The early morning sun light up the horizon with it's glow, the radiance seep through the grey curtains of a well furnished luxurious room as it shone on the couple on the huge bed.

Aliya's eyes opened gradually as she tried to adjust to the light from the curtains.

The first thing Aliya spotted was a grey coloured fur, at least that was what she thought it was.

Her body felt warm and she didn't know why, it was like she was in heaven and she sighed in satisfaction and leaned more into the warmth.

Her eyes widened when she felt her body pressed against something hard and her eyes widened when everything from last night resurface in her memory.

The first thing that crossed her mind was to leave the room before he wakes up to avoid any awkward conversation. She tried to stand up and she couldn't and then she noticed the strong arms holding her waist and a pink rose colour formed on both sides of her cheeks.

His hand was holding her tiny waist and Aliya felt even more embarrassed with what was happening. She tried to free herself from his hold but his arms were tightly wrapped against her.

"Where are you going?" A deep voice resonated in her ears and Aliya gulped and then slightly raised her head and she saw the man still sleeping with his eyes close.

Aliya kept staring at him when all of a sudden his eyes shut open and he looked at the girl in front of him. Her eyes looked better and her nose was no longer pink.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he saw that she was doing better than last night.

"Good morning" he said with a small smile on his face. As he stared at her flustered face.

But Aliya didn't reply him as she pointed at his hands that was around her waist signaling him to remove his hand.

Skyler gave her a confused look like he didn't know what she was talking about. In truth he knew what she wanted but he wanted to tease her a little and maybe if he was lucky he would get to see her Rosy cheeks again.

"Mr Walker....Your hand is" Aliya tried speaking as she stuttered. This was so unlike her, she's never at loss of words but with this man she was finding it difficult to say something's and the thought annoyed her a lot.

"Your what Aliya" he asked with an innocent look on his face like he knew totally nothing about what was going on.

Aliya knew that he was aware of what she was saying and that he was just playing with her but either way she needed to remove his hand from her waist.

"Waist" Aliya said in a low voice to which Skyler pretended to not hear clearly.

"Pardon" He said as he leaned closer to her in an attempt to hear her clearly.

"Mr Walker your hand is on my waist" Aliya said this time with boldness as she looked him in the eye.

"Yes I'm aware of that" Skyler said and then squeezed her waist a little which made Aliya gasped and she pinched his hand.

"Ouch" He said as he retreated his hand from her waist giving Aliya the opportunity to stand up from the big bed.

Skyler didn't really feel anything when she pinched him but he also didn't want to tease her much today so he just faked his pained cry and let her climb off him.

Aliya with a satisfied look in her eyes she stood up form the bed. She was about heading to the door when her eyes saw the expression on Skyler's face.

With a groan she walked towards him and then grabbed the hand she had pinched. Her finger tips had imprinted a mark on his left arm.

Aliya blew on it as she tried her best to massage the spot.

Skyler just stared at her as she continued with tending to his arm. Truth to be told his arm wasn't hurting at all but he wanted to test his luck and see if he could get a reaction from her and he did. Seeing her tend to his arm was prove that his Aliya was still in there somewhere, and he would do anything in his power to get her back.

Aliya continued to tend to his arm in silence focussing mainly on the red spot she had created.

After a while she was done and then stood up from the bed.

"My clothes, when will it get here" Aliya asked.

Skyler who was sad that she had left his arm the moment he was starting to enjoy it replied

"Soon" He replied nonchalantly and then climbed off the bed. He was still clothed in his robe as he didn't have time to change due to lats nights event.

He looked ar Aliya and judging from her facial expressions she seemed fine, her eyes were better and her face wasn't filled with shock. She was back to the expressionless Aliya who he had met at the hospital.

"Mr Walker what do you suppose I wear today?" Aliya asked the obvious question.

Skyler looked like a light bulb had popped on his forehead as he made his way to the closet and brought out a pair of boxer shorts and long sleeve.

Aliya was sure that her veins were already popping right now as she looked at the man in front of her with her dagger shooting eyes like he was some kind of enemy she wanted to eliminate immediately.

Meanwhile Skyler had a grin on his face as he walked towards her with the pair in his hand. He handed it to her and with reluctance she accepted it.

Aliya made her way to the bathroom and then shut the door with a bang as she began to shower.

Skyler just watched as her slender figure entered the bathroom. A ghost smile flashed on his lips as he looked at her.


Skyler picked his phone when the ringing refused to stop, his eyes stared at the caller ID and after much thought he picked the call.

Silence reigned as he waited for the person on the other line to speak but it was like the person in the other line was also waiting for him to speak and so there was silence.

"Geez....An hello would be fine" the caller said in a complaining tone as he snorted.

"What is it?" Skyler asked.

"Good morning to you too" He replied in a not so cheerful voice and if Skyler was with him he would see how Kiel rolled his eyes at his unfriendliness.

"I won't ask again" Skyler said this time in a more serious tone.

"Gosh" Kiel said but then he immediately continued as he could tell that the man would end the call any second. It made him wonder what he was busy with as it was a weekend he was suppose to be free.

"There are reporters outside the building, they want to know why you of all people all of a sudden wants to be part of the young globals. I don't know how they found out but things like this seem to spread fast in their line of work. Anyway, just wanted to ask if I should inform them to gather in the conference room or do you want to do a public speech."

"It's weekend what are you doing in the office?" Skyler asked not bothering to say anything about the reporters.

"Well someone left a lot of work behind and decided to go on leave without informing me" He said sarcastically.

"Is Xavier not there yet?" Skyler asked again not minding his sarcasm.

"No, he contacted me and said he would be resuming next week and that he had some things to deal with " Kiel said.

"Well good luck then" Skyler said and was about to end the call when.

"Hey, what are we going to do about the reporters outside?" Kiel asked in a hurried tone.

"I left you in charge Kiel, I expect you to deal with it"He said and he ended the call without allowing Kiel to say another word.