"Boss" came a female voice, with a hint of fear in it.

hearing her voice she jolt back to reality and her eyes went back to normal.

"Let's go" She said blankly.

Kelly and Raymond had just arrived at the lobby when they saw their boss standing still.

They were both scared to talk but Kelly being the brave one decided to speak. She called her boss because ever since Aliya was made the head of the surgical department, she had asked all of them to not call her name and to just address her as boss. Though they wondered why but no one ever dared to ask her why, they were scared to death.

Aliya walked towards the nurse pulling the stroller and commanded.

" Take her to the operating room" was the first thing that she said.

The nurse slightly nod her head and obeyed while the other two surgeons followed behind to prepare the things that she would need.

Aliya turned towards the two young gentlemen

"She'll be alright" she said, she could see that the two young men were really in bad shape.

Not that she cared but no matter how cold she was she didn't want them to worry. Aliya made her way towards the operating room.

The two gentlemen watched as the surgeon entered the operating room but each with different looks. One with anxiousness and the other with curiosity. They both seemed to have different thoughts.


Meanwhile inside the operating room, Aliya was busy with the brain surgery. It seemed like the lady had an accident and her head was badly hurt. She seemed to be in her early sixties.

Her body was not as strong as it once was, it was a difficult surgery but Aliya was known to be the best brain surgeon in the country and this was a small task.

The surgery was going well and all that was left was the stitching for which she asked Kelly to do it but the girl seemed to be distracted.

Aliya had to call her three times before she came back to her senses, Aliya gave her a look, a look that she would give someone who she's about to send out of the surgery room.

Aliya completed the stitching by herself without requesting help from Raymond or Kelly.

Kelly on the other hand kept her eyes down the entire time, from the look her boss gave her, she could tell that this would be the last time she would be entering the operating room with her.

Her boss was very strict in the operating room, one single mistake and she would send you out. It was why she way one of the best Young globals had.


After what seemed like hours the operating room light changed and Aliya walked out followed by her subordinates. Who looked gloomy like as if they just lost millions.

Seeing The surgeon coming out the young man quickly rushed towards her

"How is she?"

"Is she alright?"

They both asked simultaneously.

"The surgery was successful but she's still unconscious, the nurse will take her to a room and then you can both see her". Aliya said and offered them one of her practiced smile.

Xavier being the eldest thanked Aliya but all Aliya replied with was it's my Job.

"Here" she gave him a piece of paper

"Just go to the Pharmacy and get these drugs"

Xavier quickly grabbed the paper and walked with hurried footsteps towards the pharmacy.

Skyler on the other hand just stared at the surgeon.

Aliya removed her hand gloves and placed them in the nearest dustbin.

She then began to walk towards the private Elevator heading to her office, before she could enter Skyler came back to reality and then called her

" Doctor" He called as he walked towards her.

Aliya stopped in her tracks when she heard his voice, taking a deep breath she turned around and asked


"We haven't been properly introduced... I'm Skyler Walker" He said stretching his hand out.

But Aliya didn't take it and instead said with a smile

"It's nice to meet you" She said as she blankly refused his handshake.

Skyler dropped his hand down and continued staring at her.

Aliya on the other hand was about to live when he stopped her again.

"Thank you for helping my mum" He said

"No need for thanks I was just doing me job came her reply again"

"Are you free, we can go dinner and discussed about the bill.."

"That won't be necessary, you can speak to the receptionist about the bill" came Her cold refusal and without another glance at him she walked into the elevator as The young man stared at her as the elevator door close shut.