The effects of the Manga Watch

"Damnit! Why did I do that?" Ryan was currently seated in one of the large couches in Jason's house. The security would have been set off but Jason had added Ryan and all his friends to the Mansion's security system.

As Liz walked towards the car Ryan was in, he had panicked so he..

[Finral Roulacase selected]

[Transformation Successful]

[Spatial Portal activated]

Yeah, and he landed on the couch. Ryan's Watch was now low on energy than it was before.

Energy was something that would be used when Ryan would use the Manga Watch for a particular purpose such as transforming.

Transforming took 5 energy points and 10 for activating skills.

Ryan still felt tired so he just decided to rest for a bit.

~ ~ ~

Jason, Jane and Neo had left like with the rest of the crowd. They were mostly quiet as they walked out, confused by the events that had occured.

Unlike the crowd and the Curse soldiers, Jane had seen when they had used strange powers to block the attacks.

"We have to meet Ryan. He gave us these powers and I'm sure he would have told us if he knew. But let's leave that for tomorrow." Jason said as they walked to their houses.

"Yeah." Neo and Jane answered and with that, they went to their seperate homes.

Jason arrived at the mansion to find someone sleeping on the couch.

Jason got a closer look.

"Ryan? What are you doing her?" Jason asked, incredibly surprised at his presence.

After not getting a reply, Jason looked at his face and saw his eyes were closing.

"Oh, he's asleep." Jason realized. He carried Ryan into one of the spare guest rooms and informed Ryan's parents that he would be sleeping over which they happily agreed to.

Everyone was on high alert after the Baseball incident and the ones with advanced mechs known as the Curse. It's all anyone could talk about in Kafince and some people started making rumours about them.

"I bet they're the organization that was supposed to be the Gyro but they defected."

"Maybe their aliens from another planet."

"Nahh, they are definitely counterparts of the Gyro from an alternate dimension."

The internet was going wild with multiple theories and Jason was constantly being informed on his phone.

Three hours later...

"Ow, my head." Ryan finally woke up and found himself on this large bed, almost larger than his room. It was simply decorated, pink tiles and blue walls with bird patterns.

Ryan's head began to ache as he remembered all that had happened.

"And I just bailed on them," Ryan felt guilty for putting his friends in such a situation, "Wait a minute. This bed is way too large to be mine. This is Jason's house?" Ryan thought as he remembered using Spatial Portal to get to the house but not moving to this bed.

After hearing some footsteps, Ryan turned around to the large door at the end of the room and saw a teenager with silver hair walk into the room.

"Oh, you're finally awake. Come on, the others are waiting for us." Jason said as he grabbed Ryan off the bed.

Ryan then remembered something and then rolled his sleeve down, revealing the Manga Watch. He requested to see the holo screen and then it came up.

[Host: Ryan Carsonn]

[Level: 1]

[Energy: 100/100]

[Mission failed. No rewards shall be given]

'Well that's no surprise.' Ryan took the holo screen down and then noticed Jason had been displaying a strange face when it was brought up.

As they walked towards the living room, Jason finally talked.

"Well you see." Jason pointed at Neo who was sitting next to Jane on one of the black couch.

[Shadow Wall Activated]

A wall of shadows appeared behind Neo.

Ryan had to rub his eyes as he could not believe what he had seen his best friend do.

"That's not all."

[Surge Palms Activated]

A crackling sound was heard coming from Jason and when they turned around, they saw his hands covered in blue lightning that would zap out of his hand every once in a while.

Ryan again couldn't believe it. He then turned to Jane, expecting to see something.

"What? Oh just because I can't summon shadows or manifest lightning, I can't be here?" Jane asked with a slightly annoyed face.

"Oh, sumimasen. I didn't mean it like that. I was just expec..." Ryan was interrupted as he heard Jane laughing a bit.

"I'm just joking." Jane said and the Manga Watch host felt relieved.

Jason and Neo then deactivated the skills.

[-10 energy]

[-10 energy]

"How is this even possible?"

Jason, Neo and Jane began to explain to Ryan what had occured while he was away. About the Gyro, their powers and the Curse Soldiers escaped.

"So, can you bring up some sort of holo screen?" Ryan asked, a bit curious to know what else the Manga Watch had done to them.

"We've never tried." Neo replied and then walked up to Ryan and so did the others.

With a smile, Neo then said, "But it's worth trying."

Neo focused hard on what he wanted, the veins on his head slightly bulging due to his concentration until..

[Host: Neo Kuza]

[Ability: Nara Shikamaru]

[Energy: 100/100]

A Holo screen appeared in front of Neo's face that was visible to everyone. It had a dark red color.

"My turn."

[Host: Jason Lumont]

[Ability: Voltia Luck]

[Energy: 100/100]

The same thing happened except Jason seemed to have done it without any stress.

Neo looked like he was about to say something but just turned around, hiding his face of disappointment in himself.

Ryan was amazed at the information the holo-screens had projected. It was exactly like his except his didn't show any information known as Ability.

'Hey, wait a minute. Could it be that.." Ryan had come up with a theory. After reasoning for a while, he drew the Manga Watch nearer to his mouth and said.

"Hey Manga Watch, give me Shikamaru Nara." Ryan asked and the Manga Watch replied.

[Impossible Request]

[Character is missing]

"I was right. In order to bring you three back to life, it had to use a character to do it." Ryan said out loud and the three of them were shocked by this.

But then Jane added, "But I've been affected by the Manga Watch and I didn't recieve any special power."

"Maybe it varies between people. Maybe some people get theirs a bit later or it could be because of a particular situation." Jason replied to her and in return, she showed a strange face that wasn't hard to read.

When she noticed that they were staring at her, her expression changed.

"Oh no, it's nothing guys." She assured them and they left the matter.

"Well we know one thing, the Curse is definitely after the Manga Watch and possibly us which means.."

"We need to get better at using these abilities while staying hidden." Ryan finished Neo's sentence.