After the elevator doors closed Skyler still stared at the door with a lost gaze, he seemed to be remembering someone or something.

After gazing at the elevator doors he sighed and then walked towards the receptionist.

"How much is it?" he asked but the receptionist was dumbfounded and couldn't speak she just stared at the handsome man in front of her.

His black jet hair and his black pants with his sleeve rolled up made him look like a god. His tiresome look added more to the beauty and in the receptionist eyes she had just seen a celebrity and she couldn't speak.

The man was just too damn good looking that he even looked better than most celebrities. She was sure that if he was to be a model the internet would be flooded with pics of him.

Unbeknownst to her she was already drooling. Seeing this Skyler just sighed a tiresome one. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number, after talking for some seconds he ended the call.

In a few minutes a young came in a black suit and a pair of medicated glasses, he looked good too but his beauty could not be compared to Skyler.

The young man walked towards the receptionist.

Seeing the man arrive Skyler walked away from the receptionist and headed towards the parking lot but not after taking one more glance at the hospital.

"Good evening boss" came the simultaneous greeting from the two body guards who were standing by the car.

Skyler didn't answer them and just entered the car followed by the two bodyguards.


Inside the hospital

Aliya walked out of the elevator luckily for her there was no Deon to disturb her. She entered her office and then walked towards the couch.

She sat down and then leaned her head backwards, she closed her eyes as everything that happened replayed in her head.

And as the memories began to sink in, her expression changed from calmness to longing and sadness but it didn't last long.

She stood up and pulled down her coat.

The sun was setting and the view from her office was mesmerizing but Aliya just couldn't enjoy it. After everything that had happened to her Aliya found it difficult to appreciate the view. She just stared at it with cold eyes that were filled with emptiness.

Aliya walked out of her office with her still emotionless face. She passed by her co-workers who fled once they saw her coming. She had that effect on people, her face alone could make a child cry. She was beautiful but the coldness that she emitted could send shivers down ones spine.

She walked down the lobby and then made her way to the parking lot.

She entered her call and in a matter of minutes she was on the road heading to her condo unit.


In a huge office building a figure could be seen standing by the glass wall and just staring outside. He seemed to be enjoying the view.

On his table read CEO.

He was enjoying a glass of wine, twirling it in his hand gracefully as he looked outside the glass. He did everything so perfectly that one would think that he was royalty.

He stood there unmoving like a statue.

he seemed to be enjoying himself in his own presence.

"Hey bro, why are you still here it's already pass your bed time" the young man joked as he walked towards the statue.

" Skyler, it's already late what are you still doing here?" The young man kept asking trying to make the statue talk.

" Enjoying the view, What else" Came his nonchalant reply.

Kiel rolled his eyes at his friends nonchalant response.

" Of course I can see that you are enjoying the view idiot.....what I mean is ....oh just forget about that" Kiel quickly dismissed the topic

"It's getting late, let's go" He said.

Skyler still didn't move, he just continued staring outside the window for a few minutes before he finally walked outside without bothering about Kiel.

"So rude" he said with twitched lips and then followed his friend.