Chapter 20

At this instance, Izra receive a request to return to Earth's Camp Base together with Val for some mission. Izra message her Wing Man, Exxor to prepare the squadron for departure and they too prepare for another space journey to Earth. They assemble at the hanger and conducted quick diagnostic check on their individual space craft before they boarded and there goes on the empty space again navigating of huge and limitless emptiness.

But before going straight to the New World Central Hub, they decided to pass New Foundland to check the trace of Laurentia rock of Rodinia. Moment later, Izra flew down at tree level until they spotted the bare wall of Laurentia rock at the cliff. She landed the craft at the small clearing to take samples then flew back on formation with her wing craft. The same routine in New Brunswick, Illinois, Kansas and New Mexico, however in California radar was already monitoring them and as soon as they are about to reach the spot, three F15 Interceptor chased them until out of range. No more choice but to find the way to New World Central Hub and take a long vacation there.

However somewhere in Marianas archipelago another squadron of modern Fighter-Interceptor jet planes tried to ambush us that's why Exxor initiated to dive in the ocean as we follows. We navigated about 2,000 fathoms below the water surface maintaining 120 knots and the pursuing planes lost us. As we were submerged on about average ocean depth of 10,000 fathoms, travelling on 2,000 fathoms is safe and as precuationary measure to hide our Central Hub establishment from curious intruders, we continue our under water journey with increase speed until we reach the wet entrance tunnel.

The three silvery saucer crafts slowly steered into the submerged channel connecting the New World Center Hub hangar to park on the secret tarmac. The three lined along the other space craft squadrons facing the dry tunnel run way. After the engine stop robots took-over to clean and dry the crafts and some diagnostic check-up.

All the crews had already alighted and joined by their respective comrades for some greeting and friendly welcome. Izra and Val reported to the Base Camp Commander for briefing and after a while proceeded to the New World Central Hub laboratory as laboratory scientists eagerly receive the granite samples for analysis and matching. Val observed that the Center Hub of the mother space ship and its structure are the same as the lab is situated also in the third level from the airport. After a while, they found out that the material matches and concluded of the same origin. Therefore the splitting of continents is concurred.

Founding Celebration of New World Central Hub

The return-visit of Izra and Val coincide with the celebration of New World Central Hub as the public address system announces that "Celebration Diner" will be ready in 20 minutes and everybody are requested to be in the Main Mess Hall for the big event. Izra and Val left the lab and boarded their parked air wagon, setting destination on the dash board gadget and glided. Val appreciate how the Central Hub design the traffic flow as air wagons looks like rows of ants from all directions and line up on the parking lot with perfect alignments both front and side ways. People started congregating towards the mess hall and were seated.

Val wonders with awes how huge is the mess hall that he can't even see some perimeter edge. There were at least 50 long tables of about 20 meters by 1.20 meters with typical chair spacing of 1 meter. Plates, saucers, cups, spoons and forks are gold plated with rhyming designs and the robots are smoothly serving foods without hitch. The foods were produced from Base Plantation as he observed both fish, meat, and vegetable varieties and this time white rice are served together with the loaf breads. The whole setting is Earthling with several wide screens tune-in to several TV networks e.g. Auckland, Melbourne, Jakarta, Manila and others. What really surprised the crowd when Tokyo announces the assassination of ex-Prime Minister Abe. People stop momentarily in silence to offer respect.

After everybody finished diner, few minutes later the public address crackled. The Base Commander announced the assassination of ex-Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe and asked the audience few seconds of silence to offer respect to a good human. Then he announced that on the third day a government people will visit the Base Camp for some request. The Base Commander continued to address mix-topics and humors for the Center Hub consumption. The people started to dispersed while Izra and Val glided their vehicle to the Base Camp Archive for a unfinished business.

Both were eager to reach the Base Camp archive and as they parked the wagon, disembarked and straight ahead to the archive. Izra selected topic for the day and activated "Earth Life Form" [Sequence Earth X***XX]