Chapter 21

According to the life form's sequence, your ancestor's initial appearance was somewhere in the vastness of Africa as climate being suitable for their existence that period. Following the flock's migration during the melting of polar ice, some migrants were trapped by the ocean to the place of no return. However some were left behind roaming around the African plains developed maturity of instinct in line to their genetic calling.

The pioneering missionaries observed the first self-manifestation in Africa and misinterpreted as mystic and magic although practiced by the indigenous people as life affirming religion. They deliberately possessed their selves into trance and with the rhythm of drums and songs shall boost their hysteric moods and start shaking and shaking violently until possessed by the spirit. (that must be the manifested energy) Then spoke softly working slowly to a high pitch emotion. Then community starts talking, asking their ancestors for good things. This shall be the attraction of the mainstream of DEIU to oneself and as mystic that can not be explain. Through the pollution of imported religions to Africa, the practice was boldly discouraged as taken to be black cult. However during the Renaissance Age were pick-up and practice in India going down to Japan in a serene mood.

Indeed true and excellent those wonderful verses rendered the necessities during that period, but had it stood with the evolution of time to withstand the scrutiny of nature? Had they not aged to collide and caused fanaticism on our present and rational generation? A need to look back and compare the recent civilization, in order to see the perspective and room for adjustment and amendment.


A paradigm that shall reconciles science, philosophy and religion to bring them into alignment, to be consistent, and to be complementary. Science and scientific methodology allow us to discover facts and uncover truth about reality. Philosophy allows us to build reliable, predictive models that give us control over our environment. Religion allows us to choose those actions and alternatives that promote the greatest social good.

Transcendent Reality provides for the continual measurement of the efficacy of our philosophical models, correction of error, for evolution, for the progressive growth of knowledge, wisdom, and realization. And, it allows also for uncertainty, random chance, and chaos.

To the seekers of truth and knowledge, Transcendent Reality offers a pragmatic path to discovery that is reviewable and disciplined, philosophical constructions that are useful and verifiable, and, measurable algorithms of the greater social good.

To the less abstractly inclined, Transcendent Reality is presented as a set of rules to live by that enhance one's survival, continuance-in-kind, and prosperity – individually, and of the greater social unit.

To the believer it is a revelation, to the blind it is an eye, to the deaf it is an ear. In the darkness it is a light to show the path.

Transcendent Reality is much more – not only is it is a path to survival, continuance-in-kind, and prosperity, but it is also a way to measure progress towards those goals. It is the answer to the meaning of life, death, and destiny.

Morality as the Universal Law

Morality is a set of customs to society that regulate relationship and prescribe modes of behavior to enhance group survival. A rule of moral conduct. This is the essence that advance the herd of fauna into human.

Human society started a nomadic lives and later evolved into tribes of hunter-gatherers where instinct of morality needed to govern a crude civilization. Physical strength dominated the struggled for dominancy and the needs of mechanism to perpetuate leadership was the main concerned of the dominant person.

On one thunder storm season, lightning struck that started fire intrigued dominant male of power that cannot be explained on thus period. Based of lightning incident, herd instinct has conceived a projected power to provide basis in the implementation of morality. Should laws of morality be observe and followed, a giver was required in order to be authenticated for universal adherence and acceptance. God was created by mankind through their image on those stages based on myth, dreams and visions as Projected Giver of Morality Laws. Rules in formed of cult-dogma were designed fitted with anathema and rigorous physical implementation of the dominant leaders. Those were the survival of the fittest … and only individuals adhered to the rules of God were fitted to live and to joined the new human society.

Rules… evolved into beliefs those were the basis of traditional faith that provide sustainable potent authority for the God-given Morality Laws.

Beliefs that were reasonable and rational on those particular period based on knowledge they possessed, whether or not true or probable does not matter, for it was written. Some quarters attempted to joined and designed dogmas but separated by their individual interests. Dogmatic competitions started to provoke on new human society and superstition was born to give way on blurred and rejected dogmas.

Competition for foods on hunter-gathers era evolved into dogmatic struggled and dominations. Kingdoms were established through exploitation of dominance, using gods and goddesses to provide projected powers. Those were the scuffled of god and goddesses to dominate humanity… until the time of Abraham where mankind attempted to unified god. And the latter generations tried to incorporate all cult-dogmas and bind mankind into religion, but same anathema was attached to it.


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