Chapter 17

As soon as the two explorers embarked their saucer craft, Izra reprogrammed their destination; "New World Center Hub", but before we took off, the three crews speak on their language that sounds like machine. Izra told me that those were Clearance to enter the New World Center Hub so that they will temporarily deactivate the perimeter defense. We took off and just a while I saw some huge opening in the mountain side with lighting inside. We navigate the tunnel and arrived in the port similar to the Mother Ship features. Indeed I remember the great ancestor related that this is their old mother ship being utilized as the Hub Core. Our saucer craft anchored on the floor and two of our wing crafts landed too. We alighted as the co-pilot and the navigator stayed to check the space vehicle.

Two topless wagons with uniformed guards on it that look like robots fetch us and two floor level twirl on the hub way we level off and drive towards the huge glass cubicle in a distance. The setting is similar to the mother ship aside from some ground extensions. Some plants are indigenous, like barleys and wheat, I saw apple trees, sheep in the picket fence, cows enclosed by cyclone wires. After about 800 meters, we reach the huge glass cubicle. This seems to be the headquarter for plenty of small tinted glass cubicles are in rows with uniformed personnel and robots are manning it.

We were catered in the lounge, this time with handshakes and no more elbow-rubbing. Introduce, introduce, introduce with the background of language that sound like machine. One particular individual stand out the rest as introduce to me by their chief. Chief, for I have no idea how goes their ranking. This is Fhenyx, an ex- Martian Space Patroller who was based for about 385 Earth years in our Base Camp there and had Martian family. Consider him as your biological Father as he was the donor of your genes way back in Norway 29 years ago. I was shocked in disbelief. Am I an alien hybrid? Fhenyx explain the Federation program to pacify Val as Izra listen. So many Earthlings were subjects of our Cross-Breeding Program already way back before your Noah. Indeed we found out that some of the improved Earthlings are compatible for cross-breeding and since then selection process was initiated. All of the selected specimens help us established morality and righteousness on your planet but on your batch, we wish and expect you for enlightenment. And do not worry about your parents for somebody is taking care of them since your departure. They are being informed all about you.

After the short meeting, they tour the whole glass cubicles. Most rooms are typical aside for their archive. Several exhibits were on display stating the names, origin and particular influence.


A Solitary Chunk of Granite (Mark on Green Button: "Push switch to View")

( Izra push the button )

The screen started to roll and stated: … This small chunk of rock enough to heft in one hand, is key evidence that Australia and parts of Antarctica were once attached to North America. The Earth's continents are thought to have collided to become supercontinents and broken apart again several times in Earth's 4.5 billion year history. The most recent supercontinent was Pangaea, which began to break apart about 200 million years ago; the landmasses that comprised Pangaea eventually wandered into the current configuration of continents. Several supercontinents predating Pangaea have been playing parts of planet Earth including one dubbed Rodinia that exist about 1.1 billion years ago.


The ancient supercontinent Rodinia broke away from what is now the southwestern United States around 800 million to 600 million years ago, eventually drifting southward to become eastern Antarctica and Australia. The idea is known as the southwestern United States to East Antarctica. But there was little physical evidence that could tie the southernmost continent to the long-disappeared Rodinia.Until they stumbled upon this rock that is Granite rock belt.


Antarctica's Transantarctic Mountains carried rocks along by ice rivers that could provide clues to the composition of the underlying crust of Antarctica, which in most places is buried under 2 miles of ice. One rock, found atop the so-called Nimrod Glacier, was later determined to be a very specific form of granite with having particular type of coarse-grained texture.


Chemical test run from Izra's kit on the rock later revealed that it has a chemistry "very similar to a unique belt of igneous rocks in North America" that stretch from California through New Mexico to Kansas, Illinois and eventually New Brunswick and Newfoundland in Canada. This belt of rock was a part of what is called Laurentia to be the core of Rodinia. The belt stops suddenly at its western margin, leading to suspect that some piece of crust had rift away from what is now the West Coast of the United States. "It just ends right where that ancient rift margin is, and these rocks are basically not found in any part of the world." That a small chunk of this rock should turn up on a glacier high in the mountains of Antarctica. At the time that this rift occurred, a massive change in Earth's biota, the Cambrian explosion was also happening. As the screen finished rolling, Val push off the switch and activates the adjacent screen, as it roll and marking:

[Journal Marked XX***//] {> Planet EARTH: 520 mya <}