Kai stared at her face and he finally understood what she meant.

Aliya wasn't scared of death, it was something inevitable if it's suppose to happen then it will. What scared her was the idea of putting her heart back in the line.

"I can't, I just can't do it" Aliya said as tears rolled down her cheeks.


"No... don't say it" He didn't want to hear another word. he could already tell that whatever she was going to say was going to make him crazy.

"Aliya pls don't... don't say it" he pleaded as he pressed both their foreheads together.


"Shh...Aliya I'm not asking you to love me back, I won't force you to love me but pls just let me love you, pls. I won't ask for anything else Aliya just allow me to love you." He said in a pleading voice.

"No" Aliya said as she shook her head again.

"I can't...we can't do this" She then took a few steps backwards.

Skyler felt his heart shatter at her reaction. He didn't know what else to do. He couldn't let her slip away from him.

He could feel his anger rising up again. There was no calmness anymore, he was now looking like a devil incarnate.

Aliya swallowed the lump in her throat and then she put on her expressionless face. She then walked past him and was about leaving when she heard his voice.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked as he turned to face her. his voice were like cold ice that pierced through her skin but she still held her ground and looked into his eyes and said.

"That is not your consign Mr Walker" Aliya said as she took a few steps back when he started walking towards her.

Skyler looked at her and then a cunning smile formed on his lips.

"You owe me two debts, right Doctor?" He asked as he stared at her.

Even with his intense gaze Aliya still mustered up all her confidence and answered him.

"Yes Mr Walker and I promise to payback your kindness"

she said.

And Skyler's smile broadened on his lips. Gone was the man whom she hugged. This was a whole new person entirely.

"Ah" she yelped when she felt him forcefully drag her towards his car. He opened the door and then placed her inside.

He then leaned in on her his face was so close and their lips were just inches apart and Aliya felt her heartbeat accelerate.

"Mr.. Walker, what are you doing?" She asked when she felt him inching closer and then she head a click sound.

"Fixing your seatbelt" He replied seriously like it was a normal thing.

Aliya was about to retort to his statement but he had already closed the door and turned around so he could enter the driver's seat.

"Mr Walker with all due respect sir where are you taking me to?" She asked when he had finally entered the car.

"Home, where else" He replied again like it was a normal thing for him to take her home.

Seeing that he was not bulging Aliya just sighed and then decided to keep her mouth shut.

"When were you going to tell me?" Skyler asked with his eyes focussed on the road.

But Aliya didn't respond and instead shut her eyes close to avoid further discussion on this topic.

"Aliya" He called her but still she didn't budge so he stopped the car with force making a screech sound.

Aliya's eyes opened wide as she stared at him with annoyance.

"If you wanted to die you should have just told me" Aliya said as she rolled her eyes at him.

"Aliya start talking, now" He ordered in a calm but commanding voice that would make any listener immediately talk but Aliya didn't seem to be affected.

"Mr Walker I don't think you are in the position to know anything about me" Aliya said as she stared at him in the eyes without fear.

Skyler felt his veins popping when she said that sentence. She was still talking to him like he was a complete stranger, Like as if the moment they just shared a few minutes ago never happened.

With that Skyler just sighed and then continued to drive, he was calm, infact too calm that one suspects if he was really human.

Aliya stared at the road as the car moved in the night.

"You owe me too debt and I Wish to collect one of them" Skyler's calm voice was the only thing that was heard in the silent car and if one were to listen carefully they would year how Aliya's heartbeat quicken at his statement.

Even though his words surprised her Aliya still put on a brave face.

"Of course Mr Walker, you did save my life twice, and I'll like to repay your kindness" Aliya said in her emotionless voice as she continued looking outside the window.

"Good then" Skyler said with a smirk plastered on his face as he glanced at Aliya who seem to be busy staring outside to notice him.

"From now henceforth you will live with me" Skyler said with ease. Aliya glared at him with daggers coming out of her eyes and if look could kill he would be dead by now with the way Aliya was looking at him.

The whole car was once again silent as Aliya had turned her gaze back outside the window without saying anything about Skyler's last statement.

The car then stopped at the condo unit. Skyler was the first to get down and he was about turning round to open the door for Aliya like a proper gentleman but Aliya had already stepped down from the car.

Skyler just grinned and then they both entered while keeping a safe distance from each other. They entered the elevator and in a few seconds they arrived on the top floor.

Skyler was the first to walk out of the elevator followed by Aliya who was still carrying her emotionless face as she followed Skyler. They both walked towards a door and after typing the passcode the door made a clink sound and Skyler opened it with a grin on his face.

He gave way for Aliya to enter first. and then he too entered shutting the door.

The room was dark and Aliya couldn't see anything. Unlike her apartment she not familiar with this new one and she didn't know where the light switch was.

Aliya's mind kept on calculating using her room as an example when all of a sudden the lights were on and a deep husky voice whispered

"Welcome to your new home Aliya"