Aliya's breath hitched when she felt how close he was to her and if she learned in a little more his lips would be on her skin and through her body was longing for that touch Aliya still controlled herself and turned to face him.

But it seemed like she made a bad move because now she could feel his breath on her lips and his gaze on her only increased the heat in her body, Aliya gulped and then took a couple steps back.

And a smile seem to form on Skyler's lips seeing her reaction.

"What about my things?" Aliya asked as she stared at him.

"They'll arrive tomorrow" He simply answered as he made his way to the fridge to grab a bottle of water and the two glasses.

"Then how do you propose I sleep tonight, naked?" Aliya asked sarcastically as her eyes began to scan his living room.

"Of course I don't mind that" Skyler said with a grin on his face. "But if you really need clothes so badly then you can borrow mine" He simply replied.

Aliya on the underhand was lucky she was not facing Skyler right now, his words earlier seemed to have made her cheeks warm.

"Here" He said as he handed her a glass of water which she took.

Seeing this whole scenario again Aliya was then reminded of the incident in the van.

"I'm.... I'm not usually like that" Aliya said trying to explain herself.

Seeing the look on her face Skyler already understood what she was saying.

"Hey, I'm not judging you. I'm sure you have a reason for whatever you did" He simply said as he took gentle sips.

"That night that you first saved me....I was poisoned. Something was added to my drink and I didn't know. I did a check up in the hospital and that was when I noticed something in my cells. Whatever's was in that drink seem to be poisoning my system, my cells are able to handle a few dose of it but today I had to take another one a because of that dumbass." Aliya said as she then took all the water in one gulp. She didn't know why she told him all this but deep down she wanted to him to know that there was a reason why she did what she did.

Skyler heard all she said but he was still quiet as he tried to connect the dots

"What I don't understand is that, the last time you got posioned you slept for hours before waking up but today was different. Why?" He asked as he stared at her with creased brows.

"Well the last time I drank a whole bottle but today I only took a few sips, I think that's why I didn't sleep long. And if I'm calculating correctly my body won't be able to handle another intake." She replied with a calm expression like her death was nothing.

Skyler felt his light diminish as he heard her.

"So what are you saying?" He asked as he tried hard not to let his emotions out.

"I'm saying Mr Walker that if I get poisoned one more time then I might not survive" Aliya replied without stress.

"Aliya you can't be serious, there have to be a cure or something?" He asked as he stared at her with hope filled eyes.

"There's none" Aliya simply replied and the man seem to not like her answer.

He was in turmoil right now as to what to do but all of a sudden a grin appeared on his face.

"I always fall for your tricks" He said with a grin plastered on his face.

To which Aliya shrugged her shoulders. She was messing with him but not everything was a joke.

"Aliya I'm not messing around" He said as he changed his voice again.

"Someone is trying to kill me by making me drink a substance that's very harmful to my health and if I continue to take it then something bad might happen to me" Aliya replied again with an I don't care look as she stared at the man who seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"How do you know him" Skyler asked referring to the guy he saw in the van.

"Harry works for an organization that specializes in assassination. He's an agent in the organization and he gets contract to kill people. A year ago Harry got a contract to kill me, whoever the person was was willing to pay a huge amount of money to whoever kills me. Luckily my eyes were sharp and I was quick to notice someone tailing me. We both had a little discussion and after several words were spoken we came to an agreement whereby the both of us keep our mouth shut" Aliya said again.

"What do you mean by that?"Skyler asked with more interest.

"He goes back with a game story about how I escaped and I keep his secret safe." Aliya replied.

"What secret?" Skyler asked again.

"Well that's something between me and Harry" Aliya then answered.

"Where is the key to the guest room?" Aliya then asked. Her eyes had been scanning the whole apartment and we noticed that he had three rooms. One of which was the Masters bedroom.

"I don't know" Skyler replied nonchalantly as he began to take off his shoes.

"What do you mean by that Mr Walker?" Aliya asked with raise brows.

"I don't have the key" He replied again.

"But this is your apartment so you should have a key." Aliya said again as she tried to hide her annoyance.

"Oh I do have a key...." He said and Aliya sighed in relief.

"To my bedroom" he added the last line which seem to be the final straw for Aliya, her jaws were ticking and her veins popping.

"Oh here it is" he said as he picked a key that was on the kitchen counter.

"Since I can't find the keys to the other rooms I guess you will have to stay in my room, I don't like sharing but I think I'll manage for today." He said with a grin on his face as he made his way to the door of the master bedroom.

"That won't be necessary Mr Walker" Aliya said with her usual calm voice.

"I'll sleep on the couch" Aliya then said.