With hasty steps Skyler followed the two ladies but his eyes still continued to scan the mall. It was not easy as he had to at the same time watch Aliya which was more difficult since the tigress was still angry with him.

"Aliya" Skyler called out but Aliya didn't answer and instead she continued to follow the attendant until the lady stopped and turned to face her.

They had now arrived at an open boutique which seem to be crowded, maybe too crowded. Aliya wasn't a fan of crowds so she asked the attendant if there was another place which was less busy and the attendant said that the only one that's less busy is the one for VIP's.

Aliya thought to herself for a moment, she couldn't shop here in this crowd. But she couldn't just go to the VIP side as Skyler was the one paying and she wouldn't want him to think that she wanted to eat him whole.

After much thought Aliya turned back to look at the man and she saw him staring at her like he was already expecting her to meet him.

But nevertheless Skyler gave her the same face like he didn't know what was going on.

"This place is crowded, I want to go to the VIP session" Aliya said with authority in her voice but amidst that Skyler could still hear the pleading in her voice and he couldn't help but chuckle. Even when she tries to be bossy she's still adorable.

"What's so funny?" Aliya asked as she crossed her hands against her chest. She didn't get what was amusing the guy, did she say a joke or something. She was serious she couldn't enter this crowd just seeing them is causing her stomach to chun.

Truth be told when Skyler first saw the crowd he wanted to tell the attendant to take them to the VIP shops as it was very easy for someone to take Aliya from his hold in a crowded place but thank God he waited for a while if not he would have missed this look on her face.

"Why are you scared of the crowd?" Skyler asked as he stretched his hand to put back the strands of hair that covered her pretty face. He then placed his hand back in his pocket.

"They don't bite you know?" Skyler said teasingly with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"You don't have to make fun of me okay" Aliya said and an idea popped in her head.

"It's okay if you can't afford the VIP session..... I'll just call Mr Lee, I'm sure he would love to take me shopping" Aliya teased as she reached her hands to her pants pocket to bring out her phone but before she could make the call Skyler grabbed the phone from her hand and turned it off.

"Don't test my temper Aliya" Skyler warned as he leaned close to her and whispered.

"It could get hot.... really hot"

Aliya's eyes widened with his last words and she quickly moved back a little as she tried to hide the red on her cheeks.

"Take us to the VIP stores" Skyler ordered the attendant who obeyed and led the way to an elevator that would take them to the up floor where they would meet another attendant who would assist them as her job was only on the down floor and she had no business upstairs.

"Earlier, why did you introduce me as your wife" Aliya asked as she looked at his side.

Skyler who had been avoiding this question but knew that she would ask could only lie for the meantime but he did promise himself to tell her the truth someday.

"Well I noticed the attendant was giving me those eyes and I didn't want her having any funny ideas so I thought introducing you as my wife would straighten up things." Skyler lied as he closed his eyes, he remembered how Aliya would always scold him anytime he told her lies in the past and how she would make him promise to never ever do it again. But nevertheless sometimes he broke his promise on purpose to just to get her to scold him but most times he broke them to protect her.

"What's wrong with her giving you those looks, You are handsome and you don't have a ring on your finger...and besides the girl is pretty and she's into you so why can't you give in?" Aliya asked still looking at the man who had his eyes closed.

"Aliya I'm not going to answer that" Skyler responded.

But Aliya was still persistent in teasing him as payback for what he had said.

"It's not like she's ugly or something, she is pretty and she seems nice so why don't you find her likeable" Aliya continued to question.

"It's because I'm waiting for someone else" Skyler said still with his eyes closed.

Aliya didn't know why but she felt like she knew this someone else he was talking about, but she hoped her guess was wrong.

"And what if she doesn't come back, will you still keep waiting?" Aliya asked but this time there was a lingering emotion in her voice as she waited for his answer.

Skyler's eyes opened when he heard her ask that question and with his gaze never breaking from hers he answered.

"I'm willing to wait for as long as it takes" Skyler answered with his voice filled with longing as he looked at her and Aliya couldn't help but be rendered speechless.

It was not the first time Aliya had heard Skyler say those words but she could only imagine how long he was really willing to wait.

And she also wondered how long will she be able to control her emotions as the more time she spends with him the more weaker her restraints.

Right on time the Elevator bell rang and they arrived at their destination. The doors opened and Aliya finally tore her gaze away from Skyler to look at the place. The only difference between the two floors was that this one was more luxurious and the price tags on the clothes were more expensive. But it was less crowded and that was what she was looking for.

"Good day, how can I be of service to you?" Came the voice of a very young and handsome man.

Aliya couldn't help but admire his looks he was very handsome to be honest and Aliya didn't know why but something about him just reminds of her Skyler.

"Thanks but we won't be needing any assistance" Skyler quickly refused for Aliya to be accompanied by the attendant especially when he noticed how Aliya continued to look at the attendant longer than usual. If he had known that these were the kind of people here then he would have taken her to another mall instead.

Aliya wordlessly turned to the man with her eyes asking the questions.

"We don't need him" Skyler answered her and then he held her hand as they both searched the place looking for a shop that sells clothes for ladies. This would have been more easier if they had an attendant to help them.

Aliya noticed how lots of eyes seem to be following her around and she would notice how momentarily Skyler would tighten his grip on her and she could guess that something was wrong.

"What is it?" Aliya asked quietly when he tightened his grip again.

"Nothing" Skyler answered almost immediately and then his eyes brightened when he finally saw a signboard that said ladies wears.

"See, I told you that we didn't need an attendant" Skyler said as they both entered the shop.

"Yh but it would have been faster if we had let the young man help us" Aliya said as she looked around.

Skyler who had sensed something familiar stopped walking and told Aliya to go and that he would stay here and watch. Seeing nothing wrong with that Aliya obeyed and left him.

Skyler couldn't help but feel uneasy as there was this scent that he knew too well that wafted his nose. He could only hope that his senses was wrong but he knew that his senses are never wrong.

Wanting to be cautious Skyler surveyed the surroundings while keeping an eye on Aliya.

Aliya on the other hand didn't know what to pick as she searched the shop, the clothes were nice but she didn't know which would suit her.

After much thought she then grabbed a simple knee length black body hug gown with a V neck and a slit at the side.

She looked at the dress and it was indeed a fine piece, Aliya then used her eyes to scan for the changing room.

"Nice dress, I want it" Came a girly voice behind her.

Aliya didn't want to turn back and as she thought that the girl wasn't talking to her.

"Are you deaf or something" The girl said again and this time Aliya had to turn to take a look at the girl.

"Excuse me" Aliya said not understanding what the girl meant.

"I want that dress, besides it won't suit you so why don't you just hand it over" The girl said as she took a couple of steps closer to Aliya.