Young global hospital.

Aliya had just finished her normal routine with Raymond, but she still didn't check Elder Walker and let Raymond do it on his own.

"How's she?" Aliya asked when Raymond came out of the ward. She didn't follow him and just stayed at the side.

"She's doing fine, at this rate she would be out of the hospital in about a week"Raymond said and hesitated for a moment before he added.

"She's been asking for the surgeon who saved her" Raymond said hesitantly.

Aliya sighed and without responding she headed back to her office and was greeted by a slightly nervous Jane.

"What is it?" Aliya asked seeing her face like that she could tell something was going on.

"There's a board meeting happening thirty minutes from now" Jane said trying to gather up her confidence.

"Tell them I'm busy" Aliya said sternly and then continued her walk.

"Boss, it's a compulsory meeting" Jane said again to which Aliya ignored and then entered her office.

Jane on the other hand was not nervous about announcing the board meeting as it was usual thing in this hospital.

After seeing Raymond's look after when he was heading to his office she thought that maybe her boss must have said something about yesterday and how she didn't get lunch because he took her out.

She was nervous because she thought she was going to get her share of the warning or maybe a reduced salary. But her boss was quiet today which was worst.

In a few minutes Aliya was already out and heading to the meeting hall. The place was already crowded when she came in but Deon had already saved her a seat.

"Hey" Deon said as she made her to the chair.

"Do you think they are dating?" Came a whispering voice from a lady. As she pointed her fingers towards Aliya and Deon.

To which the other lady gave her a look of keep your mouth shut.

Aliya was already used to people thinking she was dating Deon. Some even say that she might not be interested in the male gender because anytime a man from the hospital tried to get close to her she drives them away in a flash.

The only person allowed to get close to her was Deon.

The meeting begun with some minute reading and then the status of the hospital which Aliya paid zero attention to. She didn't care all she wanted was for this meeting to meet a closure so she could get back to the peace and quiet in her office.

The door opened with a bang and a figure dressed in back expensive suit and shoes that one would dream of wearing stepped into the Hall and made his way to the chair that was set aside for him. His aura was calm and his well chiseled made made all the girls sigh in appreciation. Apart from one who seem rather angry.

"May I introduce to you all our newest board member Mr Walker" An applaud was headed followed by whispers of why will the CEO of Walker Law Firm, want to associate himself with a hospital. That's new.

Aliya felt anger coursing through her veins. being in his presence was something that she didn't like.

"Didn't you operate on a Walker recently?" Deon asked Aliya to be holding a calm expression unlike the others she looked like she didn't care.

"Yes" Came Aliya's reply.

"Is it him?" Deon asked again as he clapped along.

"No, he's mum" Was Aliya's reply again and Deon answered with and o sound.

After his speech Skyler then invited all of them to dinner, he promised to cover the expenses, to which many of them agreed with a smile on their face.

But Skyler didn't seem to see them as his eyes were focussed on one person the entire time. He saw how she put on a calm expression as she continued talking with Deon. She was talking to another man in front of him.

Jealousy flooded his entire being seeing how close they were. And he tried to mask his jealousy with his calm aura. But his eyes never stopped shooting daggers at Deon.

The meeting ended soon after some formalities, Skyler restrained himself from going to meet Aliya as he thought that he would be able to see her during the dinner party.

Aliya on the other hand didn't care or rather didn't notice him. She just left and headed towards the elevator taking her to her office floor. And was followed by Deon.

"How are you doing?" Deon asked as he stared at her with concern.

"As you can see Deon I'm doing great" She answered as she continued her walking heading to her office.

"What I meant was have there been any side effect?" He asked again and by that time they were already inside Aliya's office. Aliya just went to her desk and then sat down.

"No side effects" she replied.

"Okay, I'm still working on getting that cure but it won't take long" came his reply.

To which Aliya nodded without making a sound.

"Will you be coming for dinner with the rest of us?" Deon asked again as he watched her type in something in her laptop.

"No" came her stern reply.

Deon's face then changed to one of a sad puppy

"Why not?" He asked again.

"I already have plans for dinner with someone" She replied.

Deon's face instantly lit up hearing her reason, and his dad face was gone in a see seconds.

"Who I he?" He asked with excitement filled voice.

"Who said it's a he?" Aliya retorted back.

"Oh c'mon, it was a guess, so tell me who is he?" He asked Davin like an inpatient child.

"Lim Lee" She replied.

Deon's mouth formed an O shape at the mention of Lee.

"You mean Lim Lee, like the real Lim Lee." He asked wanting to confirm before making assumptions.

"No the fake one, dimwit" Aliya said.

Deon's lips twitched as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Do you know who Lim Lee is uh? He's the heir of the Lee Enterprises" Deon said and still he got no reaction from Aliya.

"How did you get hooked up with him?" Deon asked with curiousity.

"He lives close to me and he like disturbing, he's like a pest, an unwanted one. I was getting tired of his disturbances so I agreed to his dinner date, he was talking to much that was the best way to silent him." Aliya replied without caring.

"Did you even look him up?" Deon asked again

"There was no reason for that" Aliya replied sternly.

Deon just sighed and then walked over to her couch, he sat down and rested his head on the headboard.

"Well I guess I'll be alone in the dinner party." He said and then sighed.

Aliya just speed him a glance and then continued with her work.

An hour had passed and Deon was still here.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Aliya asked again.

" Nope" came his reply. He then brought out his phone and then started playing video game.