On the top floor a figure slipped down and rested his back on the closed door of his bedroom.

His eyes were lonely and he looked like someone who had lost hi loved one.

After finding her after all this years he was really happy and although he knew that she would be angry but he never expected it to be like this.

In the past Aliya was always angry with him but he was able to cheer her up by calling her sweet names or writing her love poems.

And though she was acting tough and putting on a cold face he could still see that Shy little girl who hides anytime he's around.

The girl who never agreed to any of his video calls because she was shy.

A small chuckle escaped from his lips and then a tear prickled down from the side of his cheek.

"I'll get you back Aliya, I promise you that" Skyler murmured with his eyes closed thinking about her again and all their past moments made him want to go over to her condo and drag her here but he knew that I he did that she will only drift further away from him.

"Ring" came the sound of his phone interrupting his thoughts.

Seeing the caller ID he sighed and then answered the call.

"What the fuck men!!! where the hell are you!" Came a loud voice from the other line.

"Did you get drunk or something, how could forget that you have a million dollar contract to sign today" The voice continued shouting but Skyler didn't pay attention to him.

"I need you to buy me seventy percent of the shares in Young globals" came his sudden reply

"What the hell? Why do you need that for goodness sake you are running a Law firm why do you need to associate yourself with a hospital?"

"Just do as I say, I need everything ready by tomorrow" came his reply before he cut of the call.

He then dialed another number

" Hey bro what's up?" Came his brother Xavier's voice

"I need your help with something" Skyler said.

"Sure anything for you"

"I need you to run the company for me"

" long?" Xavier asked again.

"That I'm not sure" Came his reply with a sad tune

" But it won't take long" came his words again.

And he ended the call.

He sighed as he rest his head back on the door.


Inside the hospital Aliya had just finished her morning checkup routine with Raymond. Right now they were both heading back to their offices when Raymond spoke in a fearful voice.

"Boss" he started, trying to get her attention.

And Aliya hearing his voice turned to him with her poker face asking him to continue.

"Umm....We... there's one last patient we haven't check."

Aliya sighed and then continued walking.

"If you want to talk to me Raymond, talk clearly, do I look like I want to kill you?" she asked and then halted in her footsteps as if waiting for an answer.

Raymond didn't know what to say anymore he couldn't say the truth because he was scared to get fired and he couldn't lie either as she was good at detecting lies.

He gulped as he tried to bring out words from his mouth that seem to be dry all of a sudden.


"Those aren't words Raymond" Aliya said with her sharp tune as she turned to face him.

Seeing his scared look Aliya just sighed and then said.

"Who is the patient?" Aliya asked again

"Elder....Elder Walker boss" Came his shaky voice.

Hearing that name Aliya sighed again

"You can go check on her, make sure she's treated well and taken to the VVIP rooms." Aliya said to which the young man nodded in approval.

"It has been done already boss" he replied again this time with more confidence as it seems that he did something before his boss could tell him.

"But boss why do you ask for special treatment for Elder Walker." Raymond asked again with curiousity in his eyes hoping to get a reply.

Aliya who was about going into her office halted and then glanced at him from her side and then asked.

"I don't think you are in the position to ask questions, are you Mr Raymond?" Aliya said with a grin plastered on her face.

Seeing that look Raymond could tell that she was giving him a Stern warning to keep shut.

Seeing that her message was gotten Aliya walked straight ahead and entered her office.

Jane who had been watching the show couldn't help but laugh as soon as her boss entered the office. Seeing the fearful look on Raymond's face brought Joy to her boring job.

Raymond glared at her and then walked towards her table. he changed his face and he was now looking like the usual Raymond.

"And why are you laughing...uh Jane?" Raymond asked.

"Oh stop pretending...I can still see the fear in your eyes. you were like..." Jane said as she tried to change her face to angry Raymond and then chuckled.

Seeing her laugh heartily like that Raymond felt happy. Seeing her smile was enough to brighten up his soar mood after talking to his boss.

Her laugh was so contagious that it made him smile.

Seeing him smiling Jane stopped.

"Hey why are you smiling? you just got scolded by big boss you are not suppose to be smiling here." Jane said as she rolled her eyes playfully at him.

Raymond who was so lost looking at her face didn't seem to hear what she was saying until he felt a tiny prick on his cheek.

"Ouch" he cried softly. He then changed his voice to a pitiful one and said.

"It hurts so much" he cried.

Seeing him like this Jane bit her lips in regret as she used her hands to softly massaged his cheek.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" She said with regret filled in her voice.

Seeing her expression Raymond smiled and then said out of nowhere.

"I'm in the mood for burger, what do you say we go grab some" He asked with hope filled eyes.

Jane stared at him with confused eyes. She thought he was joking but judging his expression he seems to be serious.

But before Jade could answer

"I see you are back from the checkup" Aliya said as she stared at them with half of her body leaning on the door frame and her hands crossed on her chest.

Realising their awkward position Jane quickly retreated her hand and then lowered her head.

"I.... I'll go do that now." Raymond said and then with hurried footsteps rushed out and headed towards the elevator leading to the VVIP ward, leaving Aliya with Jane.

"I'll be heading to meet Deon" Aliya said as she walked out with her heels making gentle noise.

Aliya used the Elevator and then stopped at Deon's department.

Aliya walked into the medical department. She could here the voices of those jobless secretaries who don't know how to lower their voice while gossiping.

Not minding to confront then she headed to Deon's office.

Seeing the lady that was approaching the door. the secretary didn't bother to question her but just greeted who in turn Aliya gave a nod and then opened the office door only to be welcomed with a disturbing scene.