What can it do?

When seeing the names written on the holographic screen, they all recognized them.

They were both anime characters known for their great speed which would be a help in their current situation.

'This has to be a joke, right?'They all thought as they looked over Ryan's shoulders.

"Can't hurt to try, right?" Neo clicked on Minato Namikaze's name.

A golden glow came off Ryan and suddenly, he began to change in appearance. His black hair became yellow and sharp while some of the black hair was still present at the back of his head.

His clothes also changed and he now wore a long white jacket with some japanese kanji written on the back in a red color. He also wore a ninja head band.

He still retained Ryan's facial appearance but was barely recognizable.

[Transformation Successful]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 15]

[Speed: 20]

[Level: 1]

[Skills available: Rasengan, Flash Speed]

The Watch informed Ryan but the others didn't seem to hear it.

'It's speaking to me, through my mind? Well, let's give it a go." Ryan thought about the skill known as Flash Speed and instantly, information about it was placed in his head.

[Flash Speed: This skill allows one to travel up to 4 miles per minute. It lasts for five minutes]

"If it's 4 miles and it lasts for five minutes, that's 20 miles, that's more than enough. Hey guys, get on." Ryan gestured to his back and since they didn't really have a choice, they got on his back.

Surprisingly, their weight didn't really feel like anything.

[Flash Speed Activated]

Suddenly, Ryan's feet started moving until they were running at a speed that didn't seem possible. The speed he was going at allowed him to run on the walls and therefore, the buildings.

His friends who were currently on the ride all thought one thing.

'I'm getting nauseous.'

After about two minutes, they finally arrived at Ryan's house.

[Mission achieved]

The Watch spoke and he instantly detransformed and reverted back to his normal state.

The others quickly got off him as he had lost his extra strength from the transformation.

Ryan opened the door and went in.

After a few minutes, Ryan came out of his house.

"So?" They asked him.

"So what?" He asked, confused.

"Did you tell them about the.."

"Manga Watch. I call it the Manga Watch." Ryan replied to them, "No. This is my business, If this thing could lead me to my real parents, it's best not to bother them with it." Ryan told them with a face of seriousness and they stopped asking questions.

After a long walk, they arrived at Jason's house which was still as large as ever.

They settled in at the sitting room. The room was the same size as Ryan's house. It had a lot of abstract paintings with golden frames around them.

They were also multiple exotic animal statues around the rooms such as white tigers and axolotls.

They all sat on the black couches and chairs in the centre.

"Can you finally explain what's going on?" They asked.

Ryan sighed and started from the beginning, he explained when the man took his blood sample, when he got to the warehouse and when they died.

"Whoa! That's so interesting." Jason got up and began to examine the Manga Watch. He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled out.

Metallic clanks were heard and a mech resembling a monkey with fangs hopped and landed on Jason's shoulder.

They all began to examine it.

"Whoa, what do you think the power source is?"

"Does it need to charge?"

"What kind of metal do you think it's made of?"

"How advanced is the AI?"

Jason began asking multiple questions while staying up close while Juke was staring at Ryan's wrist and trying to scan it which made the latter feel a bit uncomfortable.

Neo got in the way and seperated them from him.

"Hey, give him some space. We haven't even thanked him," Neo got closer to him and placed his hand over his shoulder, "Thank you, Ryan." He smiled.

"So what else can it do?" Jane asked, a bit interested in the strange device's abilities.

"I don't really know but I can try. Hey Watch, what can you do?" Ryan asked it and it's voice was projected out.

[I can give you the ability to change into numerous anime characters depending on the situation, although only one's clothes, hair color and eye color change to fit the chosen anime character. Secondly, I can't give you their full power unless you continue to level them up]

It answered and they were fascinated at how it gave them an easily understood explanation.

"I'm just gonna say the honest truth. Ryan, change into another anime character, it looks pretty cool." Jane asked of him and the others agreed.

"Alright, I'll try. Manga Watch, which anime characters can I change into currently?" Ryan asked and the Watch's holo screen expanded until it covered the entire room.

"Deku, Erlic...."

"Zoro, Aizen...."

"Asta, Future Trunks, Kiba..."

So many lists appeared on the screen and were too much for them to name.

"Todoroki." Ryan shouted and a transformatuon began.

Fire covered his left side and ice on his right. The ice and fire disappeared and Ryan was seen again but this time, his hair was a curtained style and split into two colors, red and white. He also had a red scar on one of his eyes and he wore a black jumpsuit with other designs.

"Whoa!!!!!" They all admired him in his Todoroki form.

[Transformation Successful]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Speed: 15]

[Level: 1]

[Skills Available: Ice Path, Fireball]

"Check this out." Ryan threw out his hand but nothing happened except one thing.

[No Mission detected.]

Ryan detransformed and fell on the floor.

"Guess I need to actually have a goal to stay in the transformation." Ryan said and they laughed.

'Now, I've got power to help me learn about you two.' Ryan thought as he looked at the flashdrive which had his family name.