Chapter 8

As usual, Izra wake up ahead and prepared their food and Val trained his way to the kitchen helping her in the preparation. Fried manues, steaks, something like chicken fried eggs, some bread similar to what Afghani's bake, yogurts and pink juice. While eating they discussed about their incoming training and plan to commence the incubation of their child through zygote intra-tubular transfer as practiced by the host planet Urnyx. This mean that the fertilized egg is being taken out from the womb and incubate in the laboratory until the time parents wanted to nurture their child outside the tube. During the first stage, the zygote is feed with growth nutrients similar to mother's substances until the age equivalent to about five to six months in Earth. Then the food nutrients are added with general intelligent hormone on the second stage at about eight to nine months old on Earth.

At this particular age on Earth, the baby supposed to be born but in Urnyx parents are free from hassles in caring and just can visit their child in the laboratory from time to time. Morality and good conduct hormone are added to the food nutrients up to about twenty four months on Earth equivalent age. All these nutrients and hormones are programmed by experts in the laboratory with approval of the Federation. Then the parents has the option if their child be born or continue learning in the laboratory and at this stage the laboratory personnel shall review the records of the child to know the inclination. Say, if the child inclination is in science, the science hormone will be increase gradually up to about seven years on Earth where the parents are obliged to take their child home.

The explanation of Izra about their would-be child is done as she clear the table and Val wipes, helping her doing the routine kitchen chores. They took baths and this time no love making for Izra is to be subjected for zygote intra-tubular transfer in the clinical laboratory. Both fix up with their new uniforms bought by Izra from the depot and embark to the parked silvery craft and glided towards the main thorough fare directing the vehicle to the laboratory floor. The air is serene as the glided smoothly twirling down ward in the hub way reaching their destination and parked their silvery craft to where they stayed before. She summoned the two setter scooter to convey them to the clinical laboratory. Izra talked to the lady doctor on duty for a while then proceed to the room with another female, maybe an equivalent to a nurse on Earth. Val was also called by the lady nurse to extract blood serum to reinforce the paternal link of the child. They stayed there about forty five minutes on Earth's time and most likely the quick zygote clinical extraction was done. Val meet Izra and the attending doctor to rub elbows, then without further ado, they left for the huge glass cubicle. We arrived maybe little late as we saw Exxor was already inside the glass capsule. A clinical personnel with his two robots cater them to the two adjacent glass capsule and let them lie down inside. Three alien beings were busy operating their gadgetries and monitors as I feel asleep.

The mother ship continue to traverse the empty outer space smoothly with intermittent tiny meteors tried to sting on its armored body just to bounces as it goes twirling back its origin. Dust cloud on deep space venture to hide some far away stars that only the glow of its brilliance sneak out from darkness. Aha, what a wonderful scenario of nature that everlasting beauty of the universe is so amazing. Inside the mother ship crews are always on the lookout gazing on their gadgetries guiding its way to the unknown. The air inside the space craft is cool and being faintly rotated by the built-in atmospheric mechanism where floras and faunas had complementary balancing requisite and symbiotic.

Meantime in the huge glass cubicle where Izra and Val were undertaking gravity strengthening proceeding, the two robots are activated and started to perform their programmed tasks. Doctor Eunix joined the three alien beings in the elevated platform supervising the whole proceeding as Izra and Val started to move. The glass capsule covers smoothly opened synchronizing the unhooking of several pipes and tubing as Izra and Val were ready to come out from the glass capsules waiting from Dr. Eunix instruction. There goes the small beep as the pair step out the glass capsules walking towards the clinic of Dr. Eunix for clinical examinations. The clinical proceedings took about thirty minutes in planet Earth's time sequence and the elbow rubbing among them terminates the physical check-up as the two walk directly to the clinical gym. There, Exxor and five other alien beings were on the height of their calisthenics as the pair fixed their gears and joined the group. This stretches their bones and ligaments from the long idle moments inside the glass capsules plus some kind of strengthening of their body.

Izra told Val that those individuals are also the same people who composed her squadron on previous Earth activities, meaning they are the group assigned on this specific zone, as they walk out the gym towards their twin setter scooter. The small scooter glided seeking the way to the three space craft parked in the capsule hangar. Assigned robots were now active doing each specific programmed task as the series squad of Exxor was already waiting in the large oblong table with of huge screen in the wall. Val seated beside Izra looking at the huge screen having some kind of deep space map and writings that are alien to him.

Most discussions were carried out on local language and Ezra has to interpret it to him. After about an hour on Earth time sequence, they went out and flock towards the three space crafts parked at the laboratory hangar as the individual robot towed the three vehicles out the huge glass laboratory readying for flight as Dr. Eunix following some kind of huge machine being towed by five robots. The director instructed the robots to line the space crafts at the middle of the thorough fare and place the huge machine at the rear of the space craft lining in front of it.

Then Dr. Eunix announces to board and get ready for take-off.

Two space crafts had three crews while Izra's plane has an extra load, passenger Val. Both squadron members started their engines per Dr. Eunix instruction while the robots place the huge machine in the rear in-line with the three space crafts. The three space craft continue to idle, the huge machine started and puff out, blowing heavy light color halo whirling on the three planes with intensity so intense like an atomic collider. Inside each space craft, crews were busy undertaking their training to the new added features. After the successful test, the huge machine was move to the entrance ramp adjacent to the airport facing outside the empty space. Then it started blowing stronger hollow whirling tunnel of intense energy as the three space craft submerged on the twirl of gravity and gone, while the doctor director witnessed the huge magnetic loop until it vanished into the empty outer space.

Only the dust cloud turbulence marked the gateway tunnel that slowly precipitates the streak. Izra slow down her craft as she seen the vast greenery on an undulating land mass and series of mountain ranges. Val suggested to meet Zoroaster, the person who developed Faith and Morality to humanity as the time-gauge in their panel clocked. Planet Earth: 7th Century BCE; Persia. Studying the past and what were stored, Val continue to review ancient history collected by the great, great, great ancestors of Izra during those particular ancient period in order to orient himself and to know how to behave in meeting people in the ancient past. We know very little of the early life of Zoroaster. Even when he was a boy, he showed great wisdom. He argued with wise men and censured the heretics. In the foot note written: that;" Zoroaster was a hybrid son of an alien from Izra's great, great, great ancestor."

The co-pilot took over the saucer craft as Izra walk over to Val's table telling him to get ready to go down and meet Zoroaster. Both explorer fix up their gears, checked their power kits as the chute in the central floor smoothly opened. Izra activated her power pouch as she wince down and Val follows. Scanning the vastness of greenery below looking the spot where they could find Zoroaster and on that particular sequence of time the subject was on meditation in the cave. Before they go down, they conducted few exercise by zooming utilizing their hands for direction, vertical dive, floating on air up and down, using their invisible button. Then both explorer ready to descent stood vertically on the air, activating the button of invisibility slowly gliding down towards where Zoroaster having his intense serenity.