Chapter 6

Mother Space Craft

At this junction of time, my three-crew companion finished their obligations checking the craft that they tended for the mission and an incoming transport is about to arrive. Now, Izra signaled me, while the transport just stopped on the silvery line near us." "Welcome on board … hop in," as Izra broke the silence.

"The transport like the other is also suspended on the air but lower for only about four inches above the floor - similar to a sedan car but smaller with saucer shape, topless and with a laptop computer-like gadget on the driver's side dash board. Izra set up the gadget that looks like she was resetting a program as I lock my seat right next to her and a little while, the transport started moving. Izra explained that a magnetic ray was hooked to the silvery line on the floor since we are going on north direction and will just automatically unhook and to attach to specific line if we change direction as set in the dash board gadget."

"We glided toward north bound passing the plantation of blue plants but still I cannot see both edges as it's so wide that I cannot imagine how big is the mother ship." "That's our Manue's plantation – the staple food of our citizens, containing 70 to 75 percent protein, 5 percent nitrogen, 10 percent potassium and the rest is junk carbohydrates." Izra explained as she pointed the areas. We already navigated about four kilometers and still I have no idea where the edge of the mother ship laid. The next scenario were trees with purple leaves having distances of about 5 meters between them both ways tending fruits of as big as apple, brown color in bunches like grapes suspended in branches of almost uniform angles around and like the manue plantation I also noticed emitters pulsating mists. "This is our Durex plantation and after a month they are ready for harvest when their fruits shall be in pierce red. These fruits are almost complete in nutritional value and sweet with pleasant taste like your dates."

As we continue to glide, I noticed fine violet rays encampment so long and like a coral. Inside is plantation of bluish spinach-like plants covering the floor line and herd of gray pupa-like animals are grazing. They have three pairs of short feet like duck and walk like worm. Their sizes are as big as adult sheep but about four times longer and the head is like an oversize neck-less ostrich, with pairs of ear like goat and tail like of a cow. "Thus herds are our source of beef and yogurts like in your planet." Izra telling her thought pointing to the grazing animals.

Later, we reach the area like elevated lake for it is being diked with transparent material like glass to looks similar to aquarium. I can see school of fish that looks like barramundi or sea bass about a kilogram per head and some kind of robot boat with floater is feeding the school of fish. Both sides of our way look the same to me that I will be disoriented if alone. About forty meters travelled, another school of fish with different varieties emerged on the transparent pond that looks like pompano with almost the same sizes as big a table plates with their feeding robot too.

We passed several varieties of fish ponds that I cannot describe comparatively for it looks alien to me until we reached their fish nursery where I noticed the roof is already inclining upward signaling that we are about to reach either the bow or the stern of the mother ship where I see the open end of the next level after navigating 18 to 20 kilometers.

The saucer craft arched upward and as we level off, Izra told me that we have navigated already half the length of the mother ship and the next journey will be over the residential areas as I see typical cubicles of about 8 by 8 meters squares with easement of 3 meters around and some creatures doing their things that looks like some sort of gardening. The set-up is similar to housing projects on planet Earth that in every two rows of cubicles a gap of about 30 meters were allotted as their right of ways. Like the level where we started our journey, the columns, girders and heights were carried over typically. The only thing varies were the white magnetic lines and the distance of our craft from the floor. This time we are flying higher than the previous 4 inches at about 16 feet or about 5 meters from the floor. Now I realized that according to the ship diagram in the dash board that we left the bow and going to the stern of the mother ship. We meet few crafts of the same features of ours but cannot see the creature driving for the incoming traffics were passing above us, as designed by their thoroughfare. We flew this time faster than before and can see the hub adjacent to the airport where we landed during arrival to the mother ship.

The mother ship hub is a circular open space of about 60 meters with series of circular columns of same sizes as the general supports of the ship of about 5 meters diameter linked by 60 centimeters by 100 centimeters horizontal braces at vertical distances of about a meter. The hub circumference is also lined around by the same sizes of columns, spaces and link braces with four huge opening spaces with arching corners of about 10 meters by 10 meters creating like the main crossing for north-south and east-west plus the ups and down movements forming a deep hallow space.

Izra twirled the craft slowly upward and I can see three more levels of typical residential areas with abrupt tapering length of each floor due to the mother ship inclining roof as demand most likely by the stream line design. The fourth level after the residential floors is now about 40 meters in length and 20 meters wide with also arching four corners and support columns connecting directly to the columns below. The whole area is line with about 20 centimeters by 30 centimeters port holes around with typical spacing of about 60 centimeters. Here, the space has rows of gadgetries of different shapes and features but almost typical sizes arranged in three units. I can observe that in every three gadgets, one creature is manning it attentively and keep watching the screens. We don't bother to intrude their attention as everybody on this area has undertaken which so important for the process of cruising. On this particular essence of time, I noticed that these creatures are very different in trait from human. They maintain seriousness and I never see them smile and always have a feeling of alone. Are they loner? A nagging question to my consciousness as if I don't exist among them.

Izra twirl the craft upward navigating towards the top level and park. The place is about 25 meters by 25 meters with walls perpendicular to the carpeted floor and the same arching corners and the roof were fashioned like the helmet of World War One US soldiers, lined by portholes of the same sizes all around the walls. This time, it is deserted and seems to be the view deck of the mother ship. Izra explained that people seldom stay here unless some visitor from other planet is on board. Looking around, the deep outer space is so beautiful with the shadows of stars rendering their twilights pulsating through the dust cloud of the huge emptiness. The beauty of nature is so full of thoughts and cheerfulness that relieved all the stresses and the feeling of soul lightness as Izra walk towards me and kisses my lips. I felt the warmness of her body and concluded that she has the total humanity … a totality of a human woman. Hugged her tightly responded the kisses so tight until I unloaded all the emotion since our first meeting in the farm. "I love you so much Izra," as I murmured maneuvering my hands around her body which both of us enjoyed so much without question and hesitation. The emotional deluge was so intense that both of us were willing to lay down the floor of the mother ship view deck to fulfill the intensity of love. Hugs and kisses continue to dominate our emotion until the total fulfillment of love. The sweet and savory with gusto of love making. It took a while of love making, panting, but both were satisfied for the whole activity as Izra stood ahead to fix herself, ready to continue the delayed journey. Val also rise up, fix himself and kisses Izra to thank her for everything as Izra responded the kiss as if to repeat the whole scenario. Like two birds for the beings who are too much in love. However the schedule to finish their journey prevailed as both hop into the silvery craft to drive.

Izra twirled their silvery craft around the hub center column down ward passing several levels and level down below the airport floor. Here mix plantations of several agricultural crops are grown together with crop silos and processing plants are located both sides of the circular hub way. They traversed the entire length from bow to stern of the mother ship and Val noticed that only few beings were engaged in the supervision of the operation. Most of the operations were undertaken by robot including the transport and conveying systems. All processing plants were spread out alternating the various plantations.

Again, Izra twirled up their silvery craft passing the airport floor and one level of the residential area then level up right in residential main thorough fare. After passing several blocks of cubicle housings, we reached their community center where park area designed on panoramic landscape. Several structures for children playground were build, some artificial ponds and small streams crisscross the landscape of about a hectare with lines of well-trimmed hedges along the foot paths and stream. Few children were having fun in the park and some robots were programmed to maintain the landscape.

Izra turn back the silvery craft passing the other side towards the center hub way. Passing the hub way and after the rows of typical cubicle housing is their community depot where varieties of household commodities are available. Izra park our silvery craft and catered me to the depot entrance. Few people were busy with their chores and seems not bother at all seeing me as an alien, that most likely, because I looks like them too. After Izra's few round and some items bought, we went back to the silvery craft loading the bunch and drove towards the residential area. We passed some few blocks and drove into a cubicle where Izra park the silvery craft near the door way. "Welcome to my abode," as Izra gestured with a kiss, as Val responded towing Izra with their lips still anchored inside, opening the door and closing it with his foot. The kissing was so intense again like a bee sipping the nectar of the lone flower. Again, they make love on the floor like what they did in mother ship's view deck. They finished panting and laughing, satisfied like children on the climax of the play.

Now that everything had settled down, they have to organize their newly formed union and since the essence of time without night and day inside the mother ship is not an issue. The cubicle is about eight by eight meters square without partition, with wide windows each wall of about one meter square, the roof is flat about three meters high with synthetic ceiling. The furnishing is only one round bed of about two and one half meters in diameter. Seven chairs, one round table in the kitchen of four chairs and the other three chairs are in the center hall with also small round table. Anchored on top of a small cabinet at the right corner is some kind of gadgetries that looks like some sort of communication gadgetries. The kitchen with small cubicle attached in the corner as the toilet and bath looks like typical kitchen on planet Earth with alien designs and all materials used are comparable to the standard passenger airplane on Earth. No sharp corner nor concrete or steel were seen as component of the quarter. The overall assessment is an ultra-modern Bachelor's Quarter on Earth. After the overwhelming short stunt of intense loving making, what they all wanted is just sleep to restore their vitality from accrued fatigue since they left planet Earth.

Izra wake up ahead of Val and while she was preparing their meal, Val joined the food and table setting preparation with awe. Steam manues of sizes like peanuts with shell, sliced fried white meat like steak, yogurts and some kind of violet juice. They eat with gusto the first meal since the left planet Earth and Val does not know how many days had past and don't want to dare ask Izra. After finishing the household chores together, they sat on the center hall table and plan their itineraries for the next sequence of time. Izra wanted to finish the mother ship tour of Val before reporting to the ship laboratory.

They took bath together as Val was alienated with new kind of things in the bath room, the supposed detergent and the arrangement of bowl and shower. However, not much attention that Val has to adjust. As their bare bodies touched Val could feel the intensity is again brewing for Izra's beauty is too much to handle by an Earthling. The detergents were cleared up from their bodies as Val kisses Izra with gentleness below the right ear towing his lips towards the reciprocating waiting lips. Again the love intensity arouse that both of them could not stop but to succumb and the love making on the floor.

They finishes the stunt panting but fully satisfied that every heat were unloaded. Izra urged Val to prepare and fix up giving him the new attire she bought from depot. It was a skin-like fabric which he does not know what was the raw material and origin but most likely similar to kevlar. He fitted the garb and felt the coolness and stretching ability of the overall suit. Izra dress up similar to what Val put on too. Now they seem look alike minus the head cap as the standard space uniform of planet Urnyx and now ready to go to continue Val's mother ship tour.

Izra climb ahead the silvery craft parked in the yard parallel along the door way and perform some sort of programming to the gadget on the dash board as Val followed and hook his seat. The engine of the silvery craft murmured softly as it glided towards the main thorough fare climbing to the programmed height and float above the rows of cubicles heading the route of the center hub way. "We shall be heading down ward to show you more about the mother ship self-sufficiency as a small planet." Upon reaching the center hub way, Izra twirl down the silvery craft passing the airport floor and another level which Val had already seen previously.

Izra continue twirling down ward the silvery craft and hoover around the center column on the floor line of the next level to show Val the establishments containing on such floor. "On the floor towards the bow, let say the north side is the mother ship laboratory both clinical and physical work rooms and the south side is the work shop where maintenance of mother ship are being undertaken. We shall continue down ward and just come later for we will be dealing with people of the lab. The silvery craft continue to twirl down ward and level up toward north direction where Val could observe series of small pond being diked by the same transparent materials of the fish pond above. Here, the water is crystal clear without fish with more pipes were bonded of different sizes. "This is the mother ship safety net. The whole floor is the water storage. Clusters of pipe lines were installed around the external wall of mother ship to suck the atmosphere and those silos process to break down ionic bond of compound elements through Nano Technology to produce droplets of water that are collected and stored. Now those used water are recycled again and again. "Val noticed that the wall started tapering down ward like the upper level but on moderate fashion. The next twirl has a higher floor line where several dark gray structures are spread out evenly to the whole floor area.

Izra hoover around the silvery craft on the floor level and explained," The entire floor is the mother ship power house and those dark gray structures are operating by twenty units in parallel and we have sixty units of them giving time for maintenance on schedule. How powerful you may ask? Well, if we operate the sixty units altogether, it can push your planet slowly away from its orbit away from your sun or go nearer. In fact we called this mother craft, A Wondering Little Planet"

The silvery craft twirl down ward again and should be the last dive for Val seen already the end of columns and the hub way in the space craft keel. "This is the bottom part of the mother ship where we stored different kind of mineral specimens and at the same time the space craft fuel depot," as Izra informed Val. "I should have you tour around to see various minerals from several planets but some are still raw and you might be affected by radio activities and become ill, so we better go back to the laboratory and see if we can schedule for the hologram and time machine," as Izra twirl upward the silvery craft and level up

into the laboratory floor but instead of going direct to the lab, directed the silvery craft to the opposite direction where maintenance work shop is located. As they pass overhead, Val could notice several robots performing their individual programmed tasks along the series of machineries and materials which are alien to him. In every specific areas glass cubicles were manned by three and some four individuals with their gadgetries and monitors supervising the operation. The robots move smoothly and précised as if a very skilled human performing jobs on Earth until we reached the stern of mother ship and turn back taking different route of similar scenario to the entrance of space craft laboratory.

Izra parked our silvery craft parallel to others and took a double setter scooter like thing but without wheel and I assume to be gliding like the silvery craft as she signal me to join her. We glide smoothly just floating few centimeters above the floor until we reach the glass cubicle to be a lab office. An individual with the same attire with what I am wearing meet Izra and speak on their language. They conversed that sound like machine and few second explained to me that some mother ship protocol should be iron out before our exploration should commence. Meanwhile I was waiting, Izra cater me to a medium size table with screen monitor hooked to a gadget like a hard dish. Then she inserted a small crystal like card into a laptop-like gadget just to pass the time while waiting. The screen like object started to roll and I saw two shepherds were pasturing along the steep northwestern shore of Dead Sea as being dictated directly into my consciousness. The two shepherd curiously unearthed non-essential looking finds to them. Emerging just aboveground enough to attract attention, harden earth containers with several manuscripts written on papyrus and leathers became one of the most sensational finds of the millennium; the Dead Sea Scrolls.