As Cypher and the squad leapt from building to building trying to get back home, someone got in their way. She was a black-haired girl probably at the age of 16 with fierce brown eyes. She wore some sort of grey metal armor partly on her arm and the left part of her body. Her hair which was in a single braid flown in the wind.
"You're not going any where." She said immediately as she kicked Cypher back with the armored part of her body. Cypher ended up pushing back the others behind him. They were kicked back quite a far distance away and smashed into a building that somehow pushed them back.
They landed on their feet and looked all over and saw forcefields surrounding all the nearby buildings in a 10 mile radius. At the top of the buildings were large machines and people wearing blue metal on their bodies, they were obviously the Gyro.
"Hold it, Cypher Squad!" Liz' voice resonated through the night because of the echoes and it was even louder because she had shouted.
"The four of you need to be taken in for questioning." Liz said, her hand reached into the metallic box on her waist which opened up and allowed her to bring out four black handcuffs.
"For what reason?" Shadow and Kurolinn asked. The four of them were running low on Energy which would only regenerate when they were out of transformation so they needed to get back to Jason's house fast.
"The four of you are uncertified Vigilantes! Another important point is that you're all teenagers way too young to be doing this. You're setting a bad example for kids everywhere." Liz said. "Also, your abilities are way too dangerous and powerful to be used by teenagers. Give it to us now. It'll be used for the greater good! That I can promise."
"Why does this all feel so familiar?" The four teens thought.
"We can't! We're the only ones capable of stopping people like the Curse." Cypher retorted.
"You seem to be the only ones capable of getting their attention. It probably has to do with the Powers you have." Liz replied back quickly. She walked towards them with two handcuffs each in both arms.
The Cypher Squad guarded themselves up, getting ready to fight if it would come down to that.
"Wait, Liz. Let them speak." A man seemingly jumped out from out of nowhere and now stood next to her.
His hair had been dyed blue and it seemed to sparkle and he had blue eyes that did the same. He wore an intricatelt designed blue suit as well and carried the same metallic box as Liz.
'He's the guy I saw on the building that day. He had
"I told you I got this, Konn." Liz told the man who stood next to her with a disapproving look. She obviously wasn't happy that he had intervened. Liz and Konn were both the leaders of this squadron and were equally in charge of it.
"Liz, you haven't given them a chance to explain themselves." Konn gestured towards them. He took a sharper glance at Cypher as if he recognized him which he did even through the different transformation.
"Is it really safe for us to reveal information to them. Even if its useful, they might try to take our powers." Voltage whispered.
"Yeah but if we say nothing, they'll take us into custody." Shadow whispered back to his friend.
"The choice is up to him, guys. Whatever Cypher says, we agree." Kurolinn told them and they all looked at him.
Cypher was thinking this whole situation through in his mind.
'If we give them information, it might also make them a target for the Curse or the Organization as well. Then more of them will be coming after us.'
'But if we don't, they'll take us in. And I don't think we'll be able to escape them.'
'I think the best choice to take would be to give them some information. Not very crucial information about the Watch and it's abilities. Maybe something like, 'I found it in a warehouse that exploded when my friends and I were bike riding.' No, that wouldn't work. What are the chances that advanced tech a kid found would only work for them.'
'No. It's too suspicious, our best choice right now would be to run away and try to stay low.' He finally came to a conclusion.
He was getting ready to switch to Finral when a figure came down from the sky and punched the ground, causing a shock wave that made them stagger for a bit before they got their footing back.
"It's her. The girl that attacked us!" Shadow pointed.
The Gyro seeing this girl had activated their weapons. The ones on ground floor placed Fire Bullets in their guns. The two leaders, Liz and Konn on the other hand placed their hands into their metallic boxes yet again. This time, Liz brought out a long, purple whip while Konn had his black daggers in hand.
"Don't fire! Keep an eye on the teenagers! We'll take care of this one!" Liz commanded the squadron
The two leaders quickly engaged the girl. Liz was the first to charge in, throwing her whip out diagonally. The girl used her armored arm to grab a hold of the whip and was about to yank Liz closer to her but the latter flicked a small switch on the whip and a surge of electrical energy flowed from the whip into the girl. The girl bit her lip, holding back the pain as she let go of the whip. The girl moved a few steps back but Konn was already behind her.
Konn had his daggers which had seemingly elongated and gotten sharper in the process. He swung it horizontally and it had cut off part of the armor on the girl's arm but also her real hand.
"Haha, big mistake." The girl said as ooze dripped from her arm which she was holding.
Cypher had been using his Power Sight this whole time and knew that she also had an Ability but hadn't used it yet. More so, her power was a dangerous one and it was being used.
[Non-Outlet: Talia Gunner]
[Ability: Annie Leonhart]
[Level: 3]
[Energy: 85/90]
[Skills Available: Transform]
[Basic Skills: Regen, Harden (only usable when transformed)]
[Transform Activated]
'She can turn into a freaking titan and the Female one at that!' Cypher thought.
"Everyone get back!" Cypher warned them. His Squad did without hesitation but Liz and Konn still stood in front of Talia.
Liz threw out her whip but then a large surge of golden energy left Talia's body and during this process, it had blocked off Liz' attack. The energy didn't disperse but had gone up several miles into the air. Seeing this, Liz and Konn decided to move away from her.
The energy came back down and hit Talia's body, transforming her body. She became as tall as a giant with her inside skin appearing on the outside. She was mostly naked but had no lower body genitals. Her eyes looked to have bags on them and she had breasts that weren't very detailed. Her hair color alosm remained the same but her hair was shorter now.
"What is that?" Liz, Konn and all of the members of the Gyro thought.
"She's the female titan!" Cypher, Shadow, Kurolinn and Voltage exclaimed in a mix of awe and fear.