Skyler then recalled that he had a spare key, the one that he had given to the housekeeper but he had asked her not to come anymore since he wanted to be alone with Aliya. She had dropped the keys on the kitchen counter before she left.

Skyler quickly rushed to the kitchen as his eyes searched for the spare keys to his bedroom, he finally found it lying on top one of the cupboards.

"Fuck" He cursed when he saw the different keys tied together, he tried to pick his key from the bunch but it was hard as his hands were shaking. Skyler then took all the keys and began to test them one after the other to know which was his bedroom key.


One of the keys finally opened the door and he rushed inside the bedroom. His eyes then search around the room looking for Aliya.

"Aliya" He called as he then started to worry when he couldn't find her. He opened the closet and the bathroom but there was still no sign of her. He then saw her top and her shorts in the closet and his brows furrowed.

His body tensed and he then rushed to check the window in his room, when he saw them open he cursed again. He looked down but he till couldn't find her, he was sure for a fact that she had used the windows to escape.

He didn't have time to think too much about it and just rushed out of the room, he grabbed his keys on the couch and left his apartment in a hurry.

He rushed inside the elevator, he picked his phone and dialed a number and after a ring the call was connected.

"Where is she?" Skyler asked as he eyes changed, he was now more of a demon than a man.

"She's in a bar boss" The man on the other line replied.

"Send me the address now" Skyler ordered and immediately disconnected the call.

He clenched his hands tight and almost crush his phone to pieces. The Elevator stopped and Skyler came out without bothering to spare a look at the people in the lobby.

His phone beeped and he saw the message that came in, he didn't have to look at the address twice as he already knew the bar she had gone to.

The day was still young and the streets were busy, his eyes were still menacing as he drove with speed through the highway, he didn't bother to obey the signs all he thought about was getting to meet Aliya.

He drove very fast with his eyes solely focussed on the road but his mind was somewhere else.

The car came to a halt in front of a bar and Skyler got down. His eyes were menacing as he entered the bar, the place was filled with loud music and girls, lots of girls. The place was crowded and dark which was surprising as it was still bright outside.

He looked around as he tried to find Aliya, he searched the crowd and he was relieved to not find her on the dance floor dancing.

He then searched the bench and then he saw her sitting with a glass on her hand. She wasn't facing his direction and he couldn't get a clear view of her face but he knew every angle of her body and even from behind he could tell that it was her.

Skyler then headed to her side as his eyes continued to look at her.

"I don't want to dance" Aliya said when she sensed someone behind her, without turning to see the person's face Aliya just waved her hands telling the person to leave her alone.

"Aliya" Skyler called with his voice cold as ice.

Aliya could feel her skin shiver when she heard his cold voice, she then instantly turned and she saw the pair of eyes looking at her with menance. Aliya couldn't find words to say as she was still shock to find him here.

Aliya hiccupped not ones not twice and she quickly covered her mouth with her palm.

Skyler continued to stare at her as he looked at her flushed face, she was obviously drunk. Skyler took deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down, he closed his eyes and then opened them. His eyes were now calm but his face was still clouded with rage.

"Let's go" Skyler said and then grabbed her hands but Aliya pulled away.

" are mean" Aliya said as she used her index finger to point at his face, while she continued to hiccup.

"I...I don't go with are going to start yelling at me again" Aliya said as more hiccups left her throat.

Skyler couldn't say anything as he watched her hiccup, her words had hit him on the spot and he couldn't find words to retort back to her statement.

Aliya then slowly tried to collect her glass from the table but before her hands could reach it a pair of hands had already grabbed it.

Aliya looked up with her flushed expression as she glared at Skyler for taking her drink. Aliya tried to collect it back but Skyler had raised it up and no matter how she jumped she couldn't reach it.

" are very mean" Aliya said half stuttering as she stopped jumping and sat down with her hands crossed on her chest.

Skyler sighed and then bent down so he could see her eyes, he realized that If he was going to leave with her, he had to learn to speak her language.

"Aliya, you can't be drinking alcohol, you are sick, remember" Skyler said slowly as he tried to make sure she was listening to him.

Aliya continued to hiccup as she stretched her hand further to get her drink from Skyler.

"I want my drink.... it's mine. Why won't you let me have my drink. You are so mean" Aliya continued to whine as she stretched her hands out trying to get her drink but Skyler only took it higher and higher.

"How much did you drink?" Skyler finally asked with his voice mellowed.

"I stopped counting in the tenth bottle" Aliya said and giggled at the end of her sentence.

Skyler couldn't help but feel better when he heard her giggle, she looked so happy like this and he didn't want to end it, he didn't have the heart to do so. Right now she looked more of a child as she had smiles and giggles on her face unlike her real self.

He continued to watch her as she would giggle every minute while she used her hands to write in the air.

Skyler stood up then he dropped the glass on the table, Aliya wanted to grab it but Skyler had already lifted her up bridal style as he made way through the crowd but he wasn't going outside the door.

"Hey...I want more drinks" Aliya yelled as she tried to get down but Skyler's hands were firmly around her giving her no room for escape.

"Where I'm taking you there are lots of drinks" Skyler said as he then entered an elevator on the far side of the bar.

Aliya was excited when she heard about the drinks and she let him carry her upstairs without any complain.

"Yay" She shouted happily and a hiccup followed. Aliya continued to giggle as she readily entered the elevator. She then wrapped her hands tightly around his neck as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Skyler could feel her breath on his nape and he tried to stop her.

"Don't do that Aliya" He said when he felt her teeth lightly bit him.

Aliya just giggled and continued with what she was doing not knowing the effects it had on Skyler. Skyler tried to keep calm as he waited for the elevator door to open.

"I'm hungry" Aliya softly whispered against his neck making the man freeze on the spot.

Skyler could feel her breath on his nape and he could smell the Alcohol from her mouth, he didn't seem to care as he held her gently in his arms.

"You'll eat when we get there" Skyler said as stared at the elevator doors closing.

"Will you give me whatever I want to eat?" Aliya asked playfully as raised her head so she could see his face.

Skyler glanced at her and he didn't know what to do anymore. He would rather prefer the sober Aliya but nevertheless he still found this drunk side of her adorable.

"Yes" He replied curtly as he shifted his gaze from her face.

"What if I want to eat you?" Aliya said with her eyes looking intently at him.

Skyler felt his body stiffened when he heard her request, he looked at her and he could see the colour red all over her cheeks. He was fighting the urge to grab her and do what he wanted to do with her right here right now but he couldn't as she was still drunk.