Aliya followed Harry as he led her out of the crowd. They both passed through the corridor while avoiding the guards.

They soon made their way out of the hall and headed towards a large van parked outside.

Harry opened the back door of the van and allowed Aliya to enter first, he then followed her while making sure no one was watching them.

Inside the van was filled with devices, spy cameras. He was able to watch everyone going in and out of the hall.

"Why are you here?, our deal ended years ago, you were not suppose to show up in front of me ever again remember" Harry said with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Someone is trying to kill me" Aliya said but Harry didn't seem to be surprised.

"And how am I connected with it?" He asked again as he brought out a bottle of alcohol with two glasses.

"Well since it's in your field of work to kill people I thought that you would have information for me" Aliya said as she continued looking at the video cams when her eyes saw a figure walking around as if in search of someone.

"Your boyfriend?" Harry asked when he saw the man her eyes were looking at.

But his question was ignored by Aliya who was still staring at the screen.

"Here" he handed her a glass fled with whatever was in the bottle.

Seeing her scrutinizing gaze he then added.

"If I wanted to kill you I would have done that since the moment you came in the van." He replied as he rolled his eyes.

After much hesitation Aliya finally stretched out her hands and took the glass from him and then took a sip.

"You like?" Harry asked with a grin plastered on his face.

"Here I thought that I was the only one hired to kill you" He said as he then took a sip from his glass.

"Have your company received any order to kill me?" Aliya asked again.

"Well after I was asked to kill you and didn't succeed, no one brought up the topic anymore, it was a close case. Whoever is trying to kill you is not from my organization" He replied with certainty.

Aliya just stared at him for a moment before she finally dropped the glass.

"Thanks for not helping" Aliya said as she excited the van.

"You are welcome" He said as he continued sipping his drink.

Aliya made her way through the corridors when she felt her head ache again. The pain was more worst than last time and she could feel her eyes getting heavy again. She lost her balance and then slipped down as she held her head in pain.

"Aliya" She heard someone call her name but due to the pain she wasn't able to disperse who the voice belonged to.

"Aliya" The voice kept calling her name.

Aliya then heard the voice coming closer, she tried to stand up but she lost her balance again and fell.

But before she could hit the ground she was caught by a pair of strong arms but unlike last time she couldn't see the person's face before everything tuned black and she passed out.


Aliya's eyes fluttered open as she felt the pain in her head reduce. She was at least able to raise her head up.

Aliya sat up and only then did she realise that she was in a car. She adjusted herself into a sitting position.

This wasn't the car she came in with. They were almost the same, it's just that this one had shades of grey.

Aliya looked out the window and noticed that she was in a car outside the hall.

"You are awake" Came a voice that Aliya knew too well.

She returned her gaze back and stared at the man in front of her. She could see the relief that washed over his face at the sight of her awake. Judging from his look Aliya could tell that he was really stressed out.

His tuxedo was off and what was left was his white long sleeve which he had rolled to his elbow with two buttons opened at the top.

Skyler had been looking for her since she left the hall only to find her outside in the corridors, luckily he caught her before she could fall. He had brought her to the car and had dismissed his bodyguards including his driver so that he could have time alone with her.

"How long was I out?" Aliya asked as she stared at him.

"For about thirty minutes" came Skyler's reply.

Hearing that Aliya immediately opened the car door and rushed out, she was still wearing her heels and it made it a lot harder for her to run.

"Aliya" Skyler called out as he too followed behind her Wondering what she was looking for.

Aliya rushed out in search of the van and when she finally found it her eyes blazed with anger as she kicked the door open.

"Aliya let's not do anything that we'll regret" Harry said as he saw the menace in her eyes.

Aliya didn't hid to his words, she rushed towards him and then dragged out a small knife from her thigh and positioned it close to it's neck.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now" Aliya yelled at him as she pushed the blade further into his skin.

"Because if you do then you will be killing your only source of information" Harry said with a calm expression even though he knew that there was a blade close to his neck and with a single push he would be dead.

"Aliya thats enough" Came Skyler's voice from the outside of the van.

"You should listen to your boyfriend Aliya" Came Harry's calm voice.

"Shut up" Aliya said and then removed the blade from his neck not without leaving a small cut.

Seeing that the situation was better now Skyler stepped into the van and stood beside Aliya.

"Who sent you?" Aliya asked as she stared at him with complete coldness in her eyes.

Harry chuckled and then grabbed his napkin and covered the wound she inflicted on his neck.

"Now that would be telling" He said with a grin. But soon the grin was wiped off when he felt the cold blade that passed by his jaw and hit one of his computer screen.

"I missed" Aliya said with a cold menacing smile on her lips,she then dragged out another knife from her slits.

"Do you think I'll miss again?" She asked but this time there was no smile on her face, as she twirled the small knife in her hands.