Aliya stared at him with her swollen eyes.

Her mouth opened but she couldn't find the appropriate words to match but then everything made sense to her.

He was doing the same thing again, he was making her fall for him again.

A sad smile plastered her face as she shook her head in utter disbelief.

After all these years he was still able to control her emotion.

Aliya laughed inwardly at herself.

' stupid ' she cursed herself inside.

"This is crazy, you are doing it again, you are playing with me again" She said in low voice still shaking her head in disbelief. Anyone who would see her in this state would not believe that this was the same Aliya they knew. The one who never smiled.

The one whose face was emotionless and whose eyes were always cold and empty.

The Aliya in this room was a whole new different person, her eyes shone pain and anger but they also show longing for the same person who caused her pain.

"What do you take me for?" Aliya asked this time her voice was filled with hurt.

"Do you take me for a toy that you can use and drop anytime?" Aliya asked again but this time her voice was getting louder and her tears were rolling down her cheeks like waterfalls.

Skyler was on the edge of breaking down, each time a tear slipped down her eyelids it was as if his heart was being stabbed with millions of pins. The pain he felt inside was excruciatingly painful.

He didn't find her words hurtful, truth be told he wanted her to scream at him, he wanted her to pour out all her anger on him. He wouldn't mind if she was going to punch or slap him, he didn't care as long as she was not going to shed anymore of her precious tears.

After her outpour Aliya closed her eyes as she tried to calm down her nerves. She was really in a bad shape but that didn't mean that she was going to loose control.

After a couple minutes Aliya's tears stopped and her eyes were back to their usual coldness. Her face was back to the expressionless shape. There was no trace of hurt in he face.

The only way one could tell was if they looked at her eyes and notice the way they were swollen.

Skyler watched in silence and was glad that she finally stopped crying.

Aliya stood up from her former position and looked at Skyler.

Skyler on the other hand looked at her with expectant eyes.

"Thank you for saving me Mr Walker" Aliya said with her practiced smile on her face. it was like the whole showdown never happened as she was already back to her usual self in a matter of minutes.

The hope in Skyler's eyes vanished as he heard her address him as Mr Walker. He was not expecting her to go back to her aloof nature all of a sudden.

"But I believe I've overstayed my welcome" Aliya said still with her usual practised business smile. And although she looked pretty with it only few could notice the big deference from her former smile.

Skyler felt his whole world crumbling down as she continued speaking.

"My head is fine now and it isn't appropriate for me to stay here" Aliya said again as she began to walk towards the door.

"You owe me" Came Skyler's words before she could go out.

Hearing this Aliya faced him and then smiled and said.

"I'll ensure to pay my debt" was all she said as she walked out of the room.

The parlour was well furnished but Aliya didn't seem to notice that, she just strode out of the condo unit.

Luckily for her no one was outside so she was able to take the elevator and stopped at the 5th floor.

She walked towards her condo and immediately the door close shut. Aliya stared at no where in particular as she walked towards her bedroom. She pilled off her clothing and entered the shower, she let the cold water hit her.

It was like she asking the water to wash something off but seeing that it was not working Aliya turned off the shower and dried her body.

She picked up a black A shaped skirt and matched it with a blue top that had a open circle on her chest that showed little of her cleverage. She matched it with a pair of blue heels and a silver jewelry.

Her look was sophisticated as usual, right now she was a different person entirely. The young lady who was crying for hours was no longer there. All that was left was this strong confident lady.