Aliya tried to resist but she couldn't as she kissed him back trying to match his intensity, this was not the first time she was kissing him but still she couldn't get used to his lips.

Aliya could feel as his kisses advanced from her lips to her jawline and a wave of pleasure hit her, she bit her lips as she tried to prevent whatever sound that wanted to come out. All this was new to her but at the same time it was also familiar.

Aliya couldn't explain exactly why but she just felt so, she felt his hands push her hips closer to him and he then held her neck and slightly bent it giving him full view of her jawline.

He kissed and sucked on every part of it and a gasp escaped Aliya's mouth, she couldn't stop it when he bit her.

Skyler didn't stop and continued to bit eand suck on every inch of her jawline, Aliya couldn't stop and all she could do was gasp helplessly. She could feel the heat in her body and she liked it. This new feeling was something that she hadn't felt before and she couldn't stop her body from responding to his sweet torture.

"Skyler..."She called absentmindedly as she was still lost in the pleasure his lips were giving her.

Skyler froze when he heard her call his name, he instantly released her from his grip and then shifted back. His eyes that were filled with lust and desire a moment ago were now back to their usual calmness

Aliya just stared at him with her eyes asking why he stopped but all she got was nothing.

Skyler closed his eyes as he tried to regain his composure, he then opened his eyes and he shifted his gaze to her nape, he could see the red on her skin and he cursed himself inside several times for loosing control again.

Aliya who saw his conflicted look didn't bother to say anymore words and just let it be. Her eyes looked ahead of Skyler and she then saw the figure inside her office, her brows raised in confusion as she wondered what she was doing here.

Without wasting time Aliya left the room and headed to the door living Skyler inside.

"What are you doing here?" Aliya asked when she was already inside her office.

Jane was startled when she heard her bosses voice and she almost tripped but luckily she was able to steady her footsteps.

"Good...Good morning boss" She said half stuttering as she looked at her boss eyes that were looking at her.

Aliya didn't respond to her greeting and Jane didn't seem to be surprised as it was now a normal thing.

Aliya continued to stare at Jane with her eyes telling her to start talking.

"Um...I....I got a call that you were in the hospital today and I thought were going to work I"Jane said half stuttering as she couldn't complete her sentence her bosses stare seem to be draining the life out of her. She couldn't complete the sentence when she saw someone come out from the hidden room, she knew about the room as sometimes her boss would ask her to go get something's from inside.

Jane couldn't understand why her boss would have someone inside her room, and worst of all it was a male. Jane continued to stare at the man as she tried to remember where she had seen his face. He looked so familiar and she was sure that she had seen him somewhere before.

Aliya who noticed the way Jane kept looking at the man could feel something inside of her that was upset, it was another new feeling again.

"Eyes off" Aliya's cold voice resonated in the room as she glared at Jane.

Jane gulped when she heard that voice, she instantly removed her eyes from the man and looked at her boss, Jane was sure that she would be dead if looks could kill.

She didn't know what she had done wrong that made her boss so upset.

"There's no work today, you can leave" Aliya ordered with a cold tune as she dismissed Jane.

Jane didn't need to be told twice as she hurried out of the room without sparing another glance at the man.

Skyler didn't say anything and silently watched the scene unfold in his eyes.

He could tell that the assistant was scared to death with the way Aliya looked at her but he too didn't know why she would scare someone like that.

"There was no need to scare her" Skyler said as he approached Aliya who was now staring outside the glass wall.

He got no response so he then continued to walk towards her and he then placed his hand on her shoulder.

Aliya felt his palm resting on her shoulder and she quickly moved and then headed to the door.

"Let's go"Aliya said and then she left the office. Skyler just watched as she exited the door and a sigh escaped his lips. He too followed her and left the office.

Aliya entered the elevator and soon Skyler joined her inside. He was still contemplating on wether he should ask her or just forget about it.

The doors shut as the elevator began to move, the elevator ride was quiet as neither of them was willing to say a thing.

Aliya still felt weak and it took all her power to stay still right now.

Aliya couldn't understand why her body was weak like this, she knew she had a good tolerance to cold and it, it was a sure thing.

She had only stayed under the showered for a few minutes, it seems like her cell was getting weaker and the poison was spreading fast.

The elevator stopped and the doors open, the people in the lobby turned their heads to the direction of the elevator as they watched the duo that came out.

Aliya didn't bother to look or glance at any of them as she made her way to the exit, same with Skyler who had not even noticed the attention, he was still trying to figure out how he could apologize.

The driver was still waiting outside when Aliya entered the parking lot, he greeted her with a warm smile on his face.

"Good morning madam" He greeted as he bent his head a little.

Aliya didn't respond to his greeting but she didn't ignore him either as she gave him a simple nod. He opened the back seat and then Aliya entered, Skyler then joined her inside.

"Where to sir?" The driver asked as he started the engine.

Skyler first glanced at Aliya and he saw her looking out the window. He sighed again and then answered.

"My apartment" He replied.

The driver nodded and then drove off.

The whole ride was quiet as neither of them was willing to talk, Aliya just stared outside the window lost in thoughts while Skyler continued to think of ways he could make her talk.

Skyler began to move his hands slowly on the seat. He searched for her hands on the seat and when he found them, he then placed his on top.

Aliya was back to the real world when she felt his touch on her hand, she tried to pull her hands back but his grip on her wrist was tight, but not right enough to leave a mark.

Aliya tried to pull her hands but all her attempts were futile as it ended up with Skyler merging both their fingers together.

Aliya turned towards him but he wasn't looking at her, his gaze was still focussed on the window, Aliya then tried to use her other hand to try to free her fingers but the man then clasped both her hands with just his one hand all the while still looking out the window.

"cough" Aliya tried to get his attention but he wasn't answering her and just pretended not to hear her. Aliya continued to try to free her hands from his grip.

Skyler then yanked her and she was now straddling him on the seat. Aliya's eyes widened when she realized the position she was in, and she was startled when she felt his other hand holding her waist.

Skyler was still grining as he looked at her expression, she was so annoyed right now and he wondered who had made her this upset.

"Let me go" Aliya said in her cold tune even though she knew that she didn't have the upper hand in this situation.

"No" Skyler replied immediately and continued to hold her two hands as he looked at her fuming face.

Aliya was trying her best not to punch him right now, he was playing games with her.

"Let me go" She said again but this time it was more of a plead than an order.

Skyler still didn't budge and just continued to hold her hands.

Aliya then tried to free herself but she couldn't as both his hands were holding her in place and she didn't have much strength compared to him.