Winter was drawing near and the lands were getting cold.

The lights seeped through the grey curtains as it landed on the pair on the bed.

Skyler's eyes opened as he tried to adjust to the early lighting. He couldn't remember the last time he had slept like this. Occasionally he would be awake before sunrise but today was different and it was because she was here.

His gaze shifted to the beauty in his arms and a smile curved on his face. His arm was still on her waist and even though there was a little distance between them he was still able to see her face.

Her hair was scattered on the grey matress as she continued to sleep soundlessly. His heart fluttered with the feeling of having her in his arms again. This was a feeling that he wouldn't trade for the whole world.

He continued to look at her as he admired her early morning beauty, he couldn't resist and he leaned closer to leave a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Skyler froze when he felt the heat that touched his lips, he pulled away and he used his hands to feel her temperature.

Skyler began to panic when he noticed that she was burning.

His mind was in a mess, as he thought of different possibilities.

"Aliya" He gently called as he tapped her cheeks, "Aliya..."

He called again but still there was no answer.

He continued to shake her gently as he tried to wake her up and luckily her eyes fluttered.

Skyler was relieved to see that she was still conscious but he didn't waste anymore time and quickly carried her from the bed.

Aliya who was trying to figure out what was going on noticed how weak she was. Her body seem to be weak which was new as she had never felt like this before.

Skyler didn't bother to say anything as he supported her out of the bed. He didn't know what else to do and all that was in his mind right now was to get her to the hospital.

Aliya couldn't speak as she felt her head aching, infact every part of her body was aching.

Skyler gently wrapped his hands around her as he lifted her up and moved her out of the bedroom.

"It's okay... everything will be alright" Skyler said when he felt her body burning in his arms. He carried her out of the apartment and then made way to his car.

Aliya shivered when she felt the cold wind touch her skin.

Skyler who seemed to have noticed it cursed himself inside for forgetting to bring a jacket. He couldn't go back since he had already reached the parking lot so instead he wrapped his arms tightly around her as he tried to keep her warm.

"It's okay I'm here" He said as he rubbed her skin gently.

He pressed a button on his keys and a siren sound was heard and a light flashed. Skyler followed the light and saw his car. Without wasting more time as he feared for her safety he quickly tossed the key to the driver.

The driver caught the keys quickly as he then opened the passenger seat for him.

Skyler positioned Aliya inside the car and then he too joined her in.

"Where too sir?" The man asked after he was seated on the driver's seat.

"Young globals" He ordered as he shifted his gaze to Aliya.

The driver immediately stepped on the gas as he reversed the car from the parking lot.

"Hurry up" Skyler ordered from the back seat when he noticed how her lips were now turning purple due to the cold.

Skyler blamed himself for forgetting to bring a sweater along and he could only wrap his arms around her tightly trying to give her warmth.

"We will be there soon" He whispered softy as he rubbed her palms.

"Skyler I.."

"No Aliya, save your strength" Skyler interrupted when he noticed that she was trying to talk.

"But it's" Aliya sneezed.

Skyler could only watch as her body began to change colours, her nose was now turning red due to the sneezing.

"Don't say a word Aliya, we will be in the hospital in no time" He tried to comfort her as he hugged her.

The words hospital resonated in her ears and Aliya's eyes widened. Aliya wanted to say that she would be fine and that it was nothing even though she knew the situation but Skyler was not giving her the opportunity as he silenced her before she could even speak.

The ride was suppose to be an hour drive but because it was a Sunday the road was less busy and with the pressure and the continuous warning the driver got from Skyler they arrived in the hospital on time.

Skyler didn't bother waiting for the driver to open the doors for him, he instead opened the door and got out. He carried Aliya bridal style as he made way to the entrance of the building.

The driver could only stand by the side and watch his master carry a girl in his arms, that was something he doesn't get to see everyday. He was so excited with the thought of how elevated Elder Walker will be after hearing this news, it had not been long since she was discharged from the hospital and the chances of him getting extra bonuses this year was very high now.

Aliya's eyes widened when she read the name of the building they had just entered. At first she thought that maybe her eyes were blurry due to the sickness but when they got inside she then saw some familiar face and she couldn't deny reality.

He had brought her to Young globals. For years Aliya had worked in this hospital with a domineering aura that no one in this hospital would have thought that she could ever be in this situation and now they were going see her.

The people who were present in the lobby was shocked to see their new manager here by this time on a weekend. But what shocked them more was the person the man was carrying in his arms, and it wasn't just any person it was their brain surgeon.