Deon walked over to the bed with a teasing smile directed to Aliya. He could see annoyance clearly written on her face and he didn't know if he would be able to see this look again.

Skyler noticed that Aliya had been looking at Deon for a while so he too glanced back at Deon. But the latter had already wiped the smile from his face as he made his way to the bed.

"These are the drugs that she needs to take" Deon said as he handed the bag to Mr Walker without bothering to spare a glance at Aliya again.

"What about the instructions?" Skyler asked as he looked at Deon with his scrutinizing gaze. He didn't like the man, he had noticed that him and Aliya shared a kind of relationship and he didn't like that. He didn't want anyone coming close to Aliya except him.

"The...." he couldn't complete his sentence as he was interrupted by Aliya.

"That won't be necessary Deon" Aliya interrupted him as she then got down from the bed without the aid of Skyler.

Skyler who saw her movements quickly placed his hands at her side but Aliya didn't let him as she stood up on her own.

"Aliya you need to rest" Skyler tried to stop her as he too stood up from his seat to meet her.

"I'm fine" Aliya lied as she continued to head to the door, she wasn't fine as she could still feel some pains in her body but she didn't want to stay in that ward anymore.

Deon just watched wordlessly with an amusing look on his face.

"No you're not" Skyler said as he held her wrist he then turned to Deon.

"Tell her she's not fine" Skyler ordered as he looked at the man.

Deon didn't know what to do at this point, Aliya was indeed fine and there was nothing serious, if she continued to take her drugs then she would be alright but judging from the look Mr Walker gave him he was sure that whatever he would say right now would have a great impact later.

"Um.... She's.... she's fine really, she just needs to take her drugs" Deon said honestly as he tried to advert his eyes from the man in front of him.

Hearing Deon's words Aliya then freed her wrist from Skyler's hold and then exited the ward.

The atmosphere inside the room was suffocating as Skyler continued to glare at Deon, he already hates the man and now he was making it worst.

Deon was sure that if not for the fact that there were windows in the ward he would have been suffocated to death with the way his boss was looking at him right now. He tried his best not to look him in the eye but it wasn't easy as he couldn't resist.

Skyler continued to stare at the man as he clenched and unclenched his fist, if not for the fact that he was trying to be a good boy in front of Aliya he would have beaten this guy to a pulp.

Skyler sighed as he tried to control himself and then without wasting time he left the ward and headed to the elevator.

Deon felt like he was now able to breathe properly when his boss left, he took in deep breaths as he tried to steady his breathing.

"Geez"He said as he rubbed his nape and he too left the ward but he didn't follow Mr Walker as he was still scared of the guy. As he made his way out his mind began to wonder off on what might really be going on. He remembered the time when Angela and Tessy were talking about Aliya in the dinner party and the way he reacted when they began to throw words at her.

And no matter what it all didn't make sense, he knows his best friend and he also knows that she was not the type to have an emotional attachment with anyone. It was shocking to find her in that position with Mr Walker.

'Maybe they know each other' He thought silently but he then dismissed it as it was not his business to meddle in her affairs. Even though she was his best friend he wasn't going to invade her privacy.


Aliya walked carefully pass the other departments as she made way to her office. Her department was quiet today as they normally don't come to work on weekends. Unlike in the medical department, the surgeons are given weekends off as it was not everyday that one needed surgery.

Aliya entered her large office as her eyes scanned the place. It was still the same as she left it, infact it was still the same as it was two years ago. The only difference was the new set of papers that appear on the desk daily. Aliya didn't have time for redecoration and so she just let it be.

Aliya made her way to the wall by the couch, she pressed in the code and then she opened the door. Inside was a small room with just a bed, a mini fridge, wardrobe and a couch on the side. It had everything one would need to rest.

Aliya entered as she opened the wardrobe. she then picked a blue jean with a black turtle neck. She put it on with a black heel to match and then added a light make up to her face.

Aliya still felt weak but still she was still able to move on her own without help. She then looked at her one way view mirror, it allowed her to see whoever was in her office without the person's notice.

Aliya looked at the mirror and noticed the person inside her office.

Skyler who had just got in couldn't find her inside, he checked but he couldn't see her. He then began to explore her office. He walked around with his eyes capturing every thing. He noticed that she didn't have any pictures on her table, she had a huge couch at the side and with it was a small table where one could sit and have coffee.

He looked up and saw the huge glass wall, he wasn't that surprised as he had noticed that she was now fond of looking outside. He didn't want to judge or ask her about it as he was afraid that it would bring up bad memories and so he kept shut. He walked over to her desk as he used his hands to trace the table edge.

"Let's go" Aliya said as she walked out of the small room, Skyler turned his head in her direction and he wasn't that surprised that she had a small room at the side. He walked towards her and then placed a palm on her forehead, She was still hot but not as before. He sighed in relief and then took a bottle water from the side, he was about to hand it to her when he remembered what happened last time.

He remembered how she said that the smell of drugs makes her nauseous. So instead he decided to use his own method of making her take drugs. Skyler then dissolved her dose for today in the bottle, as it was already written on each of the tablets how many she was suppose to take.

Aliya who noticed what he was doing couldn't help but feel some warmth in her cold heart. But that didn't mean she was willing to kiss him in the office.

"Can't we do this when we get home?" Aliya asked.

But Skyler just gave her a look and Aliya didn't know what else to do, so she just dragged Skyler with her into the small hidden room.

"It's just a kiss Aliya" Skyler said when he noticed how she seem to be nervous or something.

Who could blame her, she couldn't remember the last time she had a kiss, last night we an unexpected kiss that's why she wasn't nervous. But today was different because she did know that he was going to kiss her.

Skyler then took a mouthful of the liquid and then he dropped the bottle by the side. He then held her nape as he leaned closer and within seconds his lips were already on hers. Aliya who felt his lips on hers instantly opened her mouth and she, felt the liquid pour in.

Aliya gulped it down all the while keeping their lips in contact.

Skyler then pulled away and took another mouthful and then kissed her again. And Aliya let him pour all the liquids in her mouth. Her eyes were close as she got use to the feeling of his lips. Unlike the last time Skyler didn't pull away immediately, he continued to kiss her as he sucked her upper and lower lips alternatively.

He pulled away when he noticed what he was doing and then he took another mouthful and then kissed her again.

His hands that were holding her nape drew her closer to him as his other hand held her waist, Aliya's eyes were shut as she tried to understand what was happening to her body, the new sensation she was feeling was something inexplicable.