Ryan thought about the situation and decided. He wasn't going to let them have this Watch no matter what, not when it was his only lead on his parents.
Ryan silently whispered, "Manga Watch, bring up anime character lists." Suddenly, the holo screen came up again except it was smaller now as it had listed the anime characters he had access to based on the anime they came from.
Ryan didn't have much time to decide so he just picked someone he had chosen before.
[Mission Detected: Save the crowd and stop the Curse soldiers]
[Reward: ???]
[Todoroki Shoto Selected]
[Skills: Ice Path, FireBall]
As soon as Ryan changed forms, he immediately chose Ice Path. Ice Path allowed him to manifest ice from his right leg and that was how he created the ice platform and saved the girl from being shot.
Ryan now stood in front of the Curse soldiers and honestly, he wasn't sure he could win.
They began to fire at him but Ryan created another ice barrier. The barrier seemed to be able to block their attacks. Now Ryan was going to attack.
[Fireball selected]
From Ryan's left arm, a ball of fire was created. It was scorching hot, constantly bringing out smaller flames from it. Ryan released it and immediately, all the Curse soldiers ducked down.
"I'll take care of this." Day took out the power source of his gun which was a blue cube object. He then dipped into his pocket and brought out a similiar object except it was red and was pulsing with energy.
The first cube object he removed from the gun was called a Lightning Bullet and as the name implies, he used it to shoot out lightning bolts. The red one though, was a Flame Bullet and he chose it among the others he had because of the ice power Ryan had been using. It was much more powerful than the Lightning one.
Day clicked the trigger and a scorching blast of fire was released from the gun's mouth and once it reached the ice barrier, it easily burned through it creating a mist and blasted Ryan back.
[Severe damage has been taken]
[Not enough power to regenerate]
[Ending Transformation]
Ryan was surrounded in mist so no one saw him while he was detransformed.
* * *
Meanwhile, Jane and Jason had moved from their seats during the fight.
They ran to one of the sealed off entrances. They looked at the metal around it and saw it had a complicated digital lock and this was perfect for them due to their set of skills.
Jason placed a round metal object on the lock and brought out two computers from his zipbag which was specially modified to hold bigger things than it should have been capable of.
The round object was connected to the computers and they got to typing, trying to hack into the system. They did this as Ryan began his fight so everyone especially their enemies would be distracted.
* * *
The Curse soldiers aimed their weapons at where Ryan had landed and started shooting.
[Minato Namikaze Selected]
[Flash Speed Activated]
Ryan transformed again and dashed away, barely avoiding the lightning bolts just in time. Ryan ran towards Day but he started shooting out fire blasts from the gun, making it hard for Ryan to get close.
Ryan normally would have been going much faster but it seemed that his movements were a bit slower.
[Rasengan Activated]
A blue ball of energy with a white core appeared in his hand and when he got close enough, he hit Day right in the chest, causing him to be pushed back and hit the ground.
When Day got up, he chuckled slightly. Upon closer look, Day had a few cuts on the black clothing he was wearing but nothing too serious. He also seemed to have sustained minor injury.
"What kind of attack was that? With something that powerful, you should have done a lot more damage." Day mocked him as he picked up his gun and shot him with fire, causing him to be blasted back.
[ Insufficient Power.]
"No, not now. Give me Finral Roulacase." Ryan pleaded between coughs, his body began to lose more energy than it already had.
[Using Host's Energy as power sources]
[Request Granted]
Day ran towards where Ryan was as the smoke began to clear and he blasted out the fire.
But just before that...
[Finral Roulacase Selected]
[Skills: Spatial Portal]
[Spatial Portal selected]
Ryan opened a green portal beneath his feet and slowly disappeared.
When the smoke completely cleared, Ryan was nowhere to be seen.
"Damnit!" Day slammed his fist on the ground in fury.
"What should we do, sir?" One of the Curse soldiers asked him.
Day regained his composure, "Just.. keep your guns up. If he's a good guy, he'll return or we'll kill the crowd."
Day looked around through the corner of his eye, and then noticed two people by one of the entrances they had sealed off.
"Hey, what are you two doing there? Sit back down unless you wanna get killed." Jane's hands began to shake from Day's statement as fear entered her body.
Jason stood up and pulled out the metal boomerangs from his zipbag along with Juke who now stood on his shoulder, "Jane, work on opening the entrances, I'll hold them off." He said.
"You're not gonna be the only one." Neo also appeared as they stood in front of the Curse soldiers.
~ ~ ~ ~
Ryan had teleported outside the stadium and before he completely went through the portal to the other side, he had quickly detransformed and now looked like his regular self, except with a few injuries and he was still in a daze.
If Ryan was hurt in his transformed state, when he changed back he would have minor injuries.
[Insufficient Power]
[The Manga Watch has to be charged with the flash drive every four days. If not, it will be dysfunctional]
The Watxh said in his head.
Ryan didn't even notice that there were multiple cars outside of the stadium.
"It must be the Kinetik." The Kinetik were a group of people employed by the government who specialized in the use of advanced mechs and sophisticated technology. Like some kind of tech police.
Ryan then felt his shoulders picked up by someone and he now stood on the ground.
"Are you alright?" He heard a soft voice. When he looked up, he saw a beautiful slender woman wearing red lipstick with dark purple hair. She also wore a light blue pantsuit with some kind of metallic box attached to the edge of her waist by some sort of belt.
"My name is Liz. How did you get out here?" Before Ryan could answer her question, he fell unconscious.