The Baseball Game

A few days later, Neo asked the others to come over to Jason's house early in the morning. They did as he asked and met up in Jason's house.

They were all seated in Jason's room, sitting on the comfortable couch while Jason was half sleeping on it. Neo stood in front of them with his hands behind his back, ready to give them the news.

With a large smile, Neo handed them all three colorful flyers and said, "My brother Kyle is having a game here against the Red Wolves. Could you guys come?"

On the flyer, it said it was going to be a baseball game. Neo had several brothers but his oldest brother Kyle, was a young pro baseballer who was usually never around due to his career choice which he was very good at.

This was why unlike his friends, Neo wanted to become a pro basketballer to somehow follow in his brother's footsteps.

The others however were frowning as they did not have a like of sports.

"You called us here for this!" They said angrily.

"Come on guys, it'll be fun. You just have to sit and cheer for him and the Silver Sharks." Neo said with excitement as he raised his fist in the air.

"No thanks." Jane and Jason replied quickly but Ryan got up, a bit hesitantly though.

"Come on guys, let's do this. You don't even have to enjoy the game. I'll do most of the cheering." Ryan persuaded the two.

They both just sighed and said, "Fine."

Neo gave Ryan a bro hug, "Thanks, dude." He said.

"No problem."

Later that day, Ryan and the others got prepared and headed to Neo's house.

"Those are my jeans."

"No, they're mine."

"Who took the remote?"

"I swear I'm gonna..."

They heard multiple voices shouting from the house. Neo had a lot of siblings.

Finally, Neo came put. He was dressed wearing a baseball cap and a pair of gloves with the index finger sticking out.

"Come on. Let's go." The group of friends began to walk to the field. It was a ten minute walk and although they would have taken their bikes, they were all blown up from the abandoned warehouse's explosion so they really had no choice.

Ryan looked at the Manga Watch, the thing he had gotten not so long ago. He had covered it with his sleeve as he did not know how to take it off and he didn't really want to either.

After a while, they finally arrived at the field. There, they saw multiple fans rushing in, some wearing a red jersey with a wolf picture and others a blue one with a shark on it.

At the same time, a group of people also wearing different jerseys walked to the field. A man among them with slicked back brown hair and black glasses had an earpiece on him.

"We have tracked the Watch to this location. What should we do?" Day, the brown haired man spoke into the earpiece.

"Once you have gotten a sure location, bring out your weapons and point them at the crowd until one of them brings the Watch." A man on the other side answered.

"Affirmative." Day answered.

"The Curse is counting on you." The man finished and with that, Day and his group approached the baseball game that was about to take place.

~ ~

Ryan and Neo got seats close to each other while Jane and Jason were seperated from them among the crowd. That was how Jane and Jason said they wanted it, so they wouldn't be forced into learning about baseball which Neo tended to always do.

Juke was inside Jason's zipbag on his waist which fit Juke perfectly.

As the game begun, Neo began cheering with excitement and his brother, Kyle who was heading towards the field smiled at him.

Kyle had blonde hair in a hockey style and he was quite tall, being about twenty one.

Just before the game was about to begin, from somewhere from the crowd, a man pointed out a large black gun and...


The blast from the gun exploded midair, causing everyone to panic and try to escape but at the exit, two figures wearing full black suits holding the same type of gun appeared.

The Baseball players cleared the field and stayed on the sides as soon as more people wearing the same black suits appeared and soon, seven figures stood at the centre of the field.

The figures all had their guns pointing at the crowd from different angles to prevent anyone from escaping and even if they did, they had sealed off all the entrances with special metal doors and a dome covered the whole stadium or whatever it was called.

Then Day also appeared from the crowd and joined the seven figures.

"We are the Curse." They turned their backs and a symbol was seen of two pairs of red circles placed between each other like handcuffs or those rings magicians use.

"We are after the one with the Watch. Come out and surrender yourself safely or every five minutes, we will shoot someone from the crowd." Day spoke and most of the crowd was confused by this except four people which were Ryan, Jane, Neo and Jason.

They all looked at each other from across the crowd

'Should I really give them what they want?" Ryan thought about the situation as he looked at the watch, still covered by his sleeve. He could not be easily spotted because he was in the middle row of the crowd.

A few minutes passed and Day got bored as he showed this by yawning.

"Alright. If no one's coming out..." Day signalled one of the figures and they fired out their gun and an electric blast was seen being created until it was shot out.

The electric blast was aimed at a young teenage girl and she looked to be scared, I mean why wouldn't she be.

The electric blast was coming at her with speed and all she could do was close her eyes and prepare to be shot.

But suddenly, a large platform of ice covered her and the crowd close to them, shielding them from the attack.

Then, a figure jumped out from where the ice was created from. He had half red hair and half white hair with a red scar. It was Ryan in his Todoroki transformation.

"I'm here." Ryan said.