"Don't worry grandfather. We are not going to reveal my identity. " Arianna continues.

Now, Sam knows what his precious granddaughter is trying to do. Although, it's very risky and difficult for her to do something like this but they know deep down this is the best method.

Suddenly, there is a movement at window. They turn back just to see the famous " sword of empire " sneaking inside the study through window.

"Jack Maddox, how many time I have told you stop sneaking through window" William berated.

As Arianna's spiritual perception has been already developed since her past life she already knows that someone was outside since last ten minutes. But she still dares to voice out her plans boldly because she knows that if there is someone at such close proximity to grandfather's study then that person is grandfather's trusted subordinate.

But she never thought it would be the legendary sword of empire. She was shocked.

Jack take a deep look at Arianna and then stand before the Regent Emperor " Long live his majesty. " " The mission is done properly. His highness the Crown prince has safely reached. "

"Um" Sam nods as he sighs. " one more thing" Jack continues . Sam looks at him and didn't speak like he was waiting to let him continue. Sam was also astonished as Jack maddox never talk too much. Never talk too much can be interpreted as he doesn't have much interest in things other than his own work.

" I would like my two sons to follow little princess to protect and assist her. " Sam and Arianna gets astonished. But William widens his eyes, grit his teeth and call "bastard "in an almost inaudible voice. Don't say he doesn't know the way this bastard looked at little princess when he entered. He was definitely listening little princess' wits and courage. And the look in his eyes was definitely the one when you look at your potential daughter in law.

Daughter in law! How dare this bastard even think about it? But he knows that he can think about it.