"But what about your safety? You are also a proper heir to the throne just like your brother? "

Samuel asks astonished. He is once again very shocked from his three year old granddaughter's

courage and wisdom. But after shock he felt very proud. The same pride a grandfather feels but somewhat mix with pride of when you find a successful heir.

William understood the meaning of his own majesty instantly. He was very shocked. To tell you the truth today royal family was able to flourish till this point means his master has a trump card which is much more powerful than the throne of royal family. The reason why so many dare to covet and drool but did not dare to take direct action towards throne is because of this power. Even the current emperor did not know what is backing royal family although he has somewhat of an idea regarding his father's power after so many years. It's fine till the recent emperor is here but after him no one in the Royal family is capable of inheriting it ,not even the current emperor. And this is the thing which worries his master and all of them subordinates. It doesn't need to mention that if after master someone else inherited this then that person will definitely want to kill and destroy the entire royal family, this hegemonic existence doubting if his majesty the Royal regent emperor has told his family regarding this inheritance. Then, this biggest backing of the Royal family will change into its biggest enemy. But now it looks they not need to worry as his majesty already has his heir in his mind.

After shock, he looked at Arianna and feels relieved. He also thinks that with her highness' courage and wisdom which is just like her grandfather is the perfect heir him and all the subordinates will follow. it's just that princess also has to become shrewd and scheming to fight those old foxes there. And since his master has not said anything he also shouldn't say anything regarding the matter of heir, although he has already guessed it.