Skyler turned back at her immediately he heard the words SLEEP ON THE COUCH. His first thought was that she was joking but he was proven wrong when he saw her head to the sofa. His mind seem to be finding other ways to make her stay in the bedroom.

"You can't sleep on the couch" Skyler then said without thinking.

"And why is that?" Aliya asked she she looked at him wondering the excuse he was going to give this time.

"It's a quality couch Aliya, I don't want you drooling all over it" He said and his words made Aliya abruptly stop in her footsteps.

"I don't drool" She said with her hands folded on her chest, her face had a displeased look on it.

"I can't take any chances Aliya" Skyler said with a confident look on his face when on the inside he was praying and hoping that she would just follow him.

"I guess I'll sleep in the Masters bedroom then" Aliya said with a forced business smile on her face. If it was someone else she would have walked out of the apartment a long time ago but he was different and besides she had already given him her words. He did save her twice.

With a satisfied grin on his face Skyler walked towards the door with Aliya beside him as he opened the door to the Masters bedroom. His room to be precise.

"Aliya gazed at the room with no emotion in her eyes. She was neither amazed or surprised. Her expression was unreadable but Skyler didn't seem to mind because no matter what expression she out on she was still the most beautiful girl in his eyes.

The room was dimly lighted and it gave a cool vibe. The shades of grey were beautiful and they made a perfect contrast with the grey walls. The room was luxurious and it had a muscular scent that would drive any girl crazy. The bed was huge and was big enough for five people, the furniture were grey and Aliya had just realized that everything in this room seemed to be grey. Her eyes kept looking around the room without taking note of the man behind her.

Skyler just kept on staring at her different expressions, the was her eyes shone with curiousity anytime she spotted something new. Her every expression aren't o fascinate him and make him want her more. He didn't want her to sleep in the other room s because he knew that he won't be able to sleep knowing that she was in the next room. He wanted her close to him, he wanted to feel the warmth that only she could give.

"I would have loved to sleep in the couch but I'm guessing it's another quality couch and you wouldn't want me drooling on it"Aliya said as she faced him with her face pointing suspiciously at him.

Aliya could tell from the beginning that he was lying but she choose to play along with the game for reasons that she did not know but one thing is sure and that is she wanted to know how this is going to end.

Skyler seemed satisfied with the fact that she didn't volunteer to sleep on the ground. Even if he may not be able to hold her he was still glad that he would have her sleeping beside him tonight and that alone was more than enough for him.

"Mr Walker when I said I was going to repay the favour this wasn't what I meant" Aliya said as she stared at him. To which Skyler replied with a look of innocence like he didn't know what he did wrong and why she was asking him that.

."When I said I would repay your kindness I didn't mean that I would stay in your house. If you had asked me to be your cleaning lady then that would be understandable."

"Oh.... I must have misinterpreted you doc". He said as his grin widened on his face.

"Next time then" Skyler added in an excited tune.

"Who's bathing first?" Aliya asked ignoring his last statement.

"I don't see why we both can't go in together" He said in a voice that seem to be innocent.

"Mr Walker that is not appropriate" Aliya said as she glared at him.

"Alright I'll go first" He said and then entered the bathroom.

Aliya eyes continued skimming through the room as she took note of all the objects and grey furnitures.

Aliya then walked out of the room as she continued staring. Her eyes the noticed a keyboard at the furthest end of the spacious living room.

She walked towards the keyboard and used her fingers to glide on the keys. She then looked up and that was when her eyes noticed the magnificent view. Aliya continued walking as she stared at the mirror wall. The whole wall was made of glass, and from the way it looks she could tell that it was a one way glass.

Back in her apartment she had an open terrace window where she was able to enjoy a little view but with this wall she was able to see the city. The street lights were on and the moon was starting to come out. Aliya's eyes were calm as they stared at the glass. Even though the view was perfect Aliya failed to appreciate it.

Her eyes kept on looking with a calm expression on her face, the whole scenario seem to be able to calm her down and her cold eyes flickered with something that had not been seen in Aliya's eyes before but it left in a flash.

Her blue eyes kept on looking outside the glass but even though her eyes were on the glass her mind seem to be somewhere else.

Aliya was so intent in her thinking that she didn't notice when someone entered the living room.

"Amazing view, isn't it?" a voice asked from behind her.

Aliya turned and was stunned with what she saw.