Realising the position he was in Harry sighed and then said.

"Bishop" he said.

"Don't test my patience" Aliya said with threat in her voice as she prepared to throw the knife.

"I'm serious Aliya that's her name"

"What do you mean by her" Skyler who had been watching the drama unfold in front of him finally butted in.

"She's a lady" Aliya muttered under her breath.

"That I'm not sure of, but lots of speculation had been going round no one knows who the mysterious bishop is" He added.

"So everything you told me earlier was a lie" Aliya said again as she stared into his eyes wanting to know the truth.

"No Aliya, Everything was true" He replied as he kept on cleaning his wound.

"You said your company had not received any order to kill me"Aliya said to which he countered.

"I did say that but I never said that I didn't"

"Bishop contacted you" Aliya said with creased brows.

To which Harry nodded in affirmation.

"Why did you do it?" Aliya asked again.

Harry chuckled and then said.

"I'm an agent Aliya, Its my Job to kill people. Aliya I didn't mean to but he knew a lot about me, more than he should know, I had to agree."

"What do you mean by that?" Aliya asked

"The bishop knew about my kid, she threatened to tell the organisation about it. You know how it is being an agent. You are not allowed to have any kind of relationship including family. If the organization were to find out they would kill him. I couldn't take the risk" He said with a frustrated look on his face.

"Harry she still has evidence and she can transfer it to the organization anytime she wants" Aliya said with frustration in her voice.

"They can use it to black mail you anytime they want to" Aliya said half yelling.

"I don't care Aliya, I can't risk my child's life, He's all I have in this world" Harry said with low voice.

Aliya was about to retort back when she felt Skyler's hand on hers as if signaling her to just let it go.

Aliya sighed and then left the van. But Skyler stayed behind and when he was sure that Aliya was out of sight he then walked towards Harry and then said in a threatening voice.

"Unlike Aliya Harry, I don't miss. The same way you care about your son and is willing to do anything to protect him, that's the same way I care about Aliya and maybe more. Don't you ever pull off that kind of stunt ever again." He said and then left the van.

Harry smiled one filled with amusement.

And he thought that Aliya was the scariest, the person who just threatened him was nothing but the devil incarnate.

"Aliya" Skyler called out again as he looked around for her. He then found her staring into space as the wind blew her hair to different sides making her bun messy.

Skyler then walked towards her and then said.

"We need to get going" he said as he stared at her back.

"No Mr Walker" Aliya said as she then stared back at him.

"You need to start going not we. I appreciate your help today and I promise to pay my debts to you" Aliya sad and then continued.

"I can find my way home, after all I didn't come with you it won't be right to go back with you, I'm sure Mr Lee would..."

"Enough Aliya" Came Skyler's voice which seem to be trembling.

"Aliya stop this, stop it right now" Skyler commanded as he struggled to contain his anger.

"Mr Walker...."

"Don't call me that" Skyler's voice interrupted her again.

"Aliya just stop all this, you are killing me. If you want to punish me then do it, but pls don't push me away like this Aliya. I can't stand it"

He pleaded as he stared at her.

Aliya just looked at him and she could feel her heart aching so badly. It was like she could feel times ten of his pain. She bit down her lips as she turned her face away from him trying hard to fight the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes but she just couldn't as tears poured out of her eyes.

Seeing this Skyler's heart ached and he reached out his hands towards her and Aliya kept telling him to stop but unlike the last time he didn't listen.

He wrapped his hands around her and hugged her so tight like he wanted to merge both their bodies. Aliya's body tensed at his touch, it was all too familiar to her and even though her mind was resisting her body seemed to love the warmth emitting from him.

And after so much hesitation Aliya finally stopped struggling and just let him hug her as she cried to her hearts satisfaction. After everything that had happened she was still back in his arms crying.

Skyler just caressed her back with his hand as he enjoyed the feeling of having her in his arms again after so many years. He could feel her tears soaking his shirt but he didn't mind, as long as she was crying in his arms where only he could console her, nothing else mattered to him except the feeling of her soft body pressed against his.

When he noticed that her shoulders were no longer shaking he finally let go of her. There were still some remnants of tears on her cheek and so he leaned on her face and then kissed her eyelashes before kissing her tears away.

Aliya was stunned by his action and she could feel all the blood in her body rush to her face. But then reality dawned on her and she then realized what she was doing and her expression changed but not to the cold one.

"Let's go home Aliya" He said in a pleading voice again.

as he bumped his forehead with hers.

But Aliya quickly pulled away and then looked down.

"Did I go too far?" Skyler asked when he saw how her expression changed again.

"No, it's not you Kai" She said with more calmness in her voice.

Skyler felt relieved when he heard her call him Kai, which meant that she was not angry with him anymore.

"Then what is it?" He asked again.


"No Aliya don't call me that" he said as he shook his head.

"Call me Kai, I feel more at ease when you call me that" he said as he stared at her face.

She was not smiling but her face held a calm expression different from the ones she held before.

"Kai, I'm... I'm scared" She said as her lips trembled again.

Seeing her reaction Skyler thought that maybe she was scared because someone was trying to kill her.

"it's okay Aliya, no one is going to hurt you when I'm around. I won't even let them touch a strand of your hair." He said with so much assurance.

"That's not why I'm scared" Aliya said as she shook her head.

Skyler then flashed her a confused look.

"I'm.... I'm scared of doing this again" She finally said as she stared at his face with a sad look.