Chapter 7

Scrolls antiquities rendered about past century BCE, most likely older than oldest known Hebrew version of the Old Testament, the Aleppo codex. The first seven-finds were almost complete manuscript of the "Book of Isaiah", Society Manual of Discipline, several rules and rituals devoted to strict religious discipline living in imminent expectation of the end of the World in which they alone would be seen as the chosen people. Later finds included copper plague (as shown in the screen-like object) detailing temple treasures and several fragments, which may compose entire medieval library, deliberately hidden for the future mankind retrievals as something dictating on my consciousness. What a wonderful gadget, as I muttered.

Then the screen splashes some kind of sting intermission and the person some-what inside the hologram dimension started to discourse;" Our ancestors who contacted your ancestors since ancient times and improved your genes, periodically counter-check the improvements and gauge morality. It was them; our ancestors guided Zoroaster who established guidelines of righteousness thus evolved to the recent time in your planet.

This is it … I suggested to Izra, "I wanted to see Zoroaster if possible if what that guy in the hologram were talking about. She nod for approval and promised to go with me all the way.

On this junction, the alien at the glass cubicle signal them to come and as they walk toward the glass cubicle I observed that some additional alien beings were busy at the adjacent glass room which is larger with several gadgetries. Izra introduced the alien being to me. "This is Val, a medical doctor from planet Earth, the subject of our proposed exploration and this is Dr. Eunex Five the Project Director of the mother ship laboratory," as Dr. Eunex rub elbow to me and I too rub an elbow to him. Then the director set us near the corner with wide table and huge screen and told us to watch the demonstration as the first stage of briefing.

The screen rolled and I watch an alien being demonstrating how to use a gadget on his wrist adjusting the surrounding around him and become invisible and resurface in the other side, then held a pouch like gadget and push the first button and begin to levitate, pushing the second button and he just zoom controlling the direction by the movement of his hands and as if he is swimming in the deep. The third button was pushed and anything he pick up and throw caused small fire and explosion at the end and the fourth button is an emergency to be home. The fifth button should not be used as it is just a back-up should everything failed. Should you open the flap cover of the pouch, small buttons has it labels for diagnostic and resetting of program. Remember that you are always connected to the lab, being monitored and can be assisted should problem arises. The screen ended the orientation and they were advice to start the face to face lecture and demonstration.

The pair went back to Eunex office with another alien clutching something on a bag was waiting. "This is Exxor; our instrumentation expert who will be dealing with you the art of power." Exxor stand up and putting on a wrist watch- like gadget giving two pieces to Val and Izra to wear and demonstrated by pushing the first button and halo of lights started to condense around the expert until became invisible. "It's like an invisible cloak! " Exclaimed Val, wondering what has been there in that little gadget.

Exxor let Izra and Val execute and try to mimic what he had done. The pair undertook the operation and simply did it with ease enjoying the whole process three times to master the procedure. Next, the expert hand out the circular pouch of about eight inches in diameter and about four inches in thickness telling the pair to orient their selves as it was not very well demonstrated in the screen. The two sat down on the chairs placing the pouch on table top and Exxor started coaching them the mechanics of operation. The intricacy was little bit bothersome due to the sequence of operation which should be memorized stringently. The expert taught them to break the operation into sequence. Then assign the sequence per function and so on. Then the expert guided them how to use the built-in program manual which were store in the gadget. "This thing is the miniature copy of our mother ship laboratory made through our Nano Technology. Every things stated in the program list can be done like carbon dating space positioning, space maps and many more using those small buttons inside the pouch.

"Well, I have to demonstrate the function and you have to practice the sequence until you could master it and again we have to meet to upgrade your capability for it is very important for your survival on your mission." Exxor stand up facing the pair and push the first button then the second as he slowly levitate and when he rise his both hands zoom upward like a jet plane then sat on the air without any hindrance. Then push another button and slowly descend towards Izra and Val. After sometimes Izra and Val had memorize the sequence of operation and learned to apply to each functions. They are now on the stage of actual and physical application until such time that they can master the gadget. They could not venture to go out on mission without perfectly mastering everything what are embedded in the circular pouch, so practice and practice to perfection for nobody could help them out there.

The expert instructor evaluated the time lapse and see if his students had done their part. Now is an appropriate time to assess the progress of training. Exxor made an appointment to meet Izra and Val to evaluate the progress of his students. The three converged in an open area outside the lab. Val as the neophyte perform ahead by performing levitation doing several position, float on the air space, then zoom touching the bottom of the floor above, then lying on the air, sitting on space and several acrobatic stunt, then pushing the button of his wrist gadget and become invisible. After a while Val show up at the side of Izra and Exxor rub his elbow to Val for a good showing. Like Val, Izra performed near perfection that satisfaction on the expert instructor is being shown on his gesture.

Dr. Eunix walk-in and joined the trio extending admiration gesture to the two candidates. "Now that you mastered the art of power but you have to study the program inside as it is just self-explanatory. That small pouch is a mini-lab where you can even use that for carbon dating. Now we will be going to show you the technic of folding space, the creation of temporary portal, the worm hole. This will be your standard avenues in any parts of our Universe. " They four as Exxor was with them summoned a bigger silvery craft comparable to the Earthling's sport utility vehicles but the same design of the sedan-like type service craft of Izra and topless too. Dr. Eunex hop in to drive the utility craft and while he was resetting the gadget in the dash board the trio hop in too locking their seats. As the utility craft glide smoothly, Val saw from afar a huge glass cubicle where alien beings were busy and robots were engaged with them. As the utility craft was smoothly gliding nearer to such establishment the doctor director broke the silence and said. "This will be your last training as your mission is set to go after you mastered the sequence and functions in the creation and usage of star gate, the worm hole, the standard portal of our universe."

The doctor director parked the utility craft and they alighted together as the trio follows Dr. Eunex towards the huge entrance of the glass cubicle. The cubicle is so huge of about a hectare in planet Earth standard with wide open space of about twenty meters up to the edge of the end wall. The director pushes the button on his belt to summon a ride, as four seating capacity scooter glide towards them. Both boarded and fix their selves as the director reset the gadget for direction. They entered a garage like establishment with three silvery crafts identical to the craft of Izra that took Val from Earth parked together on a tubular glass with gadgets all around connected to the three silvery space vehicles. "Those three space vehicles are under routine electronic diagnostic proceeding after the installation of cloak machine and space shield that could withstand the force of worm holes gravity. We will let you know as soon as it will be ready so that you can test flight and will learn the functions of some addition features of the space craft and you three will undergo body support and strengthening to naturalize the effect of portal's gravity that may leak from the space vehicle shield."

From the routine electronic diagnostic proceeding of the three space vehicles, Dr. Eunex catered them to another glass cubicle that looks like a clinical laboratory where rows of glass capsules that can accommodate human inside. The sizes of the glass capsules are about a meter in diameter; two and one half meters in length. Val noted that several alien beings were inside as if just sleeping. "These are the machines that will integrate support in your bodies and strengthen against the small seepage of portal gravity that may penetrate into the space vehicle shield during your passage to the worm hole or the star gate. Therefore, three of you will be subjected to those clinical proceeding next break," as they set out for the much needed rest.

Izra took her key and summoned a two setter scooter and both alighted towards their parked silvery craft that took them home taking the same route through the central hub way. She parked on the same spot parallel to the door way of her cubicle. As they closes the door, Val patches a kiss below the right ear of Izra and seems that each of them long for it, towing his lips again to the waiting lips as the hugged tightly with the warm body intensity moving towards the huge matrimonial bed. They both lean down with anchored lips to make love. Undressing simultaneously with eagerness and excitement, moaning and panting until they unloaded every beat of heat, then rested and sleep.