Chapter 5

The Contact

It was an ordinary day for farmers tending their respective palm trees on semi-undulating farm lands and Dr. Val was on crucial vacation from his hectic days on the operating room as a general surgeon and the recent separation from Dr. Josephine Lander. It is a routine activity

for Dr. Val Osnoflivich since he arrived home to run down on the farm road, park his car beside the line of palm trees, start tending the small plants and stretching his body outside the tree rows to breaths fresh air and catch sunshine. The general surgeon was busy enjoying his routine and was so absorb cutting old dried leaves and controlled grass cutting around each tree. The same timid day with western soft wind blowing dictating the rhythm of dancing trees as tiny whirling breeze just gust-in on Dr. Val side as he related.

A saucer-like object of bolding hull about two and a half meters in diameter by three meters in height with inclining both eaves semi-sharp of about a meter around from the hull noiselessly just stop and being suspended of about one fourth meter above the ground. A door of about sixty centimeters wide by about one and one half meters in height slowly open smoothly as human size of about one hundred sixty seven centimeters little bit chubby with wide fake-like eyes, without ears, undress-like creature emerge and soft whisper talk with unwavering authority to come with them for a ride.

But before he lost control, managed to scribble notes to his parents not to worry for he will be back. That he has to go for retreat and meditation, soul searching due to what happened to his married. "Trust me, Mom and Dad … I love you both and my lovely sister." the closing stated. Most likely he was given time to deliver his note to his car as the alien being kept watching him.

Meantime Izra the alien being called a contemporary and friend from Planet Anax, one of the Planetary Federation members too where people are body shifters and with permanent Central Base at Baringan, a place about 2,500 kilometers northwest of Dr. Valentine Osnoflivich location was requested to take over to erase the incident of the departure of the young doctor. So three of them came to rescue Irza's problem and personified the young doctor to pacify his family. One Dr. Val came into the scene, drives home his car and discussed to the family that he has to take vacation in New Zealand to relieve his stress from the recent divorce. Pack up his things and departed as the family fully understood. The three Anaxians return to their Base as they accomplished the request of Izra.

Back on the space vehicle stunt and electrified, "I was not able to resist the invitation as I floated inward the opening of the silvery craft. Three identical creatures were the crews on a semi-circle arching on the center of the craft with twelve several varieties of screen-like objects at four units each chair. One chair occupied the near-edge across the door with three bigger screen-like objects adjacent to the three. I counted twelve windows with rounded edge about fifteen by twelve inches around the craft which I qualified it as port holes. All around the wall except the door ways are counters of about thirty four inches high with cabinets down to the floor. I noticed too that some kind of passage downward at the extreme left with small brown railings and seems that soft lighting is emitting from below. I was commanded by an instinct and seem to know that I have to take the seat quietly and I felt no hesitation at all like a child being told. Three cold flashes of violet light douse my whole body as I was to take the chair relieving my nerves and feeling so relax from all day works.

Small lights around the ceiling started to flicker and mild beep were louder than silence to signal that the silvery saucer craft is already in motion. I felt mild juts right to left, up and down until a little while my body was oriented the mild motion and felt normally. Most likely that was the effect of the flashes caused by the violet rays to adjust my body to the craft movement. The semi chubby creature walk down the open way and few seconds return as slim lady with Caucasian-like features having a semi aquiline nose, shoulder length blonde hair and tantalizing blue eyes that so beautiful for human standard."

"Hello Dr. Valentine Osnoflivich … we knew you before being selected" as the lady started the conversation. "We were monitoring your family from mixed Polish and Norwegian descendant including their current immigrant status since your conception, birth to the University student life, your work and your married undertaken. Sorry for the separation but that was all planned and in stored. You were selected to visit our community of explorers. Indeed, a self-contained explorer and for a short while we will be landing on the mother ship."

Val was still maimed with the exemplary beauty and tried to interact; "Thank you for being selected as your guest and looking forward your cordial treatment." The lady waves as her gesture and made assurance that Val will be in good hands and be treated as family member. "Since I already knew everything of you, let me introduce myself; My name is Izradiwa but everybody in the ship called me Izra and you may also address me that way. We are from Planet Urnyx located near the edge of Adromead Galaxy however our mother ship was stationed about one half ryxtile from your planet. Distance from your planet to your star (your sun) is about twelve ryxtile in our scale. The lady at the right is Isyx our navigator" the subjected lady took off her head cap as she waves her hand for a gesture of welcome. "And the lady at the left is Antyx my co-pilot ,"as she too took off her head cap and wave the same gesture of welcome.

This should be an all-female crew as Dr. Val self-murmured. "Indeed you are right doctor for in our planetary culture, there is no gender demarcation and both are treated with normal equality since immemorial. Everybody are equally given preference even in the expression of love and filling unlike in your planet that females are normally reserve with timidity even the emotion is so great that only can give hint for males to initiate the move. In our case it's so different for both genders have the equal right to proceed in expressing and commence whatever moves to be done to satisfy the emotion that is brewing." Lots more mixed-topics were discussed as the craft jolts smoothly when Dr. Val noticed various lights and arch structures as he glances on the frontal port holes.

"At this particular moment I felt that the craft seems to slow down. Windows around the craft slide upward and all the port holes open. I saw the mother ship from afar, so huge, bigger than any medium standard township in planet Earth. I could not see both edge of the mother ship and the height is most likely higher than a 30 stories building. Slowly as we approach the opening ramp, two more identical craft floated on our side waiting for their turn to roll inside the mother ship. Only then I know, we were three saucer craft convoy gliding in space from planet Earth."

"I felt a light jerk and our craft roll in as I saw the gigantic hull with squadrons of identical silvery crafts of saucer shapes countless of them on each hangars. Our craft came into a hold position and heard the engine stopped and a light clicking while the door way slowly opened and cool fresh air rushed in as I disembarked from a long space journey. This time the craft was no longer suspended on the air but was being stick on the floor like magnet. While standing outside the craft to take deep breath from space travel fatigue, I can see rows of beige columns about a meter in diameters at about 20 meters interval both ways supporting the box girders above the height of about 10 meters with lamps distributed equally to furnish appropriate lighting for the hull. I noticed too that the flooring are dominated by about halt inch silvery lines on north to south direction and vice versa at about 5 meters interval being reflected on the ceiling and on east to west direction and vice versa too. The port area where the silvery saucer crafts are parked is about 200 meters by 200 meters on semi-oval shape. Adjacent to the port area are some sort of plantation of tomato-like plants but blue in colors with multiple branches all sticking upward bearing white butterfly larva-like fruits with sizes of pencil having majority length halves of cigarettes. The plantation area is quite huge but I cannot give estimate since edges of the farm are unreachable by my sight, but most likely more than 100 hectares. I can also see emitters producing mists with equal distances of about three meters both ways and afar, I noticed machineries being operated for some specific tasks but nobody was on it."