The morning sunlight slip through the grey curtains as it landed on the face of a young and handsome man.

With his one hand placed at the back of his head and the other at his folded knee, Skyler had barely noticed that it was morning. He had been thinking all night about how to spend the day with Aliya or more of an excuse to be around her.

Without wasting time Skyler got up from bed as he entered the bathroom to take a shower. After his bath he then entered his closet as he searched for an appropriate wear.

This was all new to him as he was used to waking up getting dressed for work but now he was getting dressed to go meet Aliya and he didn't know why it was so hard for him to pick what to wear.

After much trouble he then decided to go with a pair of black pants and a turtle neck black long sleeve. He styled his hair as usual as he glanced at himself through the mirror.

He couldn't deny that he was feeling slightly nervous but he didn't know why it's not like it's the first time seeing her. Skyler could only encourage himself inside as he took deep breaths before grabbing his phone and heading out the door.

The morning didn't sit well with Aliya, She had woken up around 5am and was about to go for a jog before she remembered Skyler's warning and so she had to sleep which was quite hard as she was already used to waking up early.

After finally able to get some shut eye Aliya's sleep was interrupted by the ringing of her door bell.

Annoyed, Aliya stood up from her bed as she went to answer the unexpected visitor, she could only wonder who would come to her apartment at this time.

Aliya opened the door and behold she saw prince charming standing by her door with his usual look plastered on his face.

Aliya could only sigh as she should have known it was him. He was the only one daring enough to come ring her bell this morning. He was the one who asked for space but he seem to not want to leave her side.

"Did I disturb your sleep.... I'm sorry" Skyler said when he saw how she was still clothed in her usual shorts and big top. He had thought that she would be awake by now but he seemed to have come too early.

Aliya didn't say anything as she thought he would be a gentleman and say ' I'll just go and come back later' But Skyler said neither of those words and seeing that the man didn't want to leave Aliya could only give way for him to come inside.

Skyler couldn't help but smirk as he knew that she wanted him to leave and seeing that she couldn't get him to leave he could see the annoyance clearly written on her face.

"So what brings you by?" Aliya asked as she leaned on the kitchen counter with her hands folded across her chest.

Skyler looked at her and even in the morning she still looked beautiful. Her hair was still arranged and there was no drool on her cheeks. He couldn't deny that she was the most beautiful thing he had set his eyes on this morning.

"Since you don't plan on removing your clothes from my apartment, I guessed you need some new ones so I thought we could go shopping" Skyler answered as he continued to look at her face like if he was to look away for one second then he would miss something special.

"So I'm allowed to go shopping but I'm not allowed to go to work?" Aliya asked with raised brows as she tried not to show her annoyance.

"Yes" Skyler answered without giving any explanations. He knew that Aliya would always argue if he had provided an explanation but since he said yes she would just sigh and go.

And just like he had said Aliya sighed and then left to take her bath.

Skyler scanned her living room and his gaze was fixed on the kitchen. He hadn't eaten before he left but he wasn't hungry but he thought of preparing something for Aliya before they go.

Aliya had just come out of the bathroom as she searched her closet for an outfit. Truth be told she didn't go shopping as she would just order her clothes online but since Skyler had offered to take her shopping then she wouldn't turn down the offer besides she wasn't use to staying home at this time of the day.

After searching she then picked a blue top and paired it with a black jean and a pair of black boots. She thought of taking a coat as winter was drawing near but she dismissed the thought saying that she wouldn't be staying out that long.

Aliya didn't bother to style her hair as she just let it fall down to her waist, her long hair was something that most girls envied.

As Aliya opened her bedroom door to go out something wafted in her nose and Aliya could hear are stomach groan. She wondered what he was cooking and so she headed straight for the kitchen only to find the table filled with different kind of dishes served for breakfast.

Pancakes, fried eggs, scrambled eggs and others were spread on the table for her consumption. Aliya couldn't help but

wet her lips a little, she wasn't a foodie and she bet she couldn't finish all this food but she wanted to make sure that she had a taste from each.

"You like?" Skyler asked.

And only then did Aliya notice the man who had been staring at her all this while. The food had taken over her that she no longer saw anything but the food. Aliya couldn't cook and she would always order from the finest eatery but having everything right in front of you like this was really tempting.

"When did you prepare all this?" Aliya asked even though she knew that it was when she left he had prepared this, she refused to believe that he did all that in a short time, or was it that she spent too much time picking a dress either way he was a fast cook that she was sure of.

"Let's eat" Skyler said as he pushed the chair gesturing for her to take her seat which Aliya obliged before he too sat down.

Aliya continued to look at the table with astonishment in her eyes as she was still unable to grasp a hold of the situation.

"Eat" Skyler commanded this time to which Aliya obeyed.

They both ate their meal, well Aliya ate her meal. Skyler only fixed his eyes on her the entire time watching her eat.

"Aren't you going to have some?" Aliya asked as she lifted her eyes to match his gaze.

"I'm not hungry" Skyler said as he continued to look at her.

"If you know you weren't going to eat then why did you prepare this much?" Aliya asked as she dropped her cutlery, though the food was delicious but she couldn't take another bite as her tommy was filled up.

"Because I know you are a foodie" Skyler said blantlly as he crossed his muscular arms around his chest.

"I'm not" Aliya said as she stood up from the table. Yes she was a foodie back then but now she hardly had time to eat.

Skyler could only hum as he too stood up from the chair as he walked closer to Aliya, too close.

Aliya could feel her breath itch when he continued to come closer until he was just an inch away from her face.

Skyler never broke his gaze from her face as he continued to move closer and he stopped. He lifted his hands up as he used his thumb to wipe the smudge on her lips.

"There" He said as he placed his hands back on his side.

"Hmmm" Aliya answered as she moved a little from him.

"Let's go" Skyler said as he turned towards the door, he opened the door as he waited for Aliya to come out before he followed behind and shut the door.

"You guys can take the day off" Skyler said talking to the two guys outside Aliya's apartment.

Aliya looked up and she immediately recognized the two men, how could she not they were the one's she put to sleep yesterday.

"Come on" Skyler said as he and Aliya both entered the elevator taking them to the last floor.

Silence reigned inside the elevator as neither of them said anything until Aliya broke the silence.

"It's 9am, Don't you think it's too early to go to the mall?" Aliya asked as she checked the time on her wrist watch.

But Skyler didn't answer her question as he remained silent till the sound of the elevator bell was heard.

"You'll see" Skyler said as he strode out of the elevator with Aliya by his side.