Aliya's eyes widened with both confusion and surprise. The person who walked in was none other than her.

As shocked as she was also curious as to who is this.

The person looked exactly like her, blue eyes, dark hair.

The only difference between the two of them was that the mysterious lookalike had longer hair than her.

The young girl send to be smiling as she entered the room and was followed by another surprising figure.

"Skyler" she muttered as she stared at the man that entered the room with the smiling young lady who seem to be about the same age with her. What Aliya didn't understand was how and when did she ever come here with Skyler.

Judging from their dress Aliya could guess that they just got married as they were both clothed in attire that was used in the olden days.

She could see their mouth moving but she couldn't here what they were saying. She tried straining her ears so she could hear but then she felt a heavy bang on her head.

It was like the inside of her head was being banged. Aliya screamed in agony as the pain increased, it was even worse than when she drank the poison. It was like her head was splitting into two, Tears rolled down her cheeks as the pain increased.

"Aliya" a voice called her repeatedly as she struggled to ignore the pain and focus on the voice but she couldn't. It was like everything was hurting her.

"Aliya" The voice called again.

Aliya's eyes shut open as she stared at the pained and fearful face of Skyler. His eyes were pained as there stared at her, his two hands were placed on her sides.

Immediately she came back to her senses Aliya wrapped her hands around him and hugged him. She hugged him tight as she cried her heart out.

Skyler just hugged her as he let her cry to her hearts content, he buried her head in his chest as he wrapped his arms securely against her. His was really angry right now seeing her like this but for now he needs to be here for her. He was going to bury his anger and wait till she's okay before he can tend to himself.

He could tell that what she just experienced was a nightmare or maybe worst. Whatever it was he didn't want to remind her of it and so he let her cry her hearts out.

Aliya continued crying for almost an hour and only then did her sobs reduce. Skyler just patted her back softly as he consoled her. They were both silent but only they could understand the meaning their silence.

Even though she stopped sobbing tears still continued spilling from her eyes non stop. She clutched to his chest as she was reminded of the pain.

She couldn't remember what had happened in her dream, all she could recall was the pain she felt in her head and it made her cry.

Skyler was still wearing his robe and her teardrops were touching his chest directly and he was able to feel the warm wetness from her eyes.

His face was still as he wondered what had made her cry so much.

When he noticed that her tears had stopped he gently lay her on the bed but Aliya was still clutching to his robe and so he carefully lay close to her.

He was lying with his face up and Aliya was resting her head in his chest as she sniffed.

His hand was holding her waist securely as he used his other hand to clean her tears.

"It's okay, I'm here" He said as he stroked her back and raised her cheek with his palm as he wiped her tears.

"It's okay....go to sleep" he said but Aliya shook her head in refusal.


"Aliya you need to rest it's late" Skyler said as he stroke her cheek.

"No...I don't want to go to sleep" Aliya said as she looked at him with teary eyes.

Seeing her reaction Skyler could tell that she was still frightened and was still in shock. And so he just gave a nod and then gently pressed her head against his bare chest and then planted a kiss on her forehead.

The kiss was soothing and Aliya felt like her worries were washed a way just with that kiss but then her body tensed as she realized what she was doing. She was lying on his bare chest and letting him comfort her.

A part of her wanted her to leave his side and go back to sleep without comfort from him but another part of her was longing for him and was enjoying his embrace and didn't want to let go.

Aliya couldn't believe that in just a few hours with him she had begun to find comfort in his embrace again. She couldn't remember the last time she cried, or the last time she hugged someone but here she was clinging to him like a concubine.

And even though she knew what she was doing was wrong and that she might regret it later on but she didn't care, she just wanted to bring his safe arms tonight.

Aliya couldn't recall what had happened in the dream, it was like immediately she woke up the dream was erased and all that was left was the agony she felt when her head began to ache. The excruciating pain made her cry, the more she thought about it the more tears pooled in her eyes and Aliya have never felt so weak before.

Skyler continued to stroke and caress her cheek as he stared at the ceiling in deep thoughts.

He could remember lividly how she screamed and turned around on the bed, tear drops were coming out of her eyes as she cried in pain. He had tried waking her up but nothing seem to work as she continued to cry while tossing around.

He was so helpless and he didn't know what to do, his heart ached seeing her like that.

His body tensed up as he thought of ways to punish whoever is responsible for doing this to her.

When he noticed how he was loosing control of himself he sighed and then pushed back all the anger. He stared at Aliya wanting to know if she had noticed his change of mood.

He was relieved to find her sleeping peacefully, he stared at her face and then noticed the dried tears on her cheek. She was no longer crying but there were still some remnants of tears on her eyelids.

His eyes pained as he saw her in this state, her eyes were swollen and her nose was red due to all the sniffing.

"I'm sorry" he whispered repeatedly as he took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles gently without waking her up. His eyes softened as they looked at her with worry.

Skyler then decided to change their position so she could lay her head on a more comfy pillow, but he couldn't move.

His eyes then darted and only then did he realized that Aliya hands were griping his robes tight in her hand like she didn't want him to go.

A small smile appeared on his lips and then he decided to let her rest on his chest with his hands wrapped securely around her he closed his eyes and went to sleep which was more easier with her close to him.