Chapter 4

Young Valentine usually brought his review materials on his car to the camping site and passed the University scholarship for Medical School with flying color. That is Valentine Osnoflivich short stunt in life during his youthful adventures.

Reckoning the days when Dr. Valentine Osnoflivich was enjoying his younger years in the farm with his family cultivating the corn field until he was admitted as recipient for medical scholar. Val as his family called him, enter into the realm of freshmen, a university neophyte as Grant Scholar and lots of adjustment were done from the farmland to city life. He does well in his studies counting years until obtaining the most coveted Degree in Medicine.

Now a full pledge Medical Doctor, Dr. Val is assigned in the Operating Room as Resident Surgeon. Dr. Val an outstanding medical practitioner during his Residency until he met Dr. Josephine Lander a co-worker and with some short whim got married. The couple enjoyed the sweetness of love not too long when the essence of understanding started to erode most likely due to companionship fatigue. The monotone of working and living together worn out the warmness and fondness of affections and complementarily agree to part ways.

The turmoil of life caused by the separation urged Dr. Val to take a much needed break, away from the maddening crowd and his daily routine in the hospital and retreated to the farm. Now their traditional land had already changed landscape. The corn field is already planted with palm trees since there is a great demand for synthetic oil. Palm trees as oil source are already on the average one half meter growth from the ground that needed much attention like grass control and periodic fertilizers. This is now a good environment for a young doctor to unload the stress, the anguish and heartache through nurturing young plants and to absorb much essential freshness and natural energy.