Skyler walked with hurried steps as he entered his car. he matched the accelerator with all the power he could muster at that moment.

He was at the edge of his self control, he thought that he would be able to survive it just for today but he couldn't. He needed her right now.

He stopped at her condo and then rushed to her door.

He banged on the door while calling her name but there was no response.

He groaned in frustration and then brought out his phone and dialed a number.

"Find her, now!!" He yelled in the other line and then headed back to his car. And while he was inside his phone made a ding.

He picked the phone and then read the address sent to him. his knuckles turned white from clenching it too hard.

"Get my suit ready" Was his last sentence before he drove away.


The hall was crowded with different people, celebrities, governor's and even musicians. You can never tell who is under the mask

Since the beginning Aliya didn't bother paying attention to the gazes she was getting from people, she just ignores them like they didn't exist. She was not here to form alliance or make new friends. She was here to get information and she would be getting it soon.

Her eyes searched the crowd looking for him when she finally spotted him in the presence of woman as usual.

She was about to go meet him when Lee stopped her.

"Drink" He said as he stretched out one hand which had a glass of Champaign.

Aliya collected the glass and then pretended to drink. She was still conscious about the fact that someone was trying to poison her and so she couldn't just drink anything.

"How did you get an invite to a party filled with corrupt politicians?" Aliya asked her first question from the night.

"My father was into politics, he made lots of friends with the corrupt ones as they were more useful. Since he passed away they have been trying to get me to join their circle, I always get invitation when there's a party. I just don't like attending but since I couldn't pick a place for us to go to I thought that this would be perfect." He replied and then silence followed as Aliya didn't ask anything else.

"Excuse me" Aliya said as she passed him the glass and then made her way towards the figure she had been eyeing since she came in.

She walked with slow steps as she made her way towards him.

As if he had noticed her coming he dismissed the rest.

"Hello beautiful" came a male voice to which Aliya ignored and then went and sat close to him. Even with the mask on she would still recognise him.

The young man reached out his hand and was about to touch her exposed thigh when she grabbed his hand.

"Try that next time and I'll caught your hands in bits" Came her threat as she pushed his hand back.

Hearing that voice Harry came back to his senses amd then muttered.

"Aliya" he muttered under his breath.

"It's good to see you too Harry" She then said.

"How did you find me?" He asked again.

"Lucky guess" Aliya replied and then added.

"I need your help" She said going straight to the point.

As if understanding the kind of help she needed he sighed and then said.

"follow me" to which they both stood up and walked.

"There's a man watching us, do u know him? Harry asked.

Aliya turned her head backwards and then she saw him. He was wearing a black mask but his had a gold lining. He was dressed in a tuxedo and he looked breathtaking. But Aliya didn't have time to appreciate his good looks. She just gave him a last glance and then continued walking with Harry.

Skyler on the other hand had entered the hall a few minutes ago. he saw how she was conversing with a man whom he suspected must be the reason why she didn't come for the party. He didn't pay attention to the man and just watched Aliya's every step. He saw how she headed towards the man at the table, everything seemed okay til his hand reached out to touch her thighs but Aliya had stopped him halfway with a warning.

He was about to follow her when a voice stopped him.

"Mr Walker" Skyler halted hearing that familiar voice. He knew that person too well to forget his voice. He turned back and then saw the same man that Aliya had come in with.

Seeing him this close and hearing his voice everything clicked and he now understood.

"Lim" He said as he glared at the man in front of him.

A wicked smile carved on Lim's lips as he stared at Skyler.

"I'm so glad you remembered me Kai" He called him and Kyler felt his veins popping out of his head.

"Stay away from her" Skyler ordered as he glared at the man in front of him.

"Or what Kai, What are you going to do?" He questioned with a victorious look on his face.

"You see Skyler you left her years ago and now I've found her again and she's with me, she enjoys my presence. I don't think you have noticed how she hated being around you. She despises you Kai" He said trying to test Skyler's patience.

"Accept reality Kai, you had already lost before you could even start" He said the last part with a challenging smile.

If not for the fact that people were here Skyler would have beaten this man to a pulp. But seeing how crowded this place is he chose to save his beating for next time.

Skyler turned back to Aliya's direction but he couldn't find her anymore.

He cursed under his breath as he clenched and unclenched his hands.

"Oh Kai, you really don't know when to give up do you?" He said with a sardonic laugh. as if mocking the man.

But Skyler didn't seem to care about his words as he began the search for Aliya.