By the time Aliya reached her condo it was a few minutes past 8:30. She then entered her room and changed into a black dinner gown that had a fish tail with a one shoulder off design. She then matched it up with a silver necklace and a pair of silver earrings to match.

She then used a pair of black high heel to match her gown. She packed her black hair in a bun and then added some pins while letting a single strand fall at the side of her face.

She then added a little make-up and matched it up with red lipstick. Her look today was seductive and that was what she was aiming for.

Her doorbell rang and she already knew sho was there and so without wasting time she opened the door and a young gentleman clothed in black tuxedo was standing at her door. He looked really handsome but Aliya didn't seem to care about his looks and unlike her the young man seemed to be lost in her beauty as he gazed at her.

His jaws hung open seeing her like this. The one off shoulder dress was so tempting for any man to resist and he was not an exception.

"You...you look great" He finally said after a few seconds of staring.

"I know" came Aliya's reply not bothering to be polite with her words.

But Lim didn't seem to mind her impoliteness and just smiled.

"So where are we going?" Aliya asked as she stepped out of her condo and then shut the door not allowing Lim to see a peek.

"I was about choosing when I got an invitation to the night party so i thought it would be better if we go to the party instead." He then ended his speech.

"What kind of party?" Aliya asked.

"It's....a masquerade party" He said with a little hesitation in his voice. He said as he the stretched out his hand which had a mask on it.

Aliya took the mask from his hand and then said

"Let's go" she said as she walked ahead of him.

Lim sighed in relief with the fact that she didn't disagree or change her mind.

He walked with hurried footsteps so as to match his pace with Aliya's.He then guided her towards the limo outside waiting for him they were two bodyguards by the side of the car. When they saw their boss coming they opened the car door ,Lim held Aliya's hand as he guided her inside the car and after which he followed.

They arrived at the ha on time. Reporters from different networks were already lined up trying to get information.

Seeing the reporters Aliya sighed and then put on her mask, her black face masks covered only her eyes and a little of her forehead. it had a silver lining which went perfectly well with her necklace.

The doors opened and then Lim came out and accompanied by Aliya they bother walked on the red carpets. The reporters gasped in shock when they saw the pair that had just walked in, though they couldn't see their eyes they could still tell that it was The. famous Lim Lee, the CEO of Lee Enterprises.

Seeing him present here the flock of reporters tried getting close to him but couldn't because of the guards surrounding him.

"Mr Lee sir, who is the you brought today?" A female reporter asked as she tried to force her way through the bodyguards.

"Mr Lee is she your new girlfriend?" Another female voice asked again.

"Mr Lee is your relationship out of love or for business deals?" came a male voice.

More questions kept on coming as the crowd continued their speculation but neither Lim or Aliya bothered to answer them.

Aliya was not liking this but she didn't have a choice. she had agreed to go to dinner with him because she already knew from the start that he would be going to this masquerade party. She needed information and she needed it fast and this is the only way. she would had to go through this crowd.

Luckily no one was able to pinpoint who she was exactly but some say that she was an actress or one of those famous models. but nevertheless no one was able to tell who she really was. some shots were taken and Aliya was sure that her face was going to be on the front page of the news paper tomorrow.


Inside a private restaurant the young globals executive's and head of departments were all present, all except one.

After much thought Skyler had decides to come for the dinner party. Everyone was having fun except him, the food was suplus and everyone had a taste of everything the restaurant had to offer.

"Tessy did you notice something?" Asked a lady to her friend who was sitting beside her.

"No Angela, what is it?" Tessy asked with much enthusiasm wanting to know the new gossip. Angela had been her close friend for a long time and they both have similar characters. gossip.

"Our brain surgeon is not here today" Angela said to which Tessy turned around and noticed that indeed she wasn't here.

"No wonder Deon had is sad, he misses his girlfriend" Tessy said and they both laughed at the ending.

Unnoticed to them Deon had heard them and he decided to join their chatter.

"You guys look like you are having fun" He said as he walked to their table.

"Oh...Deon, I can see that your girlfriend isn't around today" Tessy said as she sipped from her glass of wine.

"Yes" came Deon's reply without denying to the fact that Aliya was his girlfriend.

"Oh,and why is that?" Angela asked trying to get more information.

"Miss Angela is correct. She must know that this is an important gathering, why did she miss it?" Skyler chirped in.

He had been listening to the girls chatter since the beginning of the dinner and all they said was gossip but what caught his attention was when they mentioned brain surgeon and Deon's girlfriend. And when the man didn't deny the fact it upset him more.

The two girls seemed happy that their new supervisor was supporting them on this matter so they decided to continue speaking.

"I mean who does she think she is, everyone is present here but she isn't. She should be taught a proper lesson. This is an important gathering and everyone should get here no excuses" Tessy said to which Angela nodded.

"Mr Walker She had a very important thing to attend to this evening which was why she couldn't make it." Came Deon's words not bothering to give an answer to the two girls.

Skyler felt his rage increasing when Deon used the word important to describe the dinner date she was having.

"whatever it is it can wait, this is a one time thing and it should not be missed by anyone. Even the host is here.

Does she think she is more important than the rest of us or that we don't have anything important to do. Mr Walker you can see for yourself first hand how our so called brain surgeon behaves. She doesn't have respect for people and she lacks proper manners, surely you should....." Angela was about to add the last sentence when

"Enough" Skyler's voice thundered in the whole restaurant, catching the attention of some people.

"Don't you dare say one more word" Skyler warned as he glared down at her.

Angela felt like all the air in her body had been drained. She felt like cold ice just hit her face. Whoever this guy was he seem to be good at scaring people.

"M..Mr Walker, did I say some.."

"Do you have a ear problem or you just don't seem to understand English" Was Skyler's last statement before he strode out of the restaurant.

Angela felt embarrassed as she saw people looking at her, not everyone but a few had witnessed what happened. Seeing the way Mr Walker shouted at her a because of that bitch her anger and jealousy knew no bounds.