Skyler sighed as he closed his eyes trying to quench the flame Aliya had put up.

Skyler opened his eyes as he looked at the girl clinging to his neck like a koala. Her face beared such innocence that one would never know what she was capable of doing.

"You are going to be the end of me" He murmured as he made way through the open elevator doors.

Outside the elevator doors was what appeared to be a well furnished luxurious space. It didn't have much in it and only had a shelf that had all the brands of wine and various types of alcohol.

They was an open terrace close to the huge bed at the other side of the room, It was well furnished with grey.

Skyler gently placed Aliya down but the koala was still clinging to his neck. Skyler passed her a confused look as he tried to peel her hands of his neck.

"No... don't let me down" Aliya said with her frightened voice as she clinged tighter to his neck.

"Why?" Skyler asked with his scrutinizing gaze.

"The floor is lava" Aliya whispered as she instantly jumped back in his arms and Skyler quickly wrapped his arms around her.

He was finding it hard to deal with her, she had asked for drinks and he had brought her here and now all of a sudden she thinks the floor is lava.

"There's no lava, Aliya" He said as he tried to control the surge of emotions in him.

But Aliya was still frightened as she looked at him with her blue eyes wondering if he was blind.

"There's lave everywhere, if my legs touch the ground then I'm going to melt" Aliya pleaded as she tightened her hands more.

Skyler didn't know how to respond to that, he was already pissed of with the fact that she jumped down a window and now she's playing the floor is lave game with him. He wanted to remind himself that he should be scolding her right now but he couldn't and just went with the flow.

"I'm standing in the room Aliya and I'm not melting..."

"Well that's because your shoes have superpowers" Aliya interrupted him and then gave a quick look at his shoes.

"They are very strong that's why, my shoes don't have super powers like yours." Aliya said as she looked at him.

Skyler sighed as he closed his eyes again trying to control himself, he didn't want to loose his cool but she wasn't making it easy.

"Is the bed also filled with lava?" Skyler asked with his eyes shut, when he didn't get a response he opened his eyes and saw the girl scrutinizing her eyes as she stared at the bed.

"There's no lava on the bed" She said as she looked back at him.

Skyler couldn't find words to retort so he just headed to the bed when.

"Stop" Aliya shouted and Skyler immediately came to a halt.

"What is it?" Skyler asked as he looked at her with his grey eyes.

"You can't step on that, it's going to burn us" Aliya said as she pointed to the spot that Skyler was about to step on. Skyler looked at it but he couldn't find anything, his brows furrowed as he wondered what she was pointing at.

His mind finally clicked as he then realized the game she was playing, he didn't want to argue anymore as he could feel his head begining to ache. He just listened to all the words she said and followed her directions till they reached the bed. He was completely helpless right now and there was nothing he could do but endure everything she was making him go through but he took a mental note to punish her later.

Skyler then placed her on the soft matress but the stubborn kitten was still clinging to his neck.

"Let go Aliya" Skyler said as he tried to free her grip but Aliya wasn't letting him as she tightened her hands, Skyler was afraid that if he continued he would injure her. Aliya continued to giggle as she made small circles on his neck.

"No" Aliya said refusing to listen to his words.

"You dare to defy me" Skyler said with his gaze piercing directly to her eyes but Aliya didn't flinch nor did she release him.

She looked back at him matching his intensity.

Skyler could only sigh in defeat, even scaring her didn't seem to work, he didn't know what else to do anymore. He let her pull him down and he fell on top her luckily he was good with his reflex and he was able to quickly place his two hands on her sides.

Skyler was just a few inches away from her face and he could feel her breath against his face. He could see the blush on her cheeks that added to her already flushed face, she looked so beautiful and he couldn't resist, he couldn't hold himself any longer.

Skyler leaned in as his face drew closer to hers but before his lips could touch hers Aliya pushed him as she yelled.

"The lava is gone" Aliya said as she jumped off the bed while walking on the ground giggling as she twirled around.

Skyler who was pushed down from the bed could only watch as she continued to dance, he didn't move from his position and just stayed in the place Aliya had placed him. He continued to watch the twirling girl, her light giggles surrounded the whole room as she continued to walk around.

Her face was all smiles as she jumped up and down in the room. Skyler couldn't stay still just watching as he noticed that she was getting dizzy with all the turning. Skyler came to stand behind her as his hands held her tiny waist before she could fall, Aliya instantly turned and she saw the gorgeous man behind her.

"You are very beautiful" Aliya said as she used her finger tips to lightly graze his face, from his eyes to his nose and then to his lips.

Skyler could feel her touch on every part of his face and he could feel himself getting tensed again with everything she was doing. He tried to control himself by reminding himself that she was still drunk but damn it was not easy to keep his mind sane as it was running with different unpleasant thoughts.

He took in sharp breaths as he tried to quench the fire she had lit up, he quickly removed her hands from his face while holding her with his other hand. He made sure that she didn't move as he didn't know if he would be able to control himself anymore.

It made him wonder on how he was still sane and able to control himself even after all the brave advances Aliya had made towards him. He could guess that it was because he didn't want to hurt her that was why he was still on the verge of self control. The devil only knows the kind off things she was doing to his body that was making him go crazy.

"You are a very stubborn kitten" Skyler with his eyes closed trying to stay sane while dealing with the drunk Aliya.

"I'm not a kitten" Aliya argued with her voice as she tried to free herself from his grip.

Skyler watched as she struggled and he finally let her go.

He watched as she made her way to the small bar at the other side of the room and he quickly reacted. Before Aliya could open the bottle he was already behind her and he took the bottle from her.

"Hey!!" Aliya yelled as she tuned to face him with her face filled with anger.

Skyler gulped when he saw the look on her face, she was no longer the kitten he had carried earlier, she was more of a tigress who was ready to pounce on her prey.

Skyler didn't know why but he was a little frightened when he saw her expression but he tried not to show it as he still held the drink.

"Aliya you are still unwell, drinking is not healthy" Skyler said as he tried not to anger the tigress anymore than she already was.

Aliya didn't listen and latched on him as she tried to collect her drink from him. But Skyler was faster than her and he was taller than her all he had to do was lift the drink above her head and Aliya could no longer reach it.

A small smile curved on his lips when he saw the way Aliya's face changed, but not too soon light shone in her eyes as an idea popped in her head.

Aliya jumped on him and Skyler's hands loosened from the bottle but before it could reach the ground Aliya caught it and a victorious look painted her face.

"Thank you" Aliya said as she climbed off him with the bottle in her hand as she made her way to the open terrace.

Skyler could only watch and laugh at how he was easily defeated by a woman but who would blame him as it wasn't just any woman it was her, she was the only woman who could do something like this to him and get away with it easily.

Not that he won't have caught the bottle but she was so close to him and having her that close to him was not good as he could feel her moulds that were pressing his chest.

Luckily she had stood up on time before his resolve could crumble to dust.