Aliya was speechless, she tried to talk but her mouth just opened and closed. Her lips were still trembling as she struggled to find words to come back.

Skyler seeing that she was not answering him instead began to whip himself with the belt.

Seeing this Aliya quickly grabbed the belt from his hand.

" Are you crazy"

Aliya screamed on top her lungs at his behaviour.

Skyler smiled and then said

"You stopped crying" He uttered and only then did Aliya realized that she had indeed stopped crying.

"Aliyah I'm....." Skyler tried talking but was quickly interrupted.

"You are sorry" came Aliya's voice filled with anger, her vulnerable side was gone and now all the anger and hatred she had been keeping all this while suddenly emerged from her body.

"That's what you want to say, right Kai? After all these years you still have the gut to show up in front of me and say sorry after everything you did. You destroyed me, you broke me, you turned me into someone that even I can't recognise when I look in the mirror. You were my best fucking friend, you were my everything, you were the reason I ever wanted to wake up. You were the one behind my smiles, my laugh my everything, I so fucking depended on you that I didn't know what to do without you. Without you I was lost, I didn't know who I fucking was. You left me when I was already so attach to you. You made me believe all the crap and lies that came out of you mouth that I didn't even want to doubt you for a minute." Aliya kept on ranting not knowing that the tears were once again pouring out but she didn't care this time. she wanted to pour it all out today.

"Do you know what I went through after you left Kai? I was insane, I was traumatized, I was so lost without you. I couldn't go to bed without crying myself to sleep. And do you know the funny part"

Aliya said in between her sobs.

" I never once regretted it, I never once regretted the day I met you. I was so fucked up, you fucked me up. I was messed up I couldn't even focus on life. After several months of waiting I realized that you were never going to come back so I moved on."

Aliya said with a sad and miserable smile.

" You know that saying that love and hate are both sides of a coin. At that moment I decided to take the other side, hate. I let hatred flood my entire existence. I let myself get drown in hatred. It was the only thing I could feel and everything had been working fine until you showed up and...."

Aliya's voice became hoarse as more tears flooded her face.

" You showed up and now my walls are crumbling down, why? was it not enough that I suffered for years, do you still want me to suffer, why do you have to show up, don't you get it. I hate you thats all I feel for you!!" she screamed the last line as she crouched down on the ground.

She was so frustrated with this life. Why was it so hard on her why can't the universe just let her be. Haven't she suffered enough. Everything was just too overwhelming and she couldn't take it anymore, her head was still aching from yesterday's event and now this...

Skyler watched and listen to every word she spoke, his heart shattered each time she cries. He felt like he was feeling tenfold of the pain she felt in the past. He didn't know how to explain to her.

He just stood there stupefied, he never knew that while he was suffering she was also having her own troubles. Those three words I HATE YOU was resounding in his ear, no he couldn't believe it.

He crouched down and held her shoulders that were still shaking. She didn't even have the strength to resist anymore.

"Aliya....you don't mean it...do you? " He asked but Aliya didn't answer she just stared at his grey eyes.

"Aliya answer me.. look me in the eyes and tell me that you no longer love me" Skyler said hoping that she won't.

Seeing the way his eyes were fearful as he asked her that question Aliya's tears poured profusely down her cheeks and she no longer could hold it back.

Her shoulders shook violently as she cried more and more.

Skyler felt like something or someone was squeezing hi heart right now. He couldn't stand her crying. the mere thought of it was just too much. He didn't know what to do to console her. he wasn't allowed to touch her and he so badly wanted to.