Aliya sat down on her office chair as images from this morning flooded her mind. After all this years she did get to meet him but who would have thought that their meeting would be like this.

She remembered how she cried and how she screamed at him.

He was back again in her life and she didn't want to accept that, she didn't want to face reality, not yet.

Aliya grabbed a glass and a bottle of Alcohol as she made her way towards the glass wall facing the city.

The sun was going down and the City lights were shining brightly. She could see buildings and lights that shown out of the windows. There were people inside, men, women and children. They were either playing games, watching a movie, chatting or just enjoying each other's company.

But Aliya didn't seem to care about that, the thought of someone trying to poison her lingered in her mind. She was not troubled about her dying but that didn't mean that she would let herself die.

Aliya wanted to know who and why, whoever this person is, seem to know that she was going to that bar and that she was going to drink vodka that night.

She needed to know who went in and out of that bar last night, she needed information and she needed it fast.

The night was getting cold and the sun was red. Aliya grabbed her laptop and her bag and made her way out of her office. Her secretary was not back yet.

Aliya walked towards the parking lot and walked towards her car.

The cold wind blew strands of her hair. Winter was coming soon and the wind was getting colder and colder.

Aliya drove through the streets and after an hour and half she stopped.

She walked with her heels towards her condo and then typed the passcode. The condo was dark as usual and cold as well. She dropped her laptop on the couch and then headed to her room.

After a few minutes she came out clothed in a big top with shorts and a pair of black fluffy slippers. She made her way to the kitchen table and then made coffee.

Aliya knew that she couldn't sleep with an empty stomach. She didn't get lunch because Jane had gone out with Raymond.

Aliya sighed and then ordered Chinese food, luckily there was a branch not too far from her condo unit.

In less than thirty minutes the delivery arrived. Aliya didn't have time to change so she just came out like that since it was dark already.

She saw a lady outside holding a good bag with a smile on her face.

"Good day ma'am " Came the cheerful voice from the young lady.

To which Aliya answers with a simple nod. she stretched out the dollar bills to her and then took her food bag inside.

Aliya could feel a pair of eyes watching her the same way she was being watched in the bar.

Aliya chose to pretend like she didn't hear anything and then entered inside her apartment and then shut her door close.

She ate her Chinese food and after which she did a few assignments on her laptop.

After that she stood up and then stretched her hands. She walked back to her room and then lay under the sheets as the dream world engulfed her entire being.


"Why are you hiding?" Came a voice from a young boy who seems to be about fourteen years of age.

His grey eyes looked at the girl who was hiding behind the tree.

Not getting a response the young boy walked with gentle footsteps towards the tree. Even from that distance he could hear the young girls heavy breathing.

"Got you" he said as he grabbed her hand making her turn. The young girl yelped as she instinctively wrapped her hands on his neck. And as if on que his hands held her tiny waist.

The young girl blushed and her black shoulder length her moved towards her face to which the young man used his hand to place them back to where they belong.

He could see that she was feeling overwhelmed with him this close to her so instead he took her hand and led her to a bench where they both sat down.

The young girl was still looking down as she didn't want him to see her face out of embarrassment.

"Do you really have to go" The young girl asked as she lifted her head up with sadness in her eyes.

"Aliya" He called her name as he raised his hands to touch her cheek to which she leaned in.

"I will be back, I promise" He said as he raised up her hand and kissed her finger's.

Young Aliya blinked away the tears from her eyes as she tried her best not to cry.

"I'll wait" Young Aliya said as she hugged him tight as if trying to merge her skin with his. To which he returned with the same intensity.


Aliya's eyes shut open as she looked up, she didn't seem to be thinking about the dream she just had but the reason why. She hadn't dreamt about him for so long so why the hell did she dream about him now.

The sun was still setting so Aliya changed into her jogging outfit and then stepped out of the condo. She hadn't gone far when she heard a voice shouting out to her.

Aliya wanted to ignore the voice but it was becoming louder and people were strating to look at her.

Aliya sighed and then halted. And after a few seconds the voice caught up with her.

Lim was about to go for his usual exercise routine when his eyes spotted a familiar figure, he called out to her but she didn't seem to hear him and so he increased his voice and that seem to get her attention because she finally stopped.

"Good morning"Lim said with a huge smile on his face.

Seeing him again Aliya just sighed and then continued her jog.

Lim didn't insist on shouting again and instead just followed her. Aliya continued her spot until she got to her usual spot where there was a bench. She then slowed down and then headed towards the bench and took a seat.

Lim followed her and also took a sit.

"How have you been doing?" Lim said trying to break the silence.

"Good" Came Aliya's reply not bothering to spare him a glance.

"I can see that, you look good as usual" Lim said again trying to get a reaction from her but nothing and this time she didn't bother answering him.

"Do you perhaps have anything else to say Mr Lee" Aliya said again.

Lim smiled as if she finally said something that interest him.

"Well since you asked, I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me" He said still with a smile plastered on his face.

Aliya looked at him with her calm and cold expression as silence reigned between them. Lim was still smiling as he anticipated her reply, while Aliya just kept staring at him for what seemed like minutes.

"Sure" Came Aliya's reply as she stood up from the bench.

Lim's smile widened when he heard her answer he wanted to shout and jump like a child who just got an early Christmas present.

"What's the address?" Aliya asked as she checked the time in her wristwatch.

"Oh ...em...I haven't picked a place yet, you know what just give me your number and I'll text you the address" He said with hopeful eyes.

Aliya sighed and then said.


Lim's brows creased in confusion as he looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

"Meet me in room 50 when you make up your mind.

7pm, don't be late." Aliya said as she walked back towards her condo. Leaving Lim standing there dumbfounded.