As they both walked out of the elevator, Aliya grabbed her phone as she checked with Jane if she had an appointment.

She couldn't understand how she agreed to this, Aliya felt a sudden chill from her side.

Aliya turned to her side as she noticed Skyler gaze harden as he looked in one direction.

Aliya followed his line of sight and she saw The person she was not expecting to see today. Though she had promised him that he could come whenever he wants, she wasn't expecting him to actually come.

Aliya felt Skyler hold her hand as they both approached Mr Lee.

Mr Lee who was just coming home to get the documents he forgot noticed the pair coming out of the elevator and he saw this as an opportunity. He had a cheerful aura around him which was much more different from Skyler.

"Aliya, I was just about to come meet you" Lim said as he stretched his hand out for a handshake. Normally Aliya would have left him hanging but considering the fact that he had helped her recently she could only stretch her hand out and accept.

A frown formed on Skyler's face as Aliya released the hand he was holding just to shake this asshole.

"Are you ready for our date?" Lim asked as he glanced at Skyler while he said the word date.

He noticed how the man's expression changed and the tension in the room increased.

"Date" Skyler said through gritted teeth as he looked at Aliya but the girl didn't seem to meet his gaze as she was busy with Mr Lee.

"We could just go have breakfast?" Lim continued to talk all the while glancing at Skyler.

"I'm really sorry Mr Lee but I already had breakfast" Aliya said sincerely as she took her hands back to her side. After what she ate this morning she couldn't eat another.

"No worries, we can just go get coffee" Lim continued to pressure her and not too long Aliya agreed.

"Mr Walker" Lim greeted as he then turned to Skyler. "Always a pleasure" Lim continued with a sweet smile on his lips.

"We can all go get coffee, that's if Mr Walker won't mind joining us" Lim said as he continued to test the man's tolerance all the while wearing a sweet smile.

Aliya turned and she noticed how Skyler's face had darkened, he seem to be angry but she didn't know why. It was not like she was living him behind, they were all going together so she didn't see a reason why he would be mad.

"Great then, let's go" Lim said and to which Him and Aliya walked ahead living Skyler at the back. The man was annoyed with the turn of events but he didn't have a say as Aliya had already agreed to have coffee with the man he could only accompany them as the third wheel.

The thought annoyed him as not only was Aliya getting to spend time with Lim, now he was the third wheel. he had planned this day to be just him and Aliya and this asshole just came and ruined his plans.

They both entered the Limo with the driver at the front and the rest of them at the back. Aliya was the first to enter and so she sat at the edge and to be followed by Lim who shamelessly sat close to her living Skyler to sit by himself.

The tension in the car was high as Skyler continued to shoot daggers at Lim with his eyes. He didn't like Aliya getting close to other people not to mention someone like Lim.

"If I may ask Aliya why didn't you go to work today, it's not Ideal for you to take days off" Lim said as he looked at Aliya.

"Something came up" Was all Aliya said as she then turned her attention to the view outside.

They arrived at their destination and they got down from the car. Lim and Aliya then began to walk towards the entrance of the small luxurious coffee shop.

Skyler who couldn't bear to be in the presence of that man without killing him just gave excuse that he wanted to call his driver to bring the car. And so with that the pair entered without Skyler.

But Skyler still kept an eye on them, luckily the walls were made of glass so he could see what was happening.

Grabbing his phone he made a quick call to one of his driver's as his eyes continued to look at the pair having coffee. Aliya had a neutral expression as she responded to Mr Lee. Mr Lee on the other hand was just smiling like a fool as he looked at Aliya. Skyler couldn't bear that smile as he knew what was underneath that mask. If he was to be inside with them he was sure that he would have gathered a crowd.

The call ended and Skyler slipped his phone inside his pocket. His gaze never leaving Aliya's side, minutes passed and the car arrived. But Skyler was too busy looking at Aliya that he failed to notice when the driver did come out.

The driver didn't make attempt to call out to his master as he too wanted to know what was distracting him, he looked in the direction and he saw the girl and he couldn't help but be excited.

After reporting what he witnessed the last time to Elder Walker, she was pleased with him and had promised to give him extra Christmas bonus this year and if he was to go tell her this too then he would really have lots of bonuses this year.

Skyler finally noticed the arrival of the driver and he shifted his eyes from Aliya to look at the middle aged man standing with him with a smile on his lips.

"Good morning sir" The man greeted as he stretched the keys out to give to Skyler.

Skyler didn't respond to the man's greeting and took the keys, he was still angry with what was happening. Skyler then brought out some notes from his wallet and handed it to the man which he received with A smile, Thanking him for his kindness the man left.

Skyler then shifted his eyes back inside the shop but he couldn't find the pair, his body tensed as his eyes scanned the shop and he found them at the door on their way out.

"It was an honour to have breakfast with you Aliya" Lim said as he stopped to look at her.

"We just drank coffee Mr Lee" Aliya said as she moved towards Skyler.

"Mr Walker" Lim turned to Skyler as he gave a nod but the man didn't respond to his kindness as he continued to look at him with his deadly gaze.

"I'll be leaving now, hope to spend more time with you Aliya" Lim said as he retracted to his car with a lingering smile on his lips.

Skyler gaze finally shifted and landed on Aliya but the girl seem to be looking at the asshole. Anger flooded his veins and he began to emit that certain coldness that Aliya had gotten used to these past few days.

"Let's go" Skyler's voice echoed in the parking lot as he grabbed Aliya by the hand and dragged her to his car.

Aliya's face cringed in pain as she tried not to make a sound. She didn't know why but he was always holding the same hand.

Skyler whose face was clouded with anger failed to notice her pain and just placed her in the passenger sit while he took a turn and entered the drivers sit.

Skyler reversed the car and he sped through the highway not minding the speed limit, his car sped past a black limo which had parked by the roadside seemingly waiting for something to happen.

Aliya rubbed her wrist as she tried to ease the pain, she didn't get why he so angry all of a sudden. She wasn't the one who asked him to stay outside the coffee shop, truth to be told she didn't mind if he was to follow her so why the hell was he upset.

Aliya pondered in her thoughts but she couldn't say them out as she feared not to anger the man anymore.

"I don't get why you are upset" Aliya voiced out as she couldn't keep it to herself anymore.

"It's not like I was alone with him the whole time, you were there and they were people around. you were even watching us the entire time" Aliya continued to speak as she failed to notice how the man's veins popped with every word she said.

"And most importantly I have my freedom and can do whatever I want. Why do you seem to like bossing me around, You don't let me go to work, I can't go talk with people and now I can't even go have coffee" Aliya said half yelling as she turned to face the man and a gasp escaped her lips.