The car screeched to a halt after that last sentence and all that could be heard was the deep breaths of the duo in the car.

Aliya couldn't help but gasp when she saw the look on Skyler's face, his eyes were filled with menace as his hands tightly gripped the steering wheel.

They had stopped in the middle of the road and luckily they weren't much cars around.

Taking a deep breath Skyler closed his eyes as he unclenched his hand from the staring wheel.

His mind was in complete chaos as the events that happened moments ago played in his head.

He couldn't remove his mind from how Lim was being cheesy with Aliya and when he Shaked her hands. He didn't like the fact that another man was touching her in his presence and he couldn't do anything because truth to be told he held no right over Aliya, she wasn't his wife neither was she his girlfriend. she was free to do what ever she wants but he couldn't bring himself to accept that. He wanted Aliya to be his and his only, he didn't want to share her with someone else.

Aliya continued to stare at the man with her eyes wide open, she couldn't erase from her mind the look she saw in Skyler's eyes just moments ago. He looked like a monster, no a beast, but that wasn't what made her this shocked. The reason for her expression was what she saw when she looked deeper into his eyes and though it only lasted for a second, there was this lonesome look she saw in his eyes. This was something that she didn't get to see often but whenever she did see it she would ways feel bad. She didn't know why but it felt like she was feeling his pain and maybe ten times more.

But Skyler was quick to recover as when he opened his eyes he was back to himself and he could at least control his temper.

With a heavy sigh Skyler continued driving but this time he wasn't driving like a mad man.

Even though he was driving normally Aliya could still feel the tension in the air and she knew that he was still angry but he was only just trying to hide it.

Skyler could feel her gaze on him and not too Long he finally asked.

"What is it?" Skyler asked without breaking his gaze from the road.

"Mm" Aliya was too busy thinking that she had not even noticed that she was still staring at the man.

"Why are you staring?" Skyler asked again.

But as much as he tried to hide it Aliya could still hear the anger in his tone.

"Nothing" Aliya replied and she finally looked away.

Truth to be told Skyler wasn't the only one having problem with controlling emotions. The more time Aliya gets to spend with Skyler, Aliya feared that she might once again give in to her emotions. She thought that she was fine and that she could control her emotions but now she was finding it very difficult to stay in control. She didn't realize that having to spend more time with him would trigger something in her.

"I'm taking you to a shopping mall Aliya, you are suppose to be happy but instead you look like a child who has been asked to eat vegetables" Skyler commented as he glanced at his side to look at Aliya, he noticed how she had been off since they left the coffee shop. He could only hope that he didn't scare her.

"I'm not a fan of shopping malls" Aliya truthfully said as she looked at the man. She never liked crowded places and she was never a fan of all this fashion and stuff. She couldn't even recall the last time she went to a shopping mall.

"And why is that?" Skyler asked.

"I don't like people" Aliya answered with a change in emotion in her tone.

Knowing too well that change Skyler choose to not say another word. He knew why she didn't like people anymore and he didn't want her to relive the past. He had already put her through a lot and he could only hope that one day he would be able to make it up to her but knowing that there was another problem coming in the near future Skyler could only wonder if he was making the right decision.

The car came to a stop at one of the biggest Mall in the country and Aliya was once again surprised but she tried to cover it with her expressionless face. The fact was that she was not surprised that he could afford things here, what surprised her was the name written on the big sign. "Walker enterprises".

Yes Aliya knew that the Walker family were involved in Law and they had firms worldwide but she never knew that they still put interest in shopping malls. She could only wonder what else they were into and took a note to ask Skyler later.

"You have to stop staring Aliya or someone might mistake you for a town girl who for the first time is seeing a mall" Skyler commented as he opened the door for her to get down.

"Well excuse me for not having to come to malls often" Aliya retorted as she got down from the car.

"You are excused" Skyler answered with a small smirk on his lips.

And Aliya couldn't help but be comforted with the fact that he was fine now and was no longer angry.

"Come on" Skyler said as he held her hands but this time more gentle than before.

"I can walk on my own" Aliya said as she didn't like the idea of him holding her hand.

"I know" Skyler replied but still he didn't leave her hand as they both entered the mall.

For a weekday the place was busy and it made Aliya wonder if everyone was just taking a day off like her.

"So what would you like to get first, trousers, gowns, tops or panties?" Skyler asked shamelessly.

Aliya could feel her ears redden and her cheeks burn hot hearing the last word he said.

And the fact that he said it with an expressionless face made Aliya wonder how shameless this man was.

"I don't know, I told you that I don't go shopping. Besides it's your mall so I believe you should lead the way." Aliya concluded as she glanced to see his expression and she noticed the swirling of emotions in his eyes but before she could comment everything disappeared.

"It's not mine Aliya" Skyler said and with that they both entered the large shopping mall. Aliya could not help but be surprised with every turn they took, the place was crowded but it was not rowdy and she was able to take a look at the clothes out for showcase.

"Hold my hand so you don't get lost" Skyler said but Aliya was stubborn and she refused saying that she wasn't a kid. Skyler who knew that arguing would be hopeless just let her be but he made sure that they were at a close distance.

"Here" Skyler said as he took her by the hand to one of the attendants. Truth be told he hadn't gone shopping for years and all this was new to him, he didn't know how to shop for clothes, he doesn't even know what trends but he believed that shopping wasn't that hard and he could master it in seconds.

"Excuse me, Where can we find casual clothing" Skyler asked the attendant.

"For who sir" The lady asked as she looked at Skyler with flirty eyes. It was not everyday that a handsome gentleman approaches her and she had to make the best of it.

"For my wife" Skyler said as he wrapped his hands on Aliya's waist and pulled her closer to himself.

His actions took Aliya by surprise and she tried to forcefully free herself from his hold but the man's grip was tight.

"Follow me" The attendant said but this time with less excitement in her tone. She had thought that she had gotten a big catch today but it seems like it was only just her dream.

"Let me go" Aliya ordered with anger evident in her tone.

Skyler glanced at her face and then he released his hands from her waist. But he seem to have made Aliya very angry as the girl didn't look at his face anymore and just followed the attendant.

He didn't mean to have said what he said earlier, he had earlier notice that the moment he entered eyes had been on both him and Aliya and he could only guess that they were people here spying on them and so he had to let them hear what they wanted to hear. By calling Aliya his wife he had already played his part and all that is left was for the fools to fall for his trick.