch and waiting for the fucking bitch to announce which bloody terminal we are to take, a call came in from Yasmiin. I saw the number and knew no one else could be calling at the time except her with few minutes away to takeoff I picked her call. Assalamualaikum she said to me, I respond back to her wa alaikum salaam hal anat bikhayr, she responded back with joy saying to me ana bikhayr shukran lak, samiet 'anak dhahib 'iilaa rusia. I said to her yes I am but it's just for a quick job and get back home to everyone. Wazifat sarieat , akhar maratan qult fiha bieamal sarie kadat 'an tusbih mjrman ealmyan. I told her that was a personal job and it would be like that again this time for I will be acting with more discretion. She became very angry that I didn't even bother to call and check up on her, I had no other option that to beg her and tell her that I got so caught up with work. The fucking bitch finally announced our terminal with me purposely taking an economy flight to avoid us being in the same space in the business class. I told Yasmiin that I have to go now that it's time to get on plane, she said to me I will speak to you when you get back, and when you reach Moscow find iliev, he will be waiting for you with the package, ana ahibuk, I replied her I love you too then switch off my phone. She knew once I switch off my phone it means you can never reach me or get in touch with me only ignore I want to be in touch with you. I learned from the best and they thought me very clean and clear how to disappear when you are on a job, you don't exit so act and live like you don't until the job is completed and you get back to your people.

After a long flight we arrived in Moscow Russia, a very ice cold beautiful sin city full of the most unbelievable bullshit happenings you will ever see in the world. It's like they are saying to you, if you like crime and a pro in illegal shit please come do business with us. The last time I wasn't here I saw so many foreigners most especially Americans and British stranded there in Moscow after getting their shit stolen or got pick pocketed by some little punk or drugged up addict who sees foreigners as easy targets. I always say to people, you want to visit the historical places, or museums or the most popular place in most which is the red square, always keep your eyes open to looters and pickpockets they are very good. I made sure I was fast and fitness out quick looking all around me, to the people of Moscow I looked like a black guy lost in the middle of the snow trying to draw a map of Africa so he could escape back home. They knew not that not only could I speak, but I know every fucking nuke and cranny of these streets and I know where to go if I want to escape the law. Iliev was the guy to find and I know he would get me their location if I gave him the information needed to get them, but I made it my priority to go after them as they got into a car, I call for a taxi myself.

Dobroye utro, mozheshʹ prosleditʹ za toy chernoy mashinoy, net problem, no eto budet stoitʹ vam doponitel'no, idti. I said to him good morning, can you please follow that car and he replied it will cost me an extra so I told him to get going. The drive wasn't the fun one I thought it would be as I stepped into old neighborhoods I wish never to see again. Solntsevo, what a fucking paradise for criminals, followed them to one of the busiest spots in town then hung around for a while checking which club they will be visiting. The bastards were wise, they never had any intentions of sticking around too long so they went into the club but never came out. Due to my old encounters and missions I have taken and completed, I knew if my target is not returning after a while, there must be a secret exit which they took or just simply went through the back door and left. I disguised myself then went into the club knowing Zuri recognizes me very well, I knew not that I walked directly into a trap. With no weapons on me or guns, I had all hopes on my martial skills to get me out of there if need be as I might need to improvise. How they knew I was tailing them I have no idea, but one thing is for sure and that is they were prepared for my coming.

I sat at the bar asking for a nice cup of vodka, a really nice lady approached me trying to get me to buy her market. Russia is a free market, you can pick up any whore at any point to fuck if you have the cash and they don't mind what you demand as long as you have the money. I knew she was interested as we began to talk to each other discussing various kind of thinks and be what we both like to do with each other, I caught a glimpse of one of the bastard watching me. I can get out of it easily but thinking about her, I know she is doomed after being seen with me. I asked her if she would like to dance, I used the opportunity to survey my surroundings. There were eighteen men in total and from the looks of things they all look armed. Five of them kept close watch of me while four sat across the bar. Two made sure they stuck by the entrance while the rest his themselves with the daylight party lovers having the biggest fun of their lives in luxury. After a while I told her I want to use the loo then it all began, my fucking killing fantasy, one of the main reason I love this fucking country of Russia, I get to have fun killing people.

As I went into the toilet three of them came along giving it a few seconds before they burst into the room, with their stupid ugly expression and faces I said to them in Russian, tri kozla v tualete, kakovy shansy. One of them got angry and said to me did you just call me a goat fucker, without hesitation I said to him did I stutter, he pulled out his knife and said to me that he was going to skin my black monkey ass alive. One of the most important tricks to use when you are heavily outnumbered and outmuscled is to make your opponent loose their focus. I knew taking them all at the same time might prove difficult but one at a time, I can do damage and eventually kill them. I had no intentions of dragging the fight as I took the knife from one of their hands, stabbed it into the others eye causing him to scream as I sliced his throat and gut him. The second charged at me lifting me up before tossing me into one of the toilet seats, trying to drown me in it, I was lucky enough to pull his balls forcing him to release the hold. I didn't waste my time to catch my breath as I picked up the knife on the floor stabbing it directly in between his balls several times before cutting his thighs forcing him to fall to his kneels which led to me finishing the job by stabbing him straight through the skull killing him instantly. The third was the most ferocious of them all, huge, tall, big and smelly. He kept throwing and tossing me around, then few punches and kicks at the same time. I didn't like the way the outcome of the fight is going so I tricked him to making him believe I was dead, i hit him on the head with the wc cover before using the pieces of the floor to stab him a few times. I picked up the broken glass on the floor from the mirror he fucking threw me into then I slit his throat slowly.

Before i made my way out the toilet, I washed my face and hands then thought about how to make my grand escape from the suckers out there. The flower street is one occupied by gangsters and mobsters and their men maybe there, the central street is not one to be taken at a time like this because of traffic living me with just few places to hide myself, nikitinskaya and rural street. I needed to use a cellphone also to get in touch with iliev to pick me up at the Temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh. It's a nice place to lay low for a while and those fuck face wouldn't think to search in those areas. It's got a nice set of trees for cover up and its a hotbed for tourists who love to visit the area and with someone like me who is a local murderer, they wouldn't think about it.

I had just one problem now and that's was how to get out of the club with the two fucks standing by the door, but getting the girl involved will also means she might be risking her life in the process possibly getting killed in the future. I am at a place and spot I don't like being in with my back against the wall, it will only bring out the monster in me and that was what led to Yasmiin complaining over the phone earlier when I called this a quick job. With one thing on my mind and that is kill or be killed. I tore a piece of cloth from the huge dead guy wrap it around a nice broken glass then decided to walk straight for the door ignoring the lady I met at the bar to save her from a ugly scene.