Aliya kept staring at the man who was draped in a long grey robe. his hair was a little drench and it made him look even more sexier.

The grey robe opened a little of his chest and Aliya gulped seeing the view in front of her. It was even better than the one she saw before.

His look right now was more of a god emerging from the sea with his perfectly sculped chest and his high cheekbone.

Aliya hadn't realized that she was staring at him until she saw a satisfied grin on his face only then did she turn away from him and headed back into the bed room.

Skyler was impressed with himself with how he was able to gain all her attention and with a grin on his face he followed her to the room.

"Where are my clothes?" was the first question she asked him immediately the door was shut.

Skyler didn't seem angry that she used the word my as he was still happy about what had happened earlier.

He walked towards his closet and then brought out one of his boxer shorts and a pair of long sleeve.

Aliya looked at the clothes with dissatisfaction in her eyes she didn't mind the fact that she was going to wear shorts, what bothered her was the long sleeve he gave her.

She didn't like wearing long sleeve when sleeping, she liked to be Free but tonight she won't be able to get that.

Aliya sighed and then walked into the bathroom. In a few minutes she was out but unlike Skyler all she had on her body was a short towel that was not even able to cover her thighs properly.

Skyler stared at the girl as she walked towards the clothes he had earlier brought out. The towel was not meant to cover the whole body as it was a waist towel but she needed something to cover and the towel was the only thing there.

Aliy took the clothes and then she headed to the open closet to change so that the pervert Skyler won't see her.

Skyler just chuckled at her behaviour and then continued with what he was doing.

Aliya came out dressed in his boxer shorts and a long sleeve. She glanced at the man who was staring at her as he rested his chin on his knuckles.

"Comfy?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"No" Aliya replied coldly at him.

Aliya then sat down on the stool close to the mirror and then took the hair dryer. Since the bed was facing the mirror she was able to see Skyler. He was still grining as he stared at her through the mirror.

Aliya ignored him and then continued drying her hair without paying attention to him.

When suddenly she saw him walking towards her, he was still wearing the robe and the sides flung as he walked towards her exposing more of his toned chest.

He came towards her and held the dryer.

"Let me" he said as he grabbed the dryer from her hand but Aliya was not willing to let go.

"Mr Walker that won't be necessary" Aliya said as she dragged the dryer back from his hand and now it had turned to a tug of war.

"Oh but I insist" He said as he continued dragging the dryer.

Aliya could tell that he was enjoying this with the way his eyes were twinkling with excitement so she finally let go and let him do whatever he wanted.

His hands skillfully massaged her hair as he let the heat from the dryer hit her hair.

His hands were touching her head in the right places and Aliya was enjoying it so much, she bit her lips hard to prevent a sigh from coming out of her mouth.

Skyler on the other hand planned on just helping her dry her hair but when he touched her black silky hair after all this while he couldn't restrain himself and his hand started exploring her hair.

His eyes watched her every reaction and it seem to entice him more.

"I think my hair is dried now" Aliya said as she used her hand to take the dryer from him. She knew that if he continued like this she might not be able to control herself any longer.

Skyler nodded and then head to the Small couch in his room and grabbed his laptop from the side table and started working.

Aliya stared at the man who had now put on a serious face as he stared at his laptop. There was no grin or smile he was just intensely focussed on the computer screen.

Aliya continued continued to look at him like she was trying to draw his face in her memory.

"Like the view?" Skyler asked interrupting Aliya's thought as a teasing smile formed on his lips.

Aliya quickly adverted her eyes away from him and then walked towards the big bed.

"Which side should I lay on?" Aliya asked again as she turned to look at him, he seemed to be busy again and the smile was no longer on his lips.

"Left"He replied without looking at her. Aliya then made her way to the left side of the bed and lay down. She wanted to ask if he was not going to sleep but she didn't want to start another conversation with him and so she just closed her eyes and went to sleep which was easier than the other nights.

When he felt that her eyes were closed he looked up from his laptop and stared at her face. Skyler didn't really have a particular side he sleeps on but since she asked he couldn't miss the opportunity so he told her left because if she was sleeping on the left side he would have a perfect view of her face from the couch.

He stared at the sleeping beauty who was lying on the bed clothed in nothing but his boxer short and his long sleeve and a smile seem to curve on his lips.

Meanwhile Aliya seem to be lost in her own dream

Aliya couldn't recall how she ended up here, her eyes looked around the room which seemed to be an ancient home due to the furnitures.

Aliya's eyes looked around the room as she tried to recall where she had seen the place. somehow she felt like she was familiar with this room but she didn't know when or where she had seen it.

The door opened and a figure came in.

Aliya's eyes widened in surprise when she saw who came in.