Powers awakened

Meanwhile, Jason and Neo were surrounded by the Curse soldiers.

"Haa." Neo threw one of the Metallic Boomerangs at just the right angle, knocking a gun off one of their hands.

Jason threw too more and the same result happened and the boomerangs immediately returned to them afterwards.

"What's wrong with you three?" Day asked, sounding a bit dark and giving the three of them a death stare.

"Sorry sir, we underestimated them because.."

"They're kids? It doesn't matter, they planned this funeral for themselves so just put them out of their misery." Day replied darkly.

"Right, sir." They answered as they charged up by pulling the triggers slowly.

"Oh, no."

"Kids, get out of there."

"Don't be a hero."

The crowd warned them but they themselves were all afraid and could not move from their seats.

"Neo, don't do it." Kyle tried to move but a Curse soldier pointed their gun towards him and his team.

The guns let out a crackling sound and the lightning bolts were released from them, two towards Neo and Jason.


~ ~ ~

Ryan woke up and found himself seated on a small chair in an enclosed space. When he looked at the other two front chairs, he saw a steering wheel at the front.

"I'm in a car?" Ryan noticed and then his eyes quickly widened up as he remembered what happened. He checked his right wrist and was glad to see that the Manga Watch was on it and so was the Flash drive. The Flashdrive's body other than it's mouth was glowing green in lines that were sharp at the middle, kinda like the race tracks in games that made you go faster when you rode on them.

He brought up the holo screen of the Manga Watch again.

[Energy: 40/100]

[Charging still in progress]

Ryan had been asleep for about twenty minutes and barely felt any better. The Watch tapping into his own energy took a lot out of him and he definitely didn't want to try it again any time soon, otherwise he was sure he might die or his heart would stop.

Liz and the group known as the Gyro were outside. She was actually the leader of this squadron.

They were dressed differently from her. There were wearing a strange blue metal armor made from a rare metal known as Yunec. Underneath, there wore a black full-body and white boots.

Two of these Gyro men were holding a large white cannon which was giving off a strange blue glow.

The cannon was filled with a few fire bullets in it and they were trying to blast through the metal barrier around the Baseball stadium or whatever it was called. They were currently having zero luck with it and had been going at it before Ryan had teleported out.

"Stop. It's obvious nothing's working. Let's use pure Nurret." Nurret was a special kind of occuring liquid or metal which was added to Mech Equipment to make them much more potent and stronger.

That and Yunec were what seperated a random person's mech equipment from their own.

After Liz's command, they took out the fire bullets and put in some bright blue bullets, the color of Nurret until it was filled.

The two men manning the cannon then fired out a large blue beam of energy.

"It's working." Liz said but what she realized was it was melting through the barrier but at a slower rate and there was also an extra layer of it.

'This is gonna take a while. Now, about the teenage boy." Liz walked over to where she had left Ryan, one of the Gyro's cars but saw no one there.

'Must have run off? And I wanted to ask him some questions about the watch he was wearing too.' Liz thought as she walked away.

~ ~ ~ ~

Just before the bolts of lightning had been shot at them, something weird happened to the both of them.

[Powers awakened]

[Host: Jason Lumont]

[Ability: Voltia Luck]

[Energy: 100/100]

[Level: 1]

[Skills available: Thunder Barrier, Surge Palms]

"What?" Jason saw some kind of holo screen in front of him that nobody could see. While for Neo....

[Powers awakened]

[Host: Neo Kuza]

[Ability: Nara Shikamaru]

[Energy: 100/100]

[Level: 1]

[Skills available: Shadow Wall, Abyssal Bolts]


They were both shocked but had seen this from the Manga Watch which meant it was real.

[Shadow Wall activated]

[-10 Energy]

[Thunder Barrier activated]

[-10 Energy]

At the exact moment the lightning bolts were shot out, Neo and Jason quickly used these two skills by just thinking about them.

For Neo, a flat wall made of pure shadow which seemed to be constantly vibrating was created and blocked the attack and instantly disappeared. But for Jason, lines of white electricity had surrounded him like a ball and has blocked the attacks and it too disappeared.

After they got a clear view of them, they saw that they weren't hurt.

"How is that possible?" Jane, the crowd and the Curse soldiers thought.

"Done." The metal barrier folded from the top downwards until it was completely gone.

"What?!" Day shouted, wondering who had done so and then remembered the short blue-haired girl which was Jane.


The Gyro soldiers busted in through the walls and the crowd cheered in relief.

"Fire!" Liz and the Gyro squadron pulled out their gun and began to blast them with fire bullers but they countered with their lightning bolts.

"Damnit! We couldn't even find out who had the Watch. The boss isn't gonna be happy about this." Day said as he pulled out an orange gauntlet that covered his whole arm. Inside the gauntlet was a blue circle where green energy could be seen floating within it.

"Let's go. We'll try later." Day blasted out a green energy ball from the gauntlet to beneath them and a blue portal they could travel through was formed and they quickly jumped in before the Gyro could attempt to stop them.